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Diagnostic and Remedial Teaching CTET MCQ

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Diagnostic and Remedial Teaching CTET MCQ.

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01 To introduce the concept of fractions, a teacher can begin with

  1. writing fractions in the form of a/b, where b !=0
  2. identifying fractional parts of things around them
  3. identifying numerators and denominators of different fractions
  4. finding fractions on a number line

Option 2 – identifying fractional parts of things around them

02 To introduce the concept of area, a teacher can start with

  1. calculating area of figures with the help of counting unit square
  2. explaining of formulae for finding area of figures of different shapes
  3. comparing area of any figure with the help of different objects like palm, leaf, pencil, notebook, etc.
  4. calculating area of a rectangle by finding length and breadth of a rectangle and using the formula for area of a rectangle (i.e., length x breadth)

Option 3 – comparing area of any figure with the help of different objects like palm, leaf, pencil, notebook, etc.

03 The purpose of a diagnostic test in mathematics is

  1. to fill the progress report
  2. to plan the question paper for the end-term examination
  3. to know the gaps in children’s understanding
  4. to give feedback to the parents

Option 3 – to know the gaps in children’s understanding

04 When faced with word problems, Rajan usually asks “Should I add or substract?” “Should I multiply or divide?” Such questions suggest

  1. rajan lacks understanding of number operations
  2. rajan cannot add and multiply
  3. rajan seeks opportunities to disturb the class
  4. rajan has problems in comprehending language

Option 1 – rajan lacks understanding of number operations

05 Uma was not able to understand the concept of odd and even numbers. In order to improve her understanding, the teacher took some 20 pebbles of different colours and asked her to pair them up and sort out the numbers from 1 to 20 for which pebbles get paired up or do not get paired up. Uma

  1. is a visual learner
  2. is a kinesthetic learner
  3. is an auditory learner
  4. needs personal attention

Option 1 – is a visual learner

06 In a class, a teacher asked the students to define a quadrilateral in different ways – using sides, using angles, using diagonals etc. The teacher’s objective is to

  1. help the students to explore various definitions
  2. help the students to understand quadrilateral from different perspectives
  3. help the students to memorize all definitions by heart
  4. help the students to solve all problems of quadrilateral based on definitions

Option 2 – help the students to understand quadrilateral from different perspectives

07 A child of primary class is not able to differentiate between number, operation symbols, coins and clock hands. This indicates that the child has problem regarding

  1. auditory memory
  2. working memory
  3. visual processing
  4. language processing

Option 3 – visual processing

08 A teacher introduced multiplication in her class as repeated addition and then by grouping of same number of objects taken multiple times she introduced the ‘X’ symbol and further conducted a small activity of finding product using criss-cross lines or matchsticks. Here, the teacher is

  1. providing remedial strategies for low achievers in mathematics
  2. using multiple representatives to make the class interesting
  3. developing a lesson and taking students from concrete to abstract concept
  4. catering to learners with different learning styles

Option 3 – developing a lesson and taking students from concrete to abstract concept

09 A teacher asks shailja of class V about the perimeter of a figure. She also asked shailja to explain the solution in her words. Shailja was able to solve the problem correctly but was not able to explain it. This reflects that shailja is having

  1. poor confidence level and poor mathematical skills
  2. poor understanding of concept of perimeter but good verbal ability
  3. lower language proficiency and lower order mathematical proficiency
  4. lower language proficiency and higher order mathematical proficiency

Option 4 – lower language proficiency and higher order mathematical proficiency

10 Arjun, a student of class IV, is able to answer all questions related to number system orally but contains mistakes while writing the solutions of problems based on number system. The best remedial strategy to remove errors in his writing is

  1. to give him 10 practice tests
  2. to relate real life experiences with mathematical concepts
  3. to provide him a worksheet with partially solved problems to complete the missing gaps
  4. to teach more than one way of solving problems of number system

Option 3 – to provide him a worksheet with partially solved problems to complete the missing gaps

11 If a learner is having problem with numbers and claculations she/he may be having disability known as

  1. dysgraphia
  2. dyscalculia
  3. visual-spatial organisation disability
  4. dyslexia

Option 2 – dyscalculia

12 Which of the following can be used as learning resources for visually challenged in a mathematics classroom?

  1. taylor’s abacus, fraction kit, number chart
  2. number chart, computer, geo board
  3. taylor’s abacus, computer, geo board
  4. computer, number chart, geo board

Option 3 – taylor’s abacus, computer, geo board

13 In the context of ‘numbers’, primary class children i.e., the children in age group 8-9 years, are able to accomplish which one of the following sets?

  1. classification, reversibility, proportional reasoning
  2. seriation, reversibility, proportional reasoning
  3. seriation, classification, proportional reasoning
  4. seriation, classification, reversibility

Option 2 – seriation, reversibility, proportional reasoning

14 A teacher of class I asks a student to count the total number of objects in a collection of pens, erasers and sharpners. The student puts all the objects in a line and starts counting. He says that there are 2 pens, 5 erasers and 3 sharpners instead of 10 objects. In which principle/principles of counting do you think that the student is facing difficulty?

  1. abstraction and order irrelevance principles
  2. stable order and abstraction principles
  3. one-to-one correspondence principle
  4. abstraction principle

Option 1 – abstraction and order irrelevance principles

15 In the scope of educational diagnosis, use is made of

  1. interview
  2. observation
  3. diagnostic test
  4. all of the above

Option 4 – all of the above

16 The research concerned with school problems carried on by school personnel to improve school plan is

  1. fundamental research
  2. basic research
  3. action research
  4. none of the above

Option 3 – action research

17 Which is the main remedial teaching strategy?

  1. tutorial
  2. supervised
  3. both 1 and 2
  4. none of the above

Option 3 – both 1 and 2

18 A teacher asked the students to collect leaves and to identify symmetry patterns. This task reflects the teacher’s efforts to

  1. relate real life experience with mathematical concepts
  2. introduce an interdisciplinary approach
  3. enhance creativity amongst students
  4. improve mathematical communication

Option 1 – relate real life experience with mathematical concepts

19 Teaching tactics in mathematics are applied for making teaching more

  1. effective
  2. interesting
  3. clarified
  4. all of these

Option 4 – all of these

20 Review strategy in mathematics is related with

  1. the merits and demerits of content
  2. the improvement in content
  3. the utility of content
  4. all of the above

Option 4 – all of the above

21 Educational diagnosis is concerned with ( Diagnostic and Remedial Teaching CTET MCQ )

  1. obejectives of cognitive domain
  2. objectives of affective domain
  3. objectives of psychomotor domain
  4. all of the above

Option 4 – all of the above

22 Exciting examination system provides opportunities for

  1. remedial teaching
  2. enriched instructions
  3. mutual consolation
  4. none of the above

Option 4 – none of the above

23 Which of the following is not the objective of a diagnostic test in mathematics? ( Diagnostic and Remedial Teaching CTET MCQ )

  1. to find out the weakness or deficiency of a child in learning
  2. to fill progress report of children
  3. to give feedback to the parents
  4. none of the above

Option 4 – none of the above

24 Dyscalculia is related to ( Diagnostic and Remedial Teaching CTET MCQ )

  1. reading disability
  2. writing disability
  3. numerical disability
  4. reasoning disability

Option 3 – numerical disability

25 In an elementary class, a student commits mistake in multiplication of numbers in the ways as 4 x1 = 5, 5 x 1=6 etc. What type of remedial teaching programme should be planned?

  1. use visual presentation in shapes
  2. more and more practice
  3. estimation
  4. all of the above

Option 2 – more and more practice

26 While teaching the ‘concept of circle’, by mathematics teacher in the class which one of the following would be the best way to do it?

  1. by showing the pictures of circles and polygons
  2. by showing the pictures of circles
  3. by showing the pictures of circles of various sizes
  4. by showing the pictures of circles and cylinders

Option 3 – by showing the pictures of circles of various sizes

27 The role of intervening variable in teaching process of mathematics is

  1. diagnostic activities
  2. remedial activities
  3. evaluation related activities
  4. all of the above

Option 4 – all of the above

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