Forest Society and Colonialism Class 9 MCQ

Forest Society and Colonialism Class 9 MCQ. We covered all the Forest Society and Colonialism Class 9 MCQ in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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Forest Society and Colonialism Class 9 Objective MCQ for Students

In India, the percentage coverage of dense forests to the total geographical area is about

(A) 8%

(B) 10%

(C) 12%

(D) 14%

Option c – 12%

According to the National Remote Sensing Center (NRSA) which of the following states has the maximum area covered by forest?

(A) Himachal Pradesh

(B) Arunachal Pradesh

(C) Meghalaya

(D) Sikkim

Option b – Arunachal Pradesh

Which one of the following groups of states has forest coverage of more than 75% of the total geographical area?

(A) Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Nagaland

(B) Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Nagaland

(C) Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland

(D) Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland

Option b – Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Nagaland

The second largest mangrove area in India is found along the coast of

(A) Andaman and Nicobar

(B) Andhra Pradesh

(C) Gujarat

(D) Odisha

Option c – Gujarat

Which one of the following areas of India is famous for its mangrove vegetation?

(A) Kaziranga

(B) Silent Valley

(C) Sunderbans

(D) Himalayan Terai

Option c – Sunderbans

Which one of the following has a protected mangrove region?

(A) Eastern Ghats

(B) Western Ghats

(C) Goa

(D) Chandra Tal

Option c – Goa

Which one of the following regions of India has a combination of mangrove forest, evergreen forest, and deciduous forest?

(A) North Coastal Andhra Pradesh

(B) South-West Bengal

(C) Southern Saurashtra

(D) Andaman and Nicobar Islands

Option d – Andaman and Nicobar Islands

Among the following which statement is not correct?

(A) Madhya Pradesh has the maximum forest area

(B) Arunachal Pradesh has the maximum dense forest area

(C) Nagaland is the most forest-covered state in India

(D) Haryana is the least forest-covered state in India

Option c – Nagaland is the most forest-covered state in India

Tree cover is maximum in

(A) East Deccan

(B) Northern Plains

(C) West Coast

(D) East Coast

Option a – East Deccan

We covered all the forest society and colonialism class 9 mcq above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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