Electric Charges and Fields NEET Questions

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Electric Charges and Fields NEET Questions for Students

The potential is constant in a certain space. The value of E in that region is

1. infinite

2. finite

3. zero

4. None of above

Option 3 – zero

A positive charge of 1 micro-coulomb is placed at the point defined by the vector r₁ = 3j. A negative charge of the same magnitude is placed at the point defined by r₂ = -3j. Calculate the potential at a point defined by the position vector r = 8i + 3j

1.261 volts

2. 160 volts

3. 60 volts


Option 1 – 261 volts

The work done in taking a unit positive charge from infinity to a point against the electric forces is called

1. Potential point

2. Potential gradient

3. Electric field

4. None of above

Option 1 – Potential point

64 small identical drops of water having some charge combine to form a big drop. The ratio of the capacity of a big drop to a small drop is

1. 1 : 2

2. 2 : 1

3. 4 : 1

4. 1 : 4

Option 3 – 4 : 1

A circular loop of radius R, carrying current I lies in x – y plane with its center at the origin. The total magnetic flux through x – y place is

1. directly proportional to R

2. inversely proportional to R

3. zero

4. None of above

Option 2 – inversely proportional to R

The work required to bring the dipole from infinity to the point under consideration in such a way that + q and -q is at all times on the same equipotential surfaces known as

1. potential energy

2. kinetic energy

3. dipole energy

4. static energy

Option 1 – potential energy

The electric field which is responsible for polarising a molecule of the dielectric be (polar or non-polar) is called the

1. molecular field

2. magnetic field

3. potential field

4. none of above

Option 1 – molecular field

A point charge Q is located at the origin the amount of work done in bringing a unit positive charge from infinity to the origin is

1. infinite

2. finite

3. zero

4. None of above

Option 1 – infinite

If a charge of 3C experiences a force of 3000N when it is moved in a uniform electric field, then the potential difference between two points separated by a distance of 1 cm will be

1. 1000V

2. 100V

3. 10V


Option 3 – 10V

If an electron has an initial velocity in a direction different from that of an electric field the path of an electron is.

1. a circle

2. a parabola

3. a sphere

4. an ellipse

Option 2 – a parabola

The magnitude of the electric field strength such that an electron placed in it experience an electrical force would equal to its weight is given by

1. e/mg

2. mg/e

3. mg x e

4. None

Option 2 – mg/e

Two point charges Q and – 3Q are placed at some distance apart. If the electric field at the location of Q is E, then at the locality of -3Q, it is.

1. E/3


3. E/2

4. -E/3

Option 4 – -E/3

A charge q is placed at the center of the joining two equal charges Q. The system of three charges will be in equilibrium if q is equal to

1.- Q/4

2. + Q/2

3. -4Q

4. – Q/2

Option 1 – – Q/4

If one penetrates a uniformly charged hollow sphere the electric field strength E.

1. is zero at all points

2. it increases

3. it decreases

4. remains the same at the surface

Option 1 – is zero at all points

Two identical spheres Q and -2Q experience a force F at a certain distance, if the bodies are kept in contact and then placed at the same initial distance. Find the force between them.

1. F¹ = -8F

2. F¹ = 4F

3. F¹ = 8F

4. F¹ = 2F

Option 1 – F¹ = -8F

An infinite number of charges of equal magnitude q but of opposite sign are placed along the x-axis at x-1, x=2, x=4, x=8……… and so on. The electric potential at the point x = 0 due to these charges will be.

1. 2q/3

2. q/3

3. q/2

4. q

Option 1 – 2q/3

The electric potential V at any point x,y,z in space is given by V = 4×2 volt. The electric field at the point in volt/meter is

1. 16 along the positive – x-axis.

2. 8 along the negative – x-axis

3. 8 along the positive – y-axis

4. 16 along the negative – y-axis

Option 2 – 8 along the negative – x-axis

Two charges q and q₂ are placed in a vacuum at a distance d and the force acting between them is F. If a medium of dielectric constant 4 is introduced around them, the force now will be.

1. F/4

2. F/2

3. F

4. F 0

Option 1 – F/4

Two equal negative charges -q are fixed at points (0, a), and (0, -a). A positive charge Q is released from rest at the point (2a,0) on the x-axis, and the charge Q will be

1. execute a simple Harmonic about the origin

2. move to infinity

3. execute oscillations but not simple Harmonic motion

4. None of above

Option 2 – move to infinity

A hollow metal sphere of radius 5cm is charged such that the potential on its surface is 10V. The potential at the center of the sphere is.

1. 10V

2. 5V

3. 0V

4. Same as at point 25 cm away from the surface

Option 1 – 10V

A small metal ball is suspended in a uniform electric field with the help of an insulated thread. If a high-energy x-ray beam falls.

1. the ball will not deflect at all

2. the ball will fly to infinite

3. the ball will be deflected opposite direction to the field

4. the ball will be deflected in the direction of field

Option 4 – the ball will be deflected in the direction of field

Fire rubber balls numbered 1 to 5 are suspended using separate threads. pairs (1,2) (24), (4,1) show electrostatic attraction, while pairs (2,3), (4,5) show repulsion. This implies that ball ‘1’ must be.

1. Positively charged

2. Neutral

3. Negatively charged

4. None of above

Option 2 – Neutral

Two charges in the air experience a coulomb force of 20N. If the space between them is filled with a medium of dielectric constant K = 5. What will be a new force?

1. 8N

2. 6N

3. 5N

4. 2N

Option 3 – 5N

We covered all the electric charges and fields neet questions above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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