Evaluation MCQ CTET

Evaluation MCQ CTET.

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01 According to Van Hiele levels of geometry, a student who can sort out rectangles from an assorted collection of shapes are at

  1. level 2: informal deduction
  2. level 3: formal deduction
  3. level 0: visualisation
  4. level 1: analysis

Option 3 – level 0

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02 Vikas teaches mathematics to a class of 56 students. He believes that conducting a test is effective if the feedback is given immediately. He conducted a short class test of 10 marks. What is the best possible way of giving the feedback effectively?

  1. he can have a whole class discussion on ways in which they have got their solutions and which is the effective strategy to arrive at the correct answer
  2. pick out any copy at random and discuss the method followed in the copy on the board
  3. he can let the students check each other’s answer
  4. he can explain the solution of each problem on the board and ask the students to check their answer on their own

Option 4 – he can explain the solution of each problem on the board and ask the students to check their answer on their own

03 To assess the student’s competency on solving of word problems based on addition and substraction, rubrics of assessment are

  1. comprehension of problem, identification of operation to be performed, representation of problem mathematically, solution of problem and presentation of problem
  2. understanding of problem and writing of correct solution
  3. identification of problem, performing correct operation
  4. incorrect, partially correct, completely correct

Option 1 – comprehension of problem, identification of operation to be performed, representation of problem mathematically, solution of problem and presentation of problem

04 Shailja can express a number in different way, e.g. 4 = 2 + 2 or 4 = 1 + 3 etc. In which developmental phase of numbers is she?

  1. quantifying phase
  2. partitioning phase
  3. factoring phase
  4. operating phase

Option 2 – partitioning phase

05 Rubrics of assessment for the geometry lesson on points and lines in class IV shall be

  1. can differentiate between line and line segment, can mark a point, can draw a line segment of given length accurately
  2. can measure the line in cm and inch accurately, can name the line
  3. can measure the line segment in cm and inch accurately and can mark end points of line segment
  4. can differentiate between line, ray and line segment and can define them

Option 1 – can differentiate between line and line segment, can mark a point, can draw a line segment of given length accurately

06 Piaget believed that learning results from social instruction and a Mathematics teacher believing in Piaget’s theory shall use

  1. lots of manipulatives and lab activities in the class
  2. group project and group discussion
  3. differentiated instruction
  4. chalk and talk method

Option 2 – group project and group discussion

07 Students are asked to establish a relation between vertically opposite angles. They draw various figures, measures the angles and observe that vertically opposite angles are equal. In this case, students according to Van Hiele thought are at

  1. visualisation level
  2. analytic level
  3. informal deduction level
  4. deduction level

Option 2 – analytic level

08 Most appropriate formative task to assess the students’ understanding of data analysis is ( Evaluation MCQ CTET )

  1. quiz
  2. role play
  3. crossword
  4. survey based project

Option 4 – survey based project

09 Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) based questions demand the ( Evaluation MCQ CTET )

  1. knowledge of facts, rules, formulae
  2. knowledge of algorithm
  3. knowledge of symbols and diagrams
  4. knowledge and some degree of cognitive

Option 1 – knowledge of facts, rules, formulae

10 A teacher prompts the students to prepare mathematical journal with the theme ” Application of mathematics in daily life “. This activity is

  1. to help students to connect mathematical concepts and its applications and to share their knowledge and ideas
  2. to test the students understanding of mathematical concepts
  3. to provide opportunity to students to share their ideas and knowledge
  4. to help students to sense of mathematics

Option 1 – to help students to connect mathematical concepts and its applications and to share their knowledge and ideas

11 ” Write the equivalent fraction of 1/3.” The above question asked to students of class IV refers to ( Evaluation MCQ CTET )

  1. higher-level demand task as it is based on procedure without connection
  2. lower-level demand task as it requires procedural skills only
  3. lower-level demand task as it is based on memorisaton only
  4. higher-level demand task as it is based on procedure with connection

Option 2 – lower-level demand task as it requires procedural skills only

12 Following is a problem from textbook of class III. ” Which mathematical operation will be used to solve the following problem? A milkman sold 1410 L of milk in 10 days. How many litres of milk did he sell in a day?” Which competence of Bloom’s cognitive domain is referred in the above question?

  1. synthesis
  2. knowledge
  3. comprehension
  4. analysis

Option 4 – analysis

13 Rashid is studying in class V. He can classify various types of triangles in different categories but has difficulty in understanding the abstract proof for the sum of three angles in a triangle to be always 180. According to Piaget cognitive theory, rashid is at

  1. pre-operational stage
  2. concrete operational stage
  3. formal operational stage
  4. sensori motor stage

Option 2 – concrete operational stage

14 Following is a problem from text book of class V ” There are 4 poles of measure 105 cm, 215 cm, 150 cm and 235 cm respectively. If they have to be cut into pieces of equal length, what is the maximum length of each piece?”

  1. give practice of word problems based on HCF and LCM
  2. test knowledge of factors and multiples
  3. check the skill of finding HCF
  4. enhance problem solving skills using learnt concepts

Option 4 – enhance problem solving skills using learnt concepts

15 The parameter (s) of assessment for ‘time’ for class IV shall be ( Evaluation MCQ CTET )

  1. reading time on analogous clock only
  2. reading time on digital and analogous clock, concept of half, quaterr pas, quarter to, am, pm, relation between minutes and seconds
  3. reading time on digital clock, concept of am and pm only
  4. reading time on digital clock only

Option 2 – reading time on digital and analogous clock, concept of half, quaterr pas, quarter to, am, pm, relation between minutes and seconds

16 From the unit of ‘fraction’, teacher asked the students to list any five fractions. This question refers to ( Evaluation MCQ CTET )

  1. higher level of thinking
  2. analytical thinking
  3. spatial thinking
  4. lower level of thinking

Option 4 – lower level of thinking

17 Children at primary stage are able to classify the given shapes based on their appeareance. According to Van Hiele levels to geometry, they are at

  1. viasualisation stage
  2. analytic stage
  3. informal deduction stage
  4. formal deduction stage

Option 1 – viasualisation stage

18 A child who is able to perform all number operations and is able to explain the concept of fraction is at ( Evaluation MCQ CTET )

  1. partition phase
  2. operational phase
  3. emergent phase
  4. quantifying phase

Option 2 – operational phase

19 Formative assessment in mathematics at primary stage includes ( Evaluation MCQ CTET )

  1. identification of learning gaps and deficiencies in teaching
  2. identiifcation of common errors
  3. testing of procedural knowledge and anaytical abilities
  4. grading and ranking of students

Option 1 – identification of learning gaps and deficiencies in teaching

20 From the unit of ‘Shapes’ the teacher asked the students to “make/draw any picture by using shapes”. The objective that can be achieved through this activity is

  1. application
  2. knowledge
  3. comprehension
  4. creating

Option 4 – creating

21 A debate was conducted in mathematics period of class V on “Zero is the most powerful number”. This activity encourages the child to

  1. analyse and communicate
  2. write numbers containing zero(s)
  3. solve probems containing numbers ending with zero(s)
  4. collaborate with friends

Option 1 – analyse and communicate

22 If a learner is able to perform the four basic operations on whole numbers, fractions and decimal numbers, the learner is at

  1. partitioning phase
  2. factoring phase
  3. operating phase
  4. quantifying phase

Option 3 – operating phase

23 According to ‘Van Hiele level of Geometry’ students who can describe and sort out shapes on the basis of appereance are at

  1. level 1-Analysis
  2. level 2-Informal deduction
  3. level 3-formal deduction
  4. level 0-visualisation

Option 4 – level 0

24 Which one of the following represents the correct sequence of development of geometrical understanding?

  1. visualisation, formal deduction, analysis, informal deduction
  2. visualisation, analysis, informal deduction, formal deduction
  3. formal deduction, informal deduction, visualisation, analysis
  4. visualisation, analysis, formal deduction, informal deduction

Option 4 – visualisation, analysis, formal deduction, informal deduction

25 Which of the following assessment strategies can be used to make connections of mathematics with real life and promote inter-disciplinarity?

  1. field trip, oral test, drill worksheet
  2. survey, project, checklist
  3. field trip, oral test, checklist
  4. field trip, survey, project

Option 4 – field trip, survey, project

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