Directive Principles of State Policy UPSC

Directive Principles of State Policy UPSC. We covered all the Directive Principles of State Policy UPSC in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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MCQ on Directive Principles of State Policy for Students

The ideal of a ‘Welfare State’ in the Indian Constitution is enshrined in its

(a) Preamble

(b) Directive Principles of State Policy

(c) Fundamental Rights

(d) Seventh Schedule

The Directive Principles are in the nature of

(a) Judicial injunctions to the Government to enact certain laws.

(b) request to the Government to pay attention to certain subjects.

(c) injunctions to the Government to refrain from doing certain things.

(d) instruction to the Government to do certain things.

Option d – instruction to the Government to do certain things

The purpose of Directive Principles of State Policy is to

(a) lay down positive instructions that would guide state policy at all levels.

(b) implement Gandhiji’s idea of a decentralized state.

(c) check the use of arbitrary powers by the government.

(d) promote the welfare of the backward sections of society.

Option a – lay down positive instructions that would guide state policy at all levels

Which of the following is not the objective of the Directive Principle of State Policy?

(a) To establish a welfare state.

(b) To ensure socio-economic welfare.

(c) To promote International peace and security.

(d) To establish a religious state.

Option d – To establish a religious state

Which of the following can be amended by a special majority?

(a) DPSP

(b) Rules of procedure in Parliament

(c) Admission to the new state

(d) Use of the English language in Parliament

Option a – DPSP

Which principles among the following were added to the directive principles of state Policy by the 42nd Amendment to the Constitution?

(a) Equal pay for equal work for both men and women

(b) Participation of workers in the management of industries.

(c) Right to work, education, and public assistance.

(d) Securing living wages and human conditions of work for workers.

Option b – Participation of workers in the management of industries

Apart from the directives included in part IV, the directives contained in other parts of the Constitution include I. Article 335 II. Article 350A III. Article 351 IV. Article 352 Choose the correct codes given below.

(a) I and II

(b) I, II, and III

(c) II, III, and IV

(d) All of these

Option b – I, II, and III

The correct statements about the Directive Principles of State Policy are I. They are borrowed from the Irish Constitution. II. They are incorporated in Part V of the constitution. III. They seek to provide a social and economic base for democracy. IV. The state must compulsorily implement them. V. All of them are Gandhian in nature. Codes

(a) I, II, III, and V

(b) I, III, and V

(c) I, III, IV, and V

(d) I and III

Option d – I and III

Consider the following provisions under the Directive Principles of State Policy as enshrined in the Constitution of India. I. Securing for citizens of India a uniform civil code. II. Organizing village panchayats. III. Promoting cottage industries in rural areas. IV. Securing all the worker’s reasonable leisure and cultural opportunities. Which of the above are the Gandhian Principles that are reflected in the DPSP?

(a) I, II and IV

(b) II and III

(c) I, III and IV

(d) I, II, III and IV

Option b – II and III

The Constitution of India guarantees Freedom of Thought and Expression to all its citizens subject to I. Implementation of Directive Principles II. Fundamental Duties III. Right to Equality Select the correct answer using the codes given below

(a) I and II

(b) II and III

(c) Only I

(d) I, II, and III

Option c – Only I

Which one of the following Directive Principles was inserted by the Constitution (42nd Amendment) Act, 1976?

(a) The state shall minimize inequalities in income.

(b) Equal justice and free legal aid.

(c) Promotion of cooperative societies.

(d) Provision for early childhood care.

Option b – Equal justice and free legal aid

In the Constitution of India, the promotion of international peace and security is included in the

(a) Preamble to the Constitution

(b) Directive Principles of State Policy

(c) Fundamental Duties

(d) Ninth Schedule

Option b – Directive Principles of State Policy

Panchayati Raj System in India is laid down under

(a) Fundamental Rights

(b) Fundamental Duties

(c) Directive Principles of State Policy

(d) the Election Commission Act

Option c – Directive Principles of State Policy

A socialistic ideology is reflected in. the Directive Principle, which calls for

(a) securing equitable distribution of material resources of the country to prevent the concentration of wealth.

(b) promotion of cottage industries.

(c) free and compulsory education for children up to 14 years of age.

(d) All of the above.

Option a – securing equitable distribution of material resources of the country to prevent the concentration of wealth

Which principle among the following was added to the Directive Principle of State Policy by the 42nd Amendment to the Constitution?

(a) Equal pay for equal work for both men and women.

(b) Participation of workers in the management of industries.

(c) Right to work, education, and public assistance.

(d) Securing living wages and human conditions of work for workers.

Option b – Participation of workers in the management of industries

Which one of the following statements relating to the Directive Principle of State Policy is not correct?

(a) The provisions contained in Part IV of the Constitution of India shall not be enforceable by any Court.

(b) The Directive Principles of State Policy are fundamental in the governance of the country.

(c) It shall be the duty of the state to apply the Directive Principles in making laws.

(d) The Directive Principles are directed at making India an advanced capitalist country of the world.

Option d – The Directive Principles are directed at making India an advanced capitalist country of the world

Which part of the Indian Constitution refers to the responsibility refers to the responsibility of the state towards International Peace and Security?

(a) Fundamental Rights

(b) Fundamental Duties

(c) DPSP

(d) Preamble of the Constitutions

Option c – DPSP

The DPSP may be classified into which of the following parts for the sake of convenient study?

(a) Socialist

(b) Gandhian

(c) Liberal intellectualistic

(d) All of the above

Option d – All of the above

The ‘Instrument of Instructions’ contained in the Government of India Act, 1935 has been incorporated in the Constitution of India in the year 1950 as

(a) Fundamental Rights

(b) Directive Principles of State Policy

(c) the extent of Executive Power of the State

(d) Conduct of business of the Government of India

Option b – Directive Principles of State Policy

Which of the following is a Directive Principle of State Policy?

(a) State to secure a social order for the promotion and welfare of the people

(b) Equal justice and free legal aid

(c) Just and human conditions of work and maternity relief

(d) All of the above

Option d – All of the above

According to the Constitution of India, which of the following are fundamental for the governance of the country?

(a) Fundamental Rights

(b) Fundamental Duties

(c) Directive Principles of State Policy

(d) Fundamental Rights and Fundamental Duties

Option c – Directive Principles of State Policy

The Articles of the Constitution of India which deal with Directive Principles of State Policy are

(a) 26 to 41

(b) 30 to 45

(c) 36 to 51

(d) 40 to 55

Option c – 36 to 51

The purpose of the inclusion of the Directive Principle of State Policy in the Indian Constitution is to establish

(a) Political Democracy day

(b) Social Democracy

(c) Gandhian Democracy

(d) Social and Economic Democracy

Option d – Social and Economic Democracy

The enforcement of Directive Principles depends mostly on

(a) the Courts

(b) an effective opposition in Parliament

(c) resources available to the Government

(d) public cooperation

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Option c – resources available to the Government

Who described the Directive Principles of State Policy as a novel feature of the Constitution of India?

(a) DD Basu

(b) BR Ambedkar

(c) Pt Nehru

(d) Mahatma Gandhi

Option b – BR Ambedkar

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