Food and Nutrition mcqs Online Test

Food and Nutrition mcqs Online Test. We covered all the Food and Nutrition mcqs Online Test in this post for free so that you can practice well and prepare for any competitive exam that covers these mcqs.

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Food and Nutrition mcqs Online Test

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When more than 20% of the body weight is due to fat the person is suffering from :

1. marasmus

2. kwashiorkor

3. scurvy

4. obesity

Option 4 – obesity

Recent studies have shown that obesity is ( Food and Nutrition mcqs Online )

1. not inheritable

2. contagious

3. inheritable

4. infective

Option 3 – inheritable

In the body excess fat is stored in :

1. Adipose tissue

2. Acrosome

3. Erythrocyte

4. bone morrow

Option 4 – bone morrow

Rickets is caused due to the deficiency of : ( Food and Nutrition mcqs Online )

1. carotene

2. calciferol

3. cyanocobalamine

4. thiamine

Option 2 – calciferol

Deficiency of thiamine causes :

1. glossitis

2. pellegra

3. scurvy

4. beri-beri

Option 4 – beri-beri

Niacin is called as vitamin :

1. B₁

2. B6

3. B12

4. B3

Option 4 – B3

Vitamin B, deficiency causes : ( Food and Nutrition mcqs Online )

1. beri-beri

2. scurvy

3. pellagra

4. sterility

Option 3 – pellagra

Glossitis is caused due to deficiency of vitamin :

1. B12

2. B₂

3. B6

4. B3

Option 2 – B₂

Pyridoxine is the chemical name of a vitamin : ( Food and Nutrition mcqs Online )

1. C

2. A

3. D

4. B6

Option 4 – B6

Folic acid is a :

1. carbohydrate

2. mineral

3. fat

4. vitamin

Option 4 – vitamin

Deficiency of pantothenic acid results in the burning of : ( Food and Nutrition mcqs Online )

1. stomach

2. hands

3. feet


Option 3 – feet

Biotin is a :

1. fat

2. excretory substance

3. vitamin

4. food substance

Option 3 – vitamin

Vitamin ‘C’ deficiency causes : ( Food and Nutrition mcqs Online )

1. xeropthalmia

2. rickets

3. scurvy

4. pellagra

Option 3 – scurvy

Macro nutrients are :

1. carbohydrates, iron

2. proteins, vitamins

3. fats, copper

4. carbohydrates, sodium

Option 4 – carbohydrates, sodium

Micro nutrients are : ( Food and Nutrition mcqs Online )

1. iron, fat

2. molybdenum, proteins

3. fats vitamins

4. iron, fluorine

Option 4 – iron, fluorine

Cellulose is a

1. mineral

2. protein

3. fat

4. carbohydrate

Option 4 – carbohydrate

The energy released by 1 gram of glucose is : ( Food and Nutrition mcqs Online )

  1. 4
  2. 5
  3. 6
  4. 3

Option 1 – 4

Amino acids are found in :

1. fats

2. proteins

3. oils

4. cholesterol

Option 2 – proteins

Which of the following are essential amino acids. ( Food and Nutrition mcqs Online )

1. alanine, glycine, lysine

2. leucine, threonine, glutamine

3. valine isoleucine, methionine

4. cholesterol

Option 3 – valine isoleucine, methionine

Find out the essential amino acids :

1. histidine, proline, tyrosine

2. valine, phenylalanine, serine

3. valine, leucine, serine

4. leucine, phenylalanine, tryptophan

Option 4 – leucine, phenylalanine, tryptophan

Find out the non-essential amino acids

1. aspartic acid, cystine, glutamine

2. hydroxy proline, tryptophan, serine

3. threonine, citrulline, tyrosine

4. histidine, proline, arginine

Option 1 – aspartic acid, cystine, glutamine

Biologically complete proteins are proteins from : ( Food and Nutrition mcqs Online )

1. potato, onion, carrot

2. apple, eggs, wheat

3. rice, meat, butter

4. meat, milk, eggs

Option 4 – meat, milk, eggs

Essential fatty acids are :

1. glutamic acid, linoleic acid

2. linolenic acid, aspartic acid

3. aspartic acid, glutamic acid

4. linolenic acid, linoleic acid

Option 4 – linolenic acid, linoleic acid

The kilo calories of energy released from one gram of fat is : ( Food and Nutrition mcqs Online )

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1. 5.49

2. 4.59

3. 9.45


Option 3 – 9.45

Find out the trace elements :

1. magnesium, manganese, sodium

2. molybdenum, selenium, potassium

3. calcium, zinc, copper

4. fluorine, selenium, zinc

Option 4 – fluorine, selenium, zinc

Deficiency of iron causes :

1. diabetes

2. rickets

3. anemia

4. scurvy

Option 3 – anemia

Goitre is due to deficiency of :

1. calcium

2. zinc

3. selenium

4. iodine

Option 4 – iodine

Bone deformities occur due to the excessive intake of :

1. phosphorus

2. potassium

3. fatty acid

4. fluorine

Option 4 – fluorine

Simple carbohydrate contain

1. One sugar molecule

2. Two sugar molecules

3. Three sugar molecules

4. Four sugar molecules

Option 1 – One sugar molecule

Cane sugar is

1. Glucose

2. Sucrose

3. Fructose

4. Lactose

Option 2 – Sucrose

Milk sugar is

1. Glucose


3. Sucrose

4. Lactose

Option 4 – Lactose

Animal starch is

1. Glycogen

2. Lactose

3. Sucrose

4. Glucose

Option 1 – Glycogen

Starch is abundent in

1. Rice

2. Wheat

3. Tubers

4. All

Option 4 – All

Which of the sequences is correct in the life cycle of malarial parasite in the erythrocyte cycle

1. cryptomerozoit – merozoit – gametocytes

2. Merozoit – schizoint – cryptomerozoit

3. schizoint – cryptomerozoit – gametocytes

4. Gametocytes – merozoits – schizoint

Option 1 – cryptomerozoit – merozoit – gametocytes

The sporozoits of the malarial parasite are formed from :

1. macrogametes

2. microgametes

3. zygote

4. salivary glands

Option 3 – zygote

Carrier organisms for yellow fever are

1. Rats

2. Mosquitoes

3. Human beings

4. Pigs

Option 2 – Mosquitoes

Reservoir of non-living substance

1. Human beings

2. Rats

3. Injection needle

4. Monkeys

Option 3 – Injection needle

Eye and skin infections are transferred by

1. Droplet infection

2. Direct contact

3. Airborne transmission

4. unhygienic habits

Option 2 – Direct contact

Mumps is generally observed in children in the age group of

1. 2-3 years

2. 3-5 years

3. 5-7 years

4. 5-15 years

Option 4 – 5-15 years

Jaundice symptoms are seen in the following conditions except in :

1. destruction of a large number of red blood cells in the liver

2. infected by hepatitis virus

3. excretion of bilirubin by the kidney

4. drugs taken that cause damage to liver cell

Option 4 – drugs taken that cause damage to liver cell

In which of the following diseases protection is offered by mosquito net :

1. mumps

2. encephalitis

3. whopping cough

4. measles

Option 2 – encephalitis

Inflammation of lymph vessels and lymph glands result in disease known as

1. malaria

2. filaria

3. encephalitis

4. hepatitis

Option 2 – filaria

Which of the sequences in life cycle of malarial parasite is correct :

1. sporozoit – cryptozoit – cryptomerozoit

2. sporozoit – cryptomerozoit – cryptozoit

3. cryptozoit – sporozoit – cryptozoit

4. cryptozoit – cryptomerozoit – sporozoit

Option 1 – sporozoit – cryptozoit – cryptomerozoit

Fat soluble vitamins are :

1. thiamine, carotene, biotin

2, ascorbic acid, calciferol, riboflavin

3. tocoferol, niacin, cyanocobalamine

4. calciferol, carotene, tocoferol

Option 4 – calciferol, carotene, tocoferol

Water soluble vitamins are :

1. folic acid, carotene, pyridoxine

2. tocoferol, niacin, pantothenic acid

3. riboflavin, cyanocobalamine, calciferol

4. thiamine, ascorbic acid, biotin

Option 4 – thiamine, ascorbic acid, biotin

The story of vitamin dates back to :

1. 15th century

2. 16th century

3. 17th century

4. 18th century

Option 4 – 18th century

Sir H.G. Hopkins discovered a substance required for growth in :

1. water

2. alcohol

3. milk

4. vanaspathi

Option 3 – milk

Beri-beri was caused in Japanese sailors who were eating :

1. ground nut

2. eggs

3. unpolished rice

4. polished rice

Option 4 – polished rice

Reservoir and carrier organisms differ in :

1. Possessing disease causing organisms

2. carrying living infectious agents

3. absence of movement

4. ability to direct infect the host

Option 2 – carrying living infectious agents

Source of infection in disease like tuberculosis, mumps and whopping cough is :

1. direct contact

2. droplets of saliva

3. carrier organism

4. a vector

Option 2 – droplets of saliva

A vehicle borne transmitted diseases are

1. plague and Malaria

2. chicken pox and Tetanus

3. mumps and Common cold

4. eye infection and Influenza

Option 1 – plague and Malaria

During incubation period, the parasite :

1. destroys host tissue

2. release of toxic substance

3. divide and multiply in their numbers

4. block passage in tissues

Option 3 – divide and multiply in their numbers

One following happens manifestation stage of the disease

1. the immune system of the patient fights and kills organisms

2. disease process is haled temporarily or permanently

3. toxic substances are released by the organisms

disease organisms select a suitable carrier

Option 3 – toxic substances are released by the organisms

In rainy season, children face the problem of stomach ache due to

  1. germs
  2. chocolates
  3. meat
  4. mud

Option 1 – germs

Plague is

  1. viral disease
  2. fungal disease
  3. bacterial disease
  4. mineral disease

Option 3 – bacterial disease

How milk is pasteurised?

  1. By heating it at 100 C for 15 min or at 90 C for 5 min
  2. By heating it at 100 C for 15 min or at 90 C for 32 min
  3. By heating it at 71 C for 15 min or at 62 C for 5 sec
  4. By heating it at 71 C for 15 s or at 62 C for 32 min

Option 4 – By heating it at 71 C for 15 s or at 62 C for 32 min

Which of the following sentences represent correct impact of overcooking of food?

  1. food becomes easy to digest
  2. fats will be absorbed by the body
  3. most of nutrients will get destroyed
  4. food can be preserved for longer duration

Option 3 – most of nutrients will get destroyed

Which of the following statements is incorrect?

  1. night blindness is caused by deficiency of vitamin A
  2. bones and muscles are weak due to deficiency of vitamin D
  3. beauty vitamin name is given to vitamin E
  4. pellagra is caused by deficiency of vitamin B1

Option 4 – pellagra is caused by deficiency of vitamin B1

Which of the following pairs is incorrectly matched?

  1. iron : anaemia
  2. vitamin b5 : pellagra
  3. vitamin b3 : naicin
  4. vitamin k : blood clotting

Option 2 – vitamin b5 : pellagra

Consider the following statements and which of them is incorrect?

  1. kwashiokor is caused due to deficiency of protein
  2. marasmus is caused due to carbohydrates and fats
  3. tetanus and cholera is bacteria and water borne disease
  4. polio and hepatitis are caused by virus

Option 3 – tetanus and cholera is bacteria and water borne disease

Mira and Divya are young girls. Mira likes to eat samosas, cutlets and bread. Divya, on the other hand, takes an iron deficient diet. Which of the following disorders are mira and divya likely to suffer from respectively?

  1. obesity and scurvy
  2. scurvy and anaemia
  3. anaemia and night blindness
  4. obesity and anaemia

Option 4 – obesity and anaemia

It has been observed that the process of digestion is faster inside the stomach than outside because

  1. the digestive juices when kept outside the stomach become inactive
  2. the food is churned in the stomach thereby increasing the surface area for quicker enzyme action
  3. the digestive juices inside the stomach are acidic, while outside they are alkaline
  4. the amount of digestive juices produced in the stomach in the presence of food is much more

Option 2 – the food is churned in the stomach thereby increasing the surface area for quicker enzyme action

Durga lives in a village and cooks food on a chulha (earthen stove) using wood or cow dung cakes as fuel. She has been suffering from severe cough for the last three months. This may be due to the

  1. smoke produced by burning fuels which may have caused her allergy
  2. old age and pollution inside and outside her hut
  3. carbon monoxide produced by burning fuel which may have been deposited in her respiratory tract
  4. soot produced by burning the fuels which may have been deposited in her respiratory tract

Option 4 – soot produced by burning the fuels which may have been deposited in her respiratory tract

Vitamins are substances

  1. required in small quantities to prevent deficiency diseases
  2. that increase our metabolic rate leading to loss of weight
  3. required as medicines to make us healthy
  4. that build muscles to keep us strong

Option 1 – required in small quantities to prevent deficiency diseases

Cooked rice can be prepared for a longer time in a refrigerator because

  1. moisture content in the food is reduced at low temperature
  2. refrigerators contain certain chemicals which kill the microbes
  3. microbes become inactive at low temperature
  4. microbes are destroyed and killed at low temperature

Option 3 – microbes become inactive at low temperature

Which one of the following is a good cooking practice?

  1. washing the vegetables nicely and then cutting
  2. cutting the vegetables and then washing these in running water
  3. keeping the vegetables in sunshine for some time before cutting and cooking
  4. cooking the vegetables by deep frying to kill bacteria

Option 1 – washing the vegetables nicely and then cutting

Weightlifters are generally required to make more muscles and body mass. For this purpose, they need to take a diet which is rich in

  1. proteins
  2. carbohydrates
  3. fats
  4. vitamins

Option 1 – proteins

In which one of the following groups are the words intimately related?

  1. mosquito, malaria, anemia, iron
  2. iron, malaria, anemia, blood
  3. iron, hemoglobin, anemia, amla
  4. mosquito, dengue, iron, jaggery

Option 1 – mosquito, malaria, anemia, iron

Dyslexia is associated mainly with difficulties in

  1. speaking and hearing
  2. reading
  3. hearing
  4. speaking

Option 2 – reading

If you go to Ahmedabad by train, then at Ahmedabad railway station you will find that most of the vendors are selling

  1. puri-shak and thanda doodh
  2. dhokla with chutney and lemon rice
  3. cholay-bhature and lassi
  4. idli-chutney and vada-chutney

Option 2 – dhokla with chutney and lemon rice

After diagnosis a doctor says to a patient that there is less haemoglobin in his blood. Which of the following should he eat to make up the deficiency of iron?

  1. amla, green leafy vegetables, jaggery
  2. rice, sugar, amla
  3. green leafy vegetables, wheat, orange
  4. jaggery, lemon, pea

Option 1 – amla, green leafy vegetables, jaggery

while discussing liking and disliking a student says, ‘ I and my mother both love to eat snakes. Whenever we feel like eating snakes, we go to a nearby hotel and eat Ling-hu-fen ‘ This student must belong to

  1. assam
  2. hong kong
  3. orissa
  4. arunachal pradesh

Option 2 – hong kong

Select from the following a group that comprises of methods of cooking food

  1. boiling, kneading, roasting
  2. baking, boiling, rolling
  3. frying, soaking, roasting
  4. baking, frying, roasting

Option 4 – baking, frying, roasting

In which of the following parts of our country do people grow eatables such as tapioca and coconut in their courtyards and they find food prepared using these to be very tasty?

  1. andhra pradesh
  2. assam
  3. goa
  4. kerala

Option 4 – kerala

A doctor prescribed some medicines to a patient and also suggested him to eat jaggery, amla and more green leafy vegetables. This patient must be suffering from

  1. fever
  2. typhoid
  3. malaria
  4. anemia

Option 4 – anemia

Reena loves mangoes. She wants to preserve these for winters. Which one of the following is a good way of preserving them?

  1. make ‘ aam papad ‘ and pickle
  2. prepare juice and store in an airtight container
  3. put in a plastic bag
  4. store in a refrigerator

Option 1 – make ‘ aam papad ‘ and pickle

In which one of the following states of our country do most people like to eat sea fish cooked in coconut oil?

  1. mizoram
  2. goa
  3. jammu and kashmir
  4. bihar

Option 2 – goa

Which one of the following is a set of diseases caused/spread by mosquitoes?

  1. chikungunya, malaria, typhoid
  2. cholera, dengue, malaria
  3. chikungunya, dengue, malaria
  4. chikungunya, cholera, typhoid

Option 3 – chikungunya, dengue, malaria

Which one of the following matches is not a correct way of food preservation? ( Food And Nutrition CTET MCQ )

  1. potato-chips
  2. milk-paneer
  3. apple-jam
  4. raw-mango-pickle

Option 2 – milk-paneer

Rehana goes to kerala along with her family. There she sees tall trees which are very different from those in her hometown, Shimla. Which trees could she have seen in kerala?

  1. coconut
  2. apple
  3. litchi
  4. pine

Option 1 – coconut

Glass jars and bottles are dried well n the sun before filling them with pickles. Why is it so?

  1. to increase their temperature
  2. to remove the dust from them
  3. to remove the moisture completely
  4. to make pickles tasty

Option 3 – to remove the moisture completely

Which of the following is a set of diseases spread by mosquitoes? ( Food And Nutrition CTET MCQ )

  1. typhoid, cholera, chikungunya
  2. malaria, HIV-AIDS, dengue
  3. HIV-AIDS, cholera, dengue
  4. dengue, malaria, chikungunya

Option 4 – dengue, malaria, chikungunya

Which of the following sets of eatables is rich in iron? ( Food And Nutrition CTET MCQ )

  1. amla, spinach, jaggery
  2. amla, spinach, potato
  3. amla, potato, tomato
  4. cabbage, okra, jaggery

Option 1 – amla, spinach, jaggery

The gastric juice in the stomach of human beings is ………… and aids in the digestion of food

  1. amphoteric
  2. neutral
  3. acidic
  4. alkaline

Option 3 – acidic

We covered all the Food and Nutrition mcqs Online Test above so that you can practice well for the exams.

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