Galvanometer in Hindi

Galvanometer in Hindi. We covered all the Galvanometer in Hindi in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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M.C.G. is based on :

(A) the heating effect of the current

(B) the chemical effect of the current

(C) the magnetic effect of the current

(D) the thermoelectric effect

Option c - the magnetic effect of the current

The deflection in M.C.G. is reduced to half when it is shunted with a 40 Ω coil. The resistance of the galvanometer is :

(Α) 15 Ω

(B) 20 Ω

(C) 80 Ω

(D) 40 Ω

Option d - 40 Ω

When a current is passed in a moving coil galvanometer the coil gets deflected because

(A) The current deflects anything

(B) the Current in the coil produces a magnetic field

(C) the Current in the coil produces an electric field

(D) A couple acts on the coil

Option b - the Current in the coil produces a magnetic field

The current that must flow through the coil of the galvanometer so as to produce a deflection of one division on its scale is called :

(A) Micro-volt sensitivity

(B) Current sensitivity of a galvanometer

(C) Charge sensitivity of the galvanometer

(D) Both '1' and '2'

Option b - Current sensitivity of a galvanometer

In moving coil galvanometer :

(A) Magnet is stationary

(B) Coil is stationary

(C) Magnet and coil are moving

(D) Magnet and coil are stationary

Option a - Magnet is stationary

The magnetic field is made radial in an M.C.G.:

(A) To make the field stronger

(B) To make the field weaker

(C) To make the scale linear

(D) To reduce its resistance

Option c - To make the scale linear

The pole pieces used in moving coil galvanometer should produce a magnetic field :

(A) Equal to earth's magnetic field

(B) Much stronger than earth's magnetic field

(C) Much weaker than earth's magnetic field

(D) Any arbitrary magnetic field

Option b - Much stronger than earth's magnetic field

A soft iron core is placed at the center of the rectangular coil in M.C.G because

(A) It increases the magnetic field

(B) It decreases the magnetic field

(C) More current passes through the coil

(D) No effect of the iron core

Option a - It increases the magnetic field

We covered all the galvanometer in Hindi above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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