Elementary Number Theory MCQ

Elementary Number Theory MCQ. We covered all the MCQs on number theory with answers in this post so that you can practice well for the exam for free.

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Practice Bits of Elementary Number Theory for Students

The G.C.D. of (2x3x3), (2×2×2×2× 3), is :


2. 2x2x2x2



Option 1 – 2×2×3

The G.C.D. of (2 x 2 x 2 x 3), (2 x 3 x 5), (2 × 3 × 7), is :

1. (2 × 3)

2. (2x2x2x3)

3. (2×3×5)

4. (2×3×7)

Option 1 – (2 × 3)

The largest number which divides the numbers 400 and 852 and leaves the remainders 4 and 5 respectively are :

1. 11

2. 15



Option 1 – 11

The number which when divided by 4 gives the quotient 5 and remainder 2, is





Option 3 – 22

If the G.C.D of two numbers is 18 and the first 4 quotients obtained in the division are 2,1,2,2 then the numbers are:

1. 126,342

2. 125,345

3. 120,342

4. 122,344

Option 1 – 126,342

If the G.C.D of two numbers is 7 and the first 3 quotients are 1,2,3 then the sum of the two numbers, is:

1. 120

2. 119

3. 118

4. 121

Option 2 – 119

If X= pxpxpxqxq and Y = pxpxqxr, where p, q and r are distinct primes, then the LCM of X, Y is

1. pxpxqxpxqxr

2. pxpxq

3. pxpxpxqxq

4. pxpxqxr

Option 1 – pxpxqxpxqxr

The least natural number which when divided by 10 leaves the remainder 5 and when divided by 20 leaves the remainder 15 and when divided by 30 leaves the remainder 25, is :





Option 2 – 55

The least natural number which when divide by 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 leaves the remainder 1, is :

1. 61


3. 121


Option 3 – 121

The least natural number which leaves no remainder when divided by 1, 2, 3, ….. 10, is



3. 2520

4. 2025

Option 3 – 2520

The least natural number which when divided by 18, 24 and 30 leaves the remainder 14, 20, 26 respectively, is

1. 354




Option 4 – 356

The G.C.D. and L.C.M. of two numbers are 12 and 72. If one of them is 36, then the second number, is

1. 18




Option 2 – 24

If the product of two numbers is 6912 and their LCM is 288, then their G.C.D. is :





Option 3 – 24

If the L.C.M. of 324 and 360 is 3,240 then their G.C.D. is :

1. 180




Option 3 – 36

Which of the following pairs of numbers do not have their product as LCM?

1. Any two prime numbers

2. Any two relatively prime numbers

3. 1 and any natural numbers

4. Any two natural numbers

Option 4 – Any two natural numbers

The property which is not obeyed by the relation is a factor of is :

1. reflexive

2. symmetric

3. transitive

4. antisymmetric

Option 2 – symmetric

Unique factorisation theorem is also called as :

1. Fundamental theorem in Arithmetic

2. Fundamental theorem in Algebra

3. Fundamental theorem in Geometry

4. Fundamental theorem in Calculus

Option 1 – Fundamental theorem in Arithmetic

If X = 2xpx5xq=rx3xsx7, where p, q, r, s are distinct primes, then p+q+r+s= …..

1. 15




Option 2 – 17

Which of the following is a false statement ?

1. Any two-prime numbers are always relatively prime to each other

2. Two relatively prime numbers need not be prime numbers

3. The G.C.D of two relatively prime numbers is 1 and their LCM is the product of those numbers

4. If a/bc, then a/b and a/c for any three natural numbers a,b,c

Option 4 – If a/bc, then a/b and a/c for any three natural numbers a,b,c

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