NEET Chapter Wise Mock Test

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NEET Chapter Wise Mock Test. We covered all the NEET Chapter Wise Mock Test in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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MCQ on Current Electricity for NEET Students

For what distance is ray optics a good approximation when the aperture is 6 mm wide and the wavelength is 500 nm?

(A) 20 m

(B) 45 m

(C) 63 m

(D) 72 m

Option d – 72 m

A monochromatic beam of light is absorbed by a collector of ground-state hydrogen atoms in such a way that six different wavelengths are observed. When hydrogen relaxes back to the ground state, the wavelength of the incident beam is

(A) 97 nm

(B) 91 nm

(C) 68 nm

(D) 85 nm

Option a – 97 nm

A uniform chain of length 250 cm is kept on a table such that a length of 80 cm hangs freely from the edge of the table. The total mass of the chain is 2 kg. What is the work done in pulling the entire chain on the table? (Take g = 10 m/s²)

(A) 2.56 J

(B) 3.6 J

(C) 8.94 J

(D) 12 J

Option a – 2.56 J

Amplitude modulation has

(A) one carrier with infinite frequencies.

(B) one carrier with two sideband frequencies.

(C) one carrier with high frequencies.

(D) one carrier.

Option b – one carrier with two sideband frequencies.

In an electric clock, the extremity of the hour hand moves one-sixteenth as fast as that of the minute hand. What is the length of the hour hand if the minute hand is 8 cm long?

(A) 4.6 cm

(B) 5.2 cm

(C) 6 cm

(D) 4 cm

Option c – 6 cm

A 120 m long train ‘A’ is moving in a direction with a speed of 20 m/s. A train ‘B’ moving at 30 m/s in the opposite direction and 130 m long crosses the first train in a time

(A) 38 s

(B) 36 s

(C) 6 s

(D) 5 s

Option d – 5 s

A rope is wound around a hollow cylinder of mass 3 kg and radius 40 cm. What is the angular acceleration of the cylinder if the rope is pulled with a force of 30 N?

(A) 25 m/s²

(B) 0.25 rad/s²

(C) 25 rad/s²

(D) 5 m/s²

Option c – 25 rad/s²

A vibrating tuning fork, tied to the end of a string 1.4 m long, is whirled around a circle. If it makes 2 rps, the ratio of the frequencies of the highest and lowest notes heard by an observer situated in the plane of the fork is (Velocity of sound is 340 m/s.)

(A) 1 : 2

(B) 1.11 : 1

(C) 3 : 2

(D) 1 : 1.11

Option b – 1.11 : 1

Water rises to a height of 10 cm in a capillary tube and mercury falls to a depth of 3.5 cm in the same capillary tube. The density of mercury is 13.6 g/cc and its angle of contact is 135º. The density of water is 1 g/cc and its angle of contact is 0°. Then the ratio of surface tensions of the two liquids is (cos 135º = 0.7)

(A) 1 : 14

(B) 5 : 34

(C) 1 : 5

(D) 5 : 27

Option b – 5 : 34

Two metal rods of the same length and same material conduct a given amount of heat in 8 seconds when they are joined end to end. But when they are joined in parallel, the time taken to conduct the same amount of heat under the same condition is

(A) 4 s

(B) 2 s

(C) 16 s

(D) 1s

Option b – 2 s

Two particles executing SHM have the same amplitude and move along a straight line. They cross each other while going in opposite directions, each time their displacement is half of their amplitude. The phase difference between them is

(A) 30°

(B) 45°

(C) 60°

(D) 120°

Option d – 120°

A parallel beam of monochromatic light is incident on a glass slab at an angle of 45°. The ratio of the width of the beam in glass to that in the air is (µg = 1.5)

(A) 0.8813

(B) 1.247

(C) 1.414

(D) 1.732

Option b – 1.247

During the dispersion of white light by a prism placed in the air, for a particular value of the angle of the prism,

(A) only angular spread takes place.

(B) only angular deviation takes place.

(C) both angular deviation and angular spread take place.

(D) either angular deviation for mean color or spread takes place.

Option c – both angular deviation and angular spread take place.

A compound microscope consists of an objective of focal length 2 cm and an eyepiece of focal length 5.0 cm separated by 12.2 cm. At what distance from the objective should an object be placed to focus it properly so that the final image be formed at the least distance of distinct vision 25 cm?

(A) -1.1 cm

(B) -2.1 cm

(C) -1.5 cm

(D) -2.7 cm

Option d – -2.7 cm

We covered all the NEET Chapter Wise Mock Test for Students above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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