General Knowledge MCQ for Competitive Exams with Answers

General Knowledge MCQ for Competitive Exams with Answers. We covered all the General Knowledge MCQ for Competitive Exams with Answers in this post so that you can practice well for the exams for free.

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LTTE stands for?

1. Leftist Trained Tamil Endowment

2. Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam

3. Liberation Tigers of Tamil Endowment

4. None of these

Option 2 – Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam

NPC stands for

1. National Political Conference

2. National Political Council

3. National Productivity Committee

4. National Productivity Council

Option 4 – National Productivity Council

NCERT stands for

1. National Committee of Educational Research and Training

2. National Council of Educational Research and Training

3. National Council of Education and Rural Training

4. None of these

Option 2 – National Council of Educational Research and Training

WTO stands for

1. World Tourism Organisation

2. World Trade Organisation

3. World Telecommunication Organisation

4. World Technological Organisation

Option 2 – World Trade Organisation

SARS means

1. Special Agency for Rural Service

2. Sudden Acute Respiratory Syndrome

3. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome

4. None of these

Option 3 – Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome

NASA stands for

1. National Aeronautics and Space Administration

2. National Aeronautics and Space Agency

3. National Aid and Service Agency

4. None of these

Option 1 – National Aeronautics and Space Administration

NREP stands for

1. National Regional Employment Policy

2. National Rural Employment Programme

3. National Rural Employment Policy

4. None of these

Option 2 – National Rural Employment Programme

IRDP stands for

1. All India Rural Development Programme

2. Integrated Rural Development Programme

3. Indian Rural Development Policy

4. None of these

Option 2 – Integrated Rural Development Programme

ISRO stands for

1. International Scientific Research Organization

2. Indian Salt Research Organization

3. Indian Space Research Organization

4. International Space Research Organization

Option 3 – Indian Space Research Organization

ITDC stands for

1. Indian Technical Development Council

2. Indian Tourism Development Corporation

3. International Trade Development Council

4. International Trade Development Committee

Option 2 – Indian Tourism Development Corporation

TULF stands for Tamil United

1. Liberation Fund

2. Liberation Front

3. Liberation Force

4. Liberation Forum

Option 2 – Liberation Front

ASEAN refers to Association of South-East

1. Asian Nations

2. Arab Nations

3. American Nations

4. African Nations

Option 1 – Asian Nations

What does ‘R’ stands for in FERA?

1. Registration

2. Realization

3. Restriction

4. Regulation

Option 4 – Regulation

PHC stands for

1. Public Health Centre

2. Primary Health Centre

3. Per Hour Capacity

4. Public Health Care

Option 2 – Primary Health Centre

LASER is an acronym for Light Amplification by

1. Stimulated Emission of Radio Waves

2. Stimulated Emission of Radiation

3. Spontaneous Emission of Radio Waves

4. Spontaneous Emission of Radiation

Option 2 – Stimulated Emission of Radiation


1. International Crime Police Commission

2. International Political Conference

3. International Association of Police Officers

4. None of these

Option 1 – International Crime Police Commission

AISSF stands for

1. All India Special Services Federation

2. All India Shiv Sena Folk

3. All India Sikh Service Fund

4. All India Sikh Students Federation

Option 4 – All India Sikh Students Federation

MODVAT refers to

1. Education Policy

2. House Tax

3. Excise Duty

4. None of these

Option 3 – Excise Duty

SFDA stands for

1. Small Farmers Development Agency

2. Sikh Farmers Development Agency

3. Scheduled Caste Farmers Development Agency

4. None of these

Option 1 – Small Farmers Development Agency

We covered all the general knowledge MCQ for competitive exams with answers above so that you can practice well for the competitive exams that cover general knowledge topics.

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