CTET English MCQ Pedagogy

CTET English MCQ Pedagogy

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01 Iconic mode of learning is based on the system of using

  1. different types of graph
  2. a variety of activities
  3. symbols
  4. images and diagrams

Option 4 – images and diagrams

02 While reading for comprehension, we understand that some pairs are examples of homograph. Which one of the following is a homograph?

  1. mail [ post ]/male [ gender ]
  2. warm/tepid [ being neither too hot nor too cold ]
  3. lead [ metal ]/lead [ give direction ]
  4. lead [ give direction ]/dead [ mortal ]
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Option 3 – lead [ metal ]/lead [ give direction ]

03 A ‘sight word’ is a vocabulary item

  1. that helps in judging the effectiveness of the author’s style
  2. that needs proper visual understanding of the context
  3. that is to be learnt by heart
  4. that the reader recognizes and finds meaningful on sight without a complicated analysis

Option 3 – that is to be learnt by heart

04 Which one of the following methods is suggested for teaching grammar at primary level?

  1. Translation method
  2. Deductive method
  3. Textbook method
  4. Inductive method

Option 4 – Inductive method

05 Flower and Hayes regarded which one of the following skills as ‘problem-creating and solving skill’?

  1. Writing
  2. Listening
  3. Speaking
  4. Reading

Option 1 – Writing

06 Find out the function word from the following

  1. Seizing
  2. And
  3. Champion
  4. Handsome

Option 1 – Seizing

07 What do you mean by ‘review’?

  1. Assessment
  2. Guess
  3. Evaluation
  4. Critical evaluation

Option 4 – Critical evaluation

08 Content words are called

  1. empty words
  2. functors
  3. grammatical words
  4. lexical words

Option 4 – lexical words

09 ‘Cloze’ means

  1. assessing
  2. finishing
  3. missing part
  4. close

Option 3 – missing part

10 The last stage of writing is

  1. advanced writing
  2. controlled writing
  3. guided writing
  4. free writing

Option 1 – advanced writing

11 The procedure of alphabetic method is

  1. letters-words-phrases-paragraph
  2. letters-words-phrases-sentences
  3. words-phrases-sentences-paragraph
  4. letters-words-sentences-paragraph

Option 2 – letters-words-phrases-sentences

12 ” You ask, what has my government done for you? I can answer in two words a lot !”

  1. explanatory
  2. rhetorical
  3. stylized
  4. a prompt

Option 2 – rhetorical

13 According to the observation in the National Curriculum Framework (NCF) – 2005, English is a ……… language in India

  1. global
  2. second
  3. foreign
  4. first

Option 2 – second

15 Which one of the following helps in learning the second language without using the printed text?

  1. Situational approach
  2. Natural approach
  3. Language immersion
  4. Grammar-translation method

Option 2 – Natural approach

16 Home language is ……. in a natural way

  1. taught
  2. promoted
  3. acquired
  4. learnt

Option 3 – acquired

17 Which of the following is not true while teaching the learners in their mother tongue at primary level?

  1. It is helpful in the intellectual development of the child
  2. It helps children in learning in a natural environment
  3. It develops self-confidence in the child
  4. It makes learning easy

Option 1 – It is helpful in the intellectual development of the child

18 Communicative language teaching lays emphasis on

  1. writing
  2. grammatical competency
  3. language use
  4. form

Option 3 – language use

19 Ria, a teacher of class II, is presenting language items in her instructions and the learners are doing exactly as she is telling them to do. What is she practising?

  1. Communicative language method
  2. Total physical response
  3. Direct method
  4. Audio-lingual method

Option 2 – Total physical response

20 While teaching language to learners, a teacher should teach

  1. in an integrated manner
  2. by giving instructions
  3. through imitation
  4. in isolation

Option 1 – in an integrated manner

21 An intonation may not be a ……… tone

  1. loud
  2. sliding
  3. rising
  4. falling

Option 2 – sliding

22 Functional grammar stands for using/teaching grammar in/through

  1. parsing
  2. explanation of literary content
  3. context
  4. isolation

Option 3 – context

23 A teacher asks the learners to think of ideas quickly about the topic : ‘Save Water’ and also asks them to note down their ideas before writing the article on ‘Save Water’. She is focussing on

  1. drill
  2. brainstorming
  3. assessment
  4. checklist

Option 2 – brainstorming

24 Which of the following is not a form of literature? ( CTET English MCQ Pedagogy )

  1. Travelogue
  2. One-Act Play
  3. Dictionary
  4. Memoir

Option 3 – Dictionary

25 Assessment is

  1. both process and product-oriented
  2. judgemental
  3. product-oriented
  4. process-oriented

Option 1 – both process and product-oriented

26 Which of the following is not formative assessment?

  1. Oral testing
  2. Term-end assessment
  3. Anecdotal records
  4. Portfolios

Option 2 – Term-end assessment

27 A teacher asks the students to assess their classmates during a debate competition in the class. This method of assessment is

  1. group assessment
  2. individual assessment
  3. peer assessment
  4. self-assessment

Option 3 – peer assessment

28 Which of the following is not appropriate about language games? ( CTET English MCQ Pedagogy )

  1. Language games create a real world context in the classroom and enhance the usage of English
  2. Language games create a stress-free and natural environment where learners can learn English
  3. Language games create an environment even for the sky learners to participate
  4. Language games provide competitive environment to the learners to win the game by any means

Option 2 – Language games create a stress-free and natural environment where learners can learn English

29 Remedial teaching is for

  1. the teacher to teach better
  2. improving the image of the school
  3. the learner to learn better
  4. the learner to learn better and the teacher to improve his/her teaching

Option 4 – the learner to learn better and the teacher to improve his/her teaching

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