Forum IAS Sociology Test Series

Forum IAS Sociology Test Series. We covered all the Forum IAS Sociology Test Series in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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Forum IAS Sociology Objective Test Series for Students

Modern Historians, who called the Revolt of 1857 the first Independence War was

(A) Dr. R.C. Mazumdar

(B) Dr. S.N. Sen

(C) V.D. Savarkar

(D) Ashok Mehta

Option c – V.D. Savarkar

The first Indian to write in the Indian language on the causes of the uprising of 1857 was

(A) Syed Ahmed Khan

(B) V.D. Savarkar

(C) Bankim Chandra Chatterjee

(D) None of the above

Option a – Syed Ahmed Khan

The statement ‘the so-called first national war of independence was neither first, nor national, nor a war of independence is associated with

(A) R.C. Majumdar

(B) S.N. Sen

(C) Tarachand

(D) V.D. Savarkar

Option a – R.C. Majumdar

Who was the prominent Indian Historian who did not accept the 1857 Revolution as a Revolution?

(A) Tarachand

(B) Dr. S.N. Sen

(C) Savarkar

(D) Dr. R.C. Majumdar

Option d – Dr. R.C. Majumdar

The first freedom struggle of 1857 failed because

(A) There was lackness of unity of purpose in Indian sepoys

(B) Generally, Native Kings supported the British

(C) British Soldiers were better equipped and organized rather than Indians

(D) All of the above

Option d – All of the above

The British were able to suppress the uprising of 1857 in the Rajput state because

(A) The local Rajput rulers did not support the revolutionary

(B) The educated middle class supported the British

(C) The soldiers in cantonments were not prepared to accept the leadership of revolution from outside Rajasthan

(D) The newspaper could not project the true aim of the revolution

Option a – The local Rajput rulers did not support the revolutionary

Who called the Revolt of 1857 a conspiracy?

(A) Sir James Outram and W. Taylor

(B) Sir John K.

(C) Sir John Lawrence

(D) T.R. Homes

Option a – Sir James Outram and W. Taylor

We covered all the forum ias sociology test series above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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