CTET English Pedagogy MCQ

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01 In the multilingual classroom learners can interact ……

  1. in the medium of instruction followed by the school
  2. in their own language and can be a mix of words from more than one language
  3. only in the language prescribed in the three-language formula
  4. In the language with which the teacher is familiar

Option 2 – in their own language and can be a mix of words from more than one language

02 Diagnostic tests are administered to ……..

  1. find out deficiencies of the students with a view to planning remedies
  2. assess the suitability of a candidate for a specific program
  3. test the language proficiency of students for providing them jobs
  4. judge the student’s capabilities

Option 1 – find out deficiencies of the students with a view to planning remedies

03 Structural approach gives more importance to ………

  1. speech and reading
  2. reading only
  3. speech only
  4. reading and writing

Option 4 – reading and writing

04 Which among the following does not come under meaning based activities?

  1. Interacting with the text
  2. Using previous knowledge
  3. Reading the text and then narrating the same to peers
  4. Reading out every word aloud and translating it

Option 4 – Reading out every word aloud and translating it

05 ……… comprehension is the skill of reading a piece of text closely or intensely for the purpose of extracting specific information from the text

  1. Inferential
  2. Global
  3. Local
  4. Transactional

Option 3 – Local

06 It is a type of writing in which the teacher provides the situation and helps the class to prepare it. The teacher continuously provides feedback, direction and expansion of ideas to the learners

  1. Controlled writing
  2. Guided writing
  3. Free writing
  4. Product writing

Option 2 – Guided writing

07 A teacher asked the students of class V to read the text thoroughly. Then she asked them to answer the questions with reference to the context (RTC). In this process, she is encouraging students for ……….

  1. skimming
  2. scanning
  3. intensive reading
  4. extensive reading

Option 3 – intensive reading

08 The term ‘ Comprehensible input ‘ is associated with …..

  1. Lev Vygotsky
  2. Stephen Krashen
  3. Noam Chomsky
  4. James Asher

Option 2 – Stephen Krashen

09 Which one of the following is not a sub-skill of reading?

  1. Connecting
  2. Predicting
  3. Synthesising
  4. Transcripting

Option 4 – Transcripting

10 Which one of the following is least important in enhancing speaking skill of children?

  1. Listening patiently to children’s talk
  2. Giving them an opportunity to express their feelings and ideas
  3. Asking closed ended questions
  4. Organising discussions on a given topic

Option 3 – Asking closed ended questions

11 At primary level literature is helpful in developing language of learners as

  1. it encourages the learners to complete the worksheets based on it
  2. it is an authentic material covering various genres
  3. it develops teacher’s interpretative, creative and critical abilities
  4. it is a good basis for the only expansion of vocabulary

Option 2 – it is an authentic material covering various genres

12 A teacher prepares a worksheet and removes every seventh word from the text. Then she asks the learners to read the text after that they were asked to complete the worksheet with missing word. The task given on the worksheet is a

  1. speaking task
  2. writing task
  3. cloze test
  4. open test

Option 3 – cloze test

13 ‘ Language is arbitrary ‘ means that

  1. something is determined by judgement and for a specific reason
  2. it is based on a valid reason and not on chance
  3. there is a strong relation between the words of a language and their meaning
  4. there is no inherent relation between the words of a language and their meaning

Option 4 – there is no inherent relation between the words of a language and their meaning

14 The teacher observed that Pravin could not write a paragraph on her own even after brainstorming the topic. However, she was able to write it under adult or peer guidance. This guidance is called ……

  1. Team teaching
  2. Counselling
  3. Scaffolding
  4. Socialisation

Option 3 – Scaffolding

15 The purpose of textual exercise is not to

  1. develop creativity among learners
  2. provide opportunity to express themselves
  3. memorise the answers to the questions
  4. give exposure to language learning

Option 3 – memorise the answers to the questions

16 Under which act did English get the status of the associate official language?

  1. National curriculum framework
  2. Official language act, Article-343
  3. Associate official language act, Article-343
  4. Three language formula

Option 2 – Official language act, Article-343

17 A teacher is appreciating a child for his ‘ overall language use ‘, though some of the words were misspelt by him. The teacher is using ……. approach in her class.

  1. Whole language
  2. Structural
  3. Communicative
  4. Constructivist

Option 1 – Whole language

18 Which approach lays a lot of emphasis on habit formation? ( CTET English Pedagogy MCQ )

  1. Eclectic approach
  2. Cognitive approach
  3. Communicative approach
  4. Behaviouristic approach

Option 4 – Behaviouristic approach

19 In the context of ‘ Theory of Multiple Intelligence ‘ which one of the following intelligences is related to language?

  1. Vocabulary Grammar Intelligence
  2. Visual-spatial Intelligence
  3. Fluency-Accuracy Intelligence
  4. Linguistic-verbal Intelligence

Option 4 – Linguistic-verbal Intelligence

20 Banishing mother tongue in the classroom is the characteristic feature of ….. method

  1. Natural
  2. Direct
  3. Bi-lingual
  4. Grammar translation

Option 2 – Direct

21 ……. deals with the level of meaning in language ( CTET English Pedagogy MCQ )

  1. Colloquial
  2. Syntax
  3. Semantics
  4. Collocation

Option 3 – Semantics

22 A Hindi speaking teacher gets posted in a primary school which is in the area of Punjab. Since he doesn’t know the local language of that area. He should

  1. use the child’s language as a resource and start teaching
  2. apply for the transfer to a Hindi speaking area
  3. motivate the community to learn Hindi, as it’s national/official language
  4. communication is English as it is difficult for him to understand their local dialect

Option 1 – use the child’s language as a resource and start teaching

23 While designing a working activity for a language class a teacher should most importantly focus on

  1. assigning an authentic piece of writing task
  2. choosing a topic from their surroundings
  3. giving clear instructions for the task
  4. providing all the necessary vocabulary required for the task

Option 2 – choosing a topic from their surroundings

24 Some children do not have exposure to English outside the classroom. So, the teacher’s proficiency in spoken English is essential because

  1. students can imitate, practice and drill the statements or sentences used by the teacher
  2. the teacher can give more time to grammar drills
  3. the teacher can edit the errors in student’s learning process
  4. the students may listen to and process the new language before they actually communicate in it

Option 4 – the students may listen to and process the new language before they actually communicate in it

25 Which of the following classroom practices helps a teacher to develop oral language among the students?

  1. Practicing the correct pronunciation of new or unfamiliar words
  2. Chorus reading of the text with the teacher
  3. Chorus recitation/individual recitation of the poem after memorising it
  4. Participating in role-plays on any one of their favourite scenes

Option 4 – Participating in role-plays on any one of their favourite scenes

26 In a constructivist classroom language learning would most importantly be based on

  1. carefully completing the language syllabus
  2. group discussion and peer interaction
  3. minute observation and record of each child’s handwriting development
  4. correction of spelling error and making sure that they are not repeated

Option 2 – group discussion and peer interaction

27 As a language teacher which one of the following is most important for you regarding teaching of gramar?

  1. Using grammar translation method
  2. Memorising grammar rules
  3. Avoiding grammar rules
  4. Using functional approach

Option 4 – Using functional approach

28 Which one of the following is a correct statement about a textbook? ( CTET English Pedagogy MCQ )

  1. The textbooks are the only source to read
  2. It is a planning of educational activities for the session
  3. A textbook is the final thing for the teacher
  4. It helps to achieve the objectives laid down in the curriculum

Option 4 – It helps to achieve the objectives laid down in the curriculum

29 The purpose of diagnostic test in language learning is to

  1. know the gaps in learners understanding
  2. give feedback to the parents in the PTMs
  3. fill the progress report of students
  4. plan and prepare question paper for summative assessment

Option 1 – know the gaps in learners understanding

30 The purpose of Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) in language is

  1. to assess the level of competencies achieved by the children
  2. to assess the student’s understanding of the textbook
  3. to assess their learning apps
  4. to give regular tests i.e weekly tests

Option 1 – to assess the level of competencies achieved by the children

We will add a few more CTET English Pedagogy MCQ soon. Visit our MCQ TUBE website regularly for more CTET pedagogy Questions & Answers content.

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