Full GRE Practice Test Free

Full GRE Practice Test Free. We covered all the Full GRE Practice Test Free in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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MCQ on Full GRE Practice for Students

Around a circular table, five guests can be seated in how many ways?

a) 15

b) 24

c) 20

d) 35

e) 120

Option b – 24

Around a circular table, five guests can be seated, how many ways are possible if there are 6 guests standing?

a) 65

b) 90

c) 110

d) 130

e) 144

Option e – 144

How many ways is it possible to have a committee of 5 members selected from amongst 4 Men and 6 ladies such that at least one male is inducted as a member.?

a) 109

b) 147

c) 258

d) 246

e) 357

Option b – 147

Simran has 5 marigolds and 2 lotus and wants a bouquet of 3 flowers. In how many ways can it be done with at least one lotus in the bouquet?

a) 15

b) 30

c) 25

d) 40

e) 35

Option c – 25

A committee is to be formed from amongst 6 gentlemen and 5 ladies for a selection of 3 gentlemen and 2 ladies. In how many ways is it possible?

a) 100

b) 140

c) 150

d) 60

e) 200

Option e – 200

A five-member committee is to be formed (with at least 1 woman member) by selecting from a 4-women and 6-men group. A number of ways it can be done are?

a) 119

b) 165

c) 218

d) 246

e) 352

Option d – 246

A line is to be made (with 5 boys and 4 girls) so that a boy occupies both the beginning and the ending of the line. Find all such number of ways possible?

a) 4!7!/5!

b) 5!8!/2!

c) 5! 7!/3!

d) 4!6!/3!

e) None of these

Option c – 5! 7!/3!

In how many ways can the letters of the word MAHIMA be arranged such that all vowels are together as well as all consonants are together.?

a) 14

b) 18

c) 35

d) 41

e) 39

Option b – 18

We want that 4 boys and 4 girls to be arranged in a row-sitting arrangement such that boys and girls occupy alternate positions. In how many ways is it possible?

a) 1082

b) 1152

c) 1354

d) 1624

e) 1764

Option b – 1152

Each of the Delhi, Panjab, and Shimla University has 4 badminton players. A team of 9 can be selected, with equal participation from each University, in how many ways?

a) 13

b) 14

c) 12

d) 10

e) 16

Option c – 12

Rana is a famous shooter and hits the targets once in every 3 shots. Chances that he will hit the target in 4 shots?

a) 1/3

b) 1/9

c) 2/27

d) 65/81

e) 73/81

Option d – 65/81

Rana is a famous shooter and hits the target once in every 3 shots, chances that he will NOT hit the target until 4th shot is done?

a) 1

b) 8/81

c) 17/81

d) 29/27

e) 71/81

Option b – 8/81

A new word is to be carved out of the rearrangement of the letters of the word ALGEBRA. The probability that the new word will have consonants occupying the same positions as are currently occupied.

a) 1/120

b) 1/35

c) 1/12

d) 2/105

e) 1/35

Option e – 1/35

We covered all the full gre practice test free above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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