Food from Plants and Animals MCQ

Food from Plants and Animals MCQ. We covered all the MCQ content of the Food from Plants and Animals topic.

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01 Which of the following disease occur due to protein malnutrition

  1. marasmus
  2. obesity
  3. kwashiorkor disease
  4. pellagra

Option 3 – kwashiorkor disease

02 Deficiency of retinol (vitamin A) leads to

  1. xeropthalmia
  2. rickets
  3. anemia
  4. scurvy

Option 1 – xeropthalmia

03 Pernicious anemia causes due to deficiency of

  1. b2
  2. b1
  3. b3
  4. b12

Option 4 – b12

04 Which of the following is a water soluble vitamin?

  1. e
  2. vitamin k
  3. thiamine b1
  4. vitamin a

Option 3 – thiamine b1

05 What is the role of potassium hydroxide in mohl’s half leaf experiment

  1. supplies oxygen
  2. absorbs co2
  3. absorbs oxygen
  4. supplies co2

Option 2 – absorbs co2

06 What is end form (simple substances) of proteins in digestion?

  1. glucose
  2. maltose
  3. glycerol
  4. amino acids

Option 4 – amino acids

07 End products of light reaction

  2. ADP, glucose
  3. glucose, co2
  4. NADPH, o2

Option 1 – ATP, NADPH

08 Which of the following organisms take the food by parasitic mode?

  1. plants
  2. dog
  3. cuscuta
  4. leaches

Option 3 – cuscuta

09 The rate of photosynthesis is not affected by

  1. light intensity
  2. humidity
  3. temperature
  4. carbon dioxide concentration

Option 2 – humidity

10 A plant is kept in dark cupboard for about forty eight hours before conducting any experiment on photosynthesis in order to

  1. remove chlorophyll from leaves
  2. remove starch from leaves
  3. ensure that no photosynthesis occurred
  4. ensure that leaves are free from the starch

Option 4 – ensure that leaves are free from the starch

11 The digestive juice without enzyme is

  1. bile
  2. gastric juice
  3. pancreatic juice
  4. saliva

Option 1 – bile

12 In single celled animals, the food is taken

  1. by the entire body surface
  2. mouth
  3. teeth
  4. vacuoles

Option 1 – by the entire body surface

13 Which part of the plant takes in carbondioxide from the air for photosynthesis

  1. root hair
  2. stomata
  3. leaf veins
  4. sepals

Option 2 – stomata

14 Autotrophic organisms

  1. depend on other organism for food
  2. hunt for food
  3. synthesis their own food
  4. cannot synthesize their food

Option 3 – synthesis their own food

15 The process in which energy stored from sunlight

  1. photosynthesis
  2. respiration
  3. reproduction
  4. excretion

Option 1 – photosynthesis

16 Which of the following is released during photosynthesis

  1. oxygen
  2. carbondioxide
  3. light
  4. energy

Option 1 – oxygen

17 Iodine can be used to test the pressure of

  1. glucose
  2. light
  3. starch
  4. co2

Option 3 – starch

18 Photosynthesis occurs in which part of the plant cell?

  1. chloroplast
  2. mitochondria
  3. cytoplasm
  4. nucleus

Option 1 – chloroplast

19 Melvin calvin got nobel prize for his studies on

  1. light reaction
  2. plant hormones
  3. dark reaction
  4. photos

Option 3 – dark reaction

20 Plants are green because they

  1. reflect green light
  2. absorb green light
  3. refract green light
  4. do not absorb UV light

Option 1 – reflect green light

21 The volume of co2 in atmosphere

  1. 0.01%
  2. 0.02%
  3. 0.03%
  4. 0.1%

Option 3 – 0.03%

22 What is the end product of dark reaction?

  1. pga
  2. co2
  3. glucose
  4. atp

Option 3 – glucose

23 One of the following activity cannot performed by animals

  1. respiration
  2. photosynthesis
  3. reproduction
  4. digextion

Option 2 – photosynthesis

24 Which of the following is a parasite plant

  1. cuscuta
  2. amoeba
  3. paramoecium
  4. euglena

Option 1 – cuscuta

25 The enzyme present in the saliva

  1. lipase
  2. sucrose
  3. pepsin
  4. ptyalin

Option 4 – ptyalin

26 Which of the following juice helps in emulsification of fats

  1. ptyalin
  2. bile juice
  3. intestinal juice
  4. gastric juice

Option 2 – bile juice

We covered all the Food from Plants and Animals MCQ from general science topics which helps you to crack any competitive exam online.

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