Free GRE Practice Mock Test

Free GRE Practice Mock Test. We covered all the Free GRE Practice Mock Test in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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These types of competitive MCQs appear in the exams like GRE, CAT, CSAT, CLAT, Banking, Defence, G.I.C, GMAT, IBPS, L.I.C, MAT, Railway, SSC, UPSC, UGC, XAT, CDS, CPO, ICET, IMA, Income Tax, Insurance, KPSC, NDA, SNAP Test, Sub Inspector of Police, TNPSC, all Government Exams, and other Competitive Examinations, etc. We created all the competitive exam MCQs into several small posts on our website for your convenience.

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FREE GRE Practice Exam Online for Students

Find ‘k’ for which lines 2x + 3y + 7 = 0 and 27x + ky + 25 = 0 are perpendicular:

a) 9



d) -18

e) None of these

Option d – -18

Find the equation of a line that is passing through the origin and is also perpendicular to the line 3x – 2y + 1 = 0 s:

a) 3x – 2y = 0

b) 2x-3y=0

c) 2x-3y-1=0

d) 2x – 5y + 1 = 0

e) None of these

Option a – 3x – 2y = 0

The equation of the line parallel to the y-axis and passing through (3, 7), is

a) x = 3

b) y = -7

c) y = -7x

d) y = 3x

e) None of these

Option a – x = 3

The lines whose equations are x – 2y = 7 and 4y – 2x = 13 are:

a) parallel

b) perpendicular

c) coincident

d) interaction

e) None of these

Option a – parallel

The line 3x – 7y= 10 meets the y-axis at the point :

a) (10/3, 0)

b) (0, -10/7)

c) (0, 10/3)

d) (-10/7, 0)

e) None of these

Option b – (0, -10/7)

The slope of line 2x + 3y + 5 = 0 is

a) 2

b) 3

c) 3/2


e) None of these

Option d – -2/3

The equation of a line passing through the points A(0, -4) and B(-6, 2) is :


b)x+y-4 = 0

c) x-y+4= 0

d)y-x + 4 = 0

e) None of these

Option a – x+y+4=0

A triangle ABC has vertices A (2, 5), B (-4, 9), and C (-2, -1). The equation of median AD is :

a)x+ 5y-23=0


c) x-5y +23= 0

d) x – 5y + 4 = 0

e) None of these

Option c – x-5y +23= 0

The equation of a line with slope 4 and passing through the point (5, -7) is


b) 4y=x-35

c) y = 4x-27

d) y = 4x+27

e) None of these

Option c – y = 4x-27

The number of points in which the circles x² + y² = 16 is intersected by the line x + y = 16 is

a) 1

b) 2

c) more than 2

d) No point

e) None of these

Option d – No point

The distance of the point (4, -3) from the origin is

a) 1 unit

b) 7 units

c) 5 units

d) 3 units

e) None of these

Option c – 5 units

The coordinates of the point of intersection of the medians of a triangle with vertices A(-2, 2), B(-1,-3), and C(5, 7) are

a) (2/3, 2)

b) (2,6)

c) (1, 3)

d) (2/3, 3)

e) None of these

Option a – (2/3, 2)

Two vertices of a triangle ABC are A(-1, 4) and B(5, 2) and its centroid is (0, 3). The coordinates of C are:

a) (4,3)

b) (4, 15)

c) (-4,-15)

d) (-15, 4)

e) None of these

Option c – (-4,-15)

We covered all the free gre practice mock test above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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