MCQ on Fats and Oils in Organic Chemistry

MCQ on Fats and Oils in Organic Chemistry. We covered all the multiple choice questions on fats and oils in the Organic Chemistry pdf in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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MCQ on Fats and Oils for Students

Stearic acid is present in

1. Cotton-seed oil

2. Soya-been

3. Butter

4. Linseed

Option 3 – Butter

Oleic acid is present in

1. Cottonseed oil

2. Butter

3. Animal fat

4. All the above

Option 4 – All the above

Linoleinic acid is present in

1. Coconut-oil

2. Cottonseed oil

3. Butter, and animal fat

4. Linseed

Option 4 – Linseed

Which of the following is a saturated fatty acid?

1. Myristoleic acid

2. Lauric acid

3. Palmitoleic acid

4. Linoleic acid

Option 2 – Lauric acid

Acid present both in coconut oil and in butter

1. Lauric acid

2. Stearic acid

3. Oleic acid

4. Linoleinic acid

Option 1 – Lauric acid

Acid present both in butter and animal fat

1. Lauric acid

2. Oleic acid

3. Linoleinic acid

4. Stearic acid

Option 4 – Stearic acid

Acid present both in cotton-seed oil and soya been oil

1. Lanoleinic acid

2. Oleic acid

3. Lauric acid

4. Stearic acid

Option 2 – Oleic acid

Which of the following is used in medicines

1. Coconut oil

2. Soyabeen oil

3. Castor oil

4. Fish liver oil

Option 4 – Fish liver oil

At room temparature oil exists in

1. Gaseous state

2. Liquid state

3. Solid state

4. All the above

Option 2 – Liquid state

At room temparture fat exists in

1. Solid state

2. Liquid state

3. Liquid and solid equilibrium state

4. None of these

Option 1 – Solid state

Give an example for oil

1. Coconut oil

2. Ground nut oil

3. Cotton seed oil

4. All the above

Option 4 – All the above

Ghee is a fat becuase if exists at room temparture in

1. Liquid state

2. Gasious state

3. Solid state

4. None of these

Option 3 – Solid state

Oil and fats are the substances of

1. Same chemical composition

2. Different chemical composition

3. Both (1) and (2)

4. None of these

Option 1 – Same chemical composition

Unsaturated oils contain

1. One or more C=C double bonds

2. One or more C=C triple bonds

3. Both (1) and (2)

4. None of these

Option 1 – One or more C=C double bonds

The unsatured oils can be converted to saturated oils by

1. Halogination

2. Oxidation

3. Hydrogenation

4. Hydration

Option 3 – Hydrogenation

The saturated oils have

1. High melting points

2. Low melting points

3. Low Boiling points

4. All the above

Option 1 – High melting points

Give an example for saturated fat

1. Dalda

2. Margarine

3. Both (1) and (2)

4. None of these

Option 3 – Both (1) and (2)

Choose the correct statement

1. Hydrogenation improves preservation of oil

2. Hydrogenation improves taste of oil

3. Hydrogenation improves odour of oil

4. All the above

Option 4 – All the above

Oils and fats are

1. fatty acids

2. esters

3. glycerols

4. triesters of glycerol

Option 4 – triesters of glycerol

The chief sources of oils is

1. Petroleum

2. Coal and coke

3. Animals and plants

4. Soaps and detergents

Option 3 – Animals and plants

Which of the following is a saturated fatty acid?

1. Oleic acid

2. Stearic aicd

3. Linoleinic acid

4. All the above

Option 2 – Stearic aicd

Which of the following is un saturated fatty acid?

1. Lauric acid

2. Stearic acid

3. Oleic acid

4. None of these

Option 3 – Oleic acid

Lauric acid is present is

1. Coconut-oil

2. Animal fat

3. Linseed

4. Cotton seed oil

Option 1 – Coconut-oil

Sodium or potassium salt of fatty acids of long carbon chain are called?

1. Pesticides

2. Insecticides

3. Detergents

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4. Soaps

Option 4 – Soaps

Soaps can be directly obtained from oils and fats by hydrolysis in the presence of a

1. Acid

2. Base

3. Nickel

4. Zinc

Option 2 – Base

The process of hydrolysis of fats or oils in the presence of a base to obtain soap is called?

1. Hydrogenation

2. Decomposition

3. Fermentation

4. Saponification

Option 4 – Saponification

Soap is manufactured from :

1. coconut oil

2. palm oil

3. soya been oil

4. all the above

Option 4 – all the above

Shaving soap contains excess of

1. builders

2. perfume

3. glycerol

4. stearic acid

Option 4 – stearic acid

Transparent soap contains :

1. lauric acid

2. glycerol

3. glycol

4. triethanolamine

Option 2 – glycerol

Which of the following can be used as a builder in soap

1. Sodium Chloride

2. Sodium Hydroxide

3. Soda ash

4. Sodium Nitrate

Option 3 – Soda ash

Slow drying lathes soap contains excuss of :

1. Linoleinic acid

2. Stearic acid

3. Lauric acid

4. Oleic acid

Option 2 – Stearic acid

Good soap is that which gives the

1. Largest lather

2. Lowest lather

3. Both (1) and (2)

4. None of these

Option 1 – Largest lather

Detergents differ from soap in Their action with

1. Skin

2. Cloths

3. Hard water

4. None of these

Option 3 – Hard water

The catalyst used in hydrogenation of oils is?

1. Al

2. Zn

3. Ni

4. Mg

Option 3 – Ni

Cotton seed oil contains

1. Oleic acid ester

2. Stearic acid ester

3. Lauric acid ester

4. Linolinic acid ester

Option 1 – Oleic acid ester

Hydrogenation of cotton seed oil gives the ester of ?

1. Lauric acid

2. Stearic acid

3. Oleic acid

4. Linolieinic acid

Option 2 – Stearic acid

We covered all the MCQ on fats and oils in organic chemistry above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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