General Knowledge mcqs With Answers in English

General Knowledge MCQs With Answers in English. We covered all the General Knowledge MCQs With Answers in English in this post below so that you can practice well for all the competitive exams for free.

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CTBT stands for

1. Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty

2. Centre for Tuberculosis Test

3. Central Tax on Border Transport

4. Computerised Technology for Bt Cotton

Option 1 – Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty

CRR stands for Cash Reserve

1. Rate

2. Repo

3. Ratio

4. Represent

Option 3 – Ratio

CIA means

1. Central Intelligence Agency

2. Central Investigation of America

3. Chief of Intelligence Agency

4. None of the above

Option 1 – Central Intelligence Agency

Which is wrongly matched?

1. SAFTA-South Asian Federation Tennis Association

2. DTS Digital Theatre System

3. DNA- Deoxyribo nuclei Acid

4. DDT-Dichloro-Diphenyl-Trichloro-ethane

Option 1 – SAFTA-South Asian Federation Tennis Association

ELISA is an acronym for Enzyme Linked Immuno-Sorbent


2. Assay

3. Agent

4. Action

Option 2 – Assay

FIR means

1. First Investigation Report

2. Foreign Internal Reaction

3. First Intelligence Reaction

4. First Information Report

Option 4 – First Information Report

Of the following which is wrong?

1. CBI-Chief Bureau of Investigation

2. IBM – International Business Machines

3. ICCR- Indian Council for Cultural Relations

4. IRDP- Integrated Rural Development Programme

Option 1 – CBI-Chief Bureau of Investigation

LASIK stands for Laser in Situ

1. Kuomintang

2. Kerato-mileusis

3. Kilo Reaction

4. None of the above

Option 2 – Kerato-mileusis

BPO refers to

1. Bharat Petroleum Office

2. Bureau of Police Officer

3. Border Protection Organisation

4. Business Process Outsourcing

Option 4 – Business Process Outsourcing

CAPART is an acronym for Council for Advancement of People’s Action and Rural

1. Technology

2. Teaching

3. Tax

4. Trade

Option 1 – Technology

Which of the following is correctly matched?

1. CAS Conditional Access System

2. C-DAC – Centre for the Development of Advanced Computing

3. CT Computerised Tomo-graphy

4. All of the above

Option 4 – All of the above

NACO stands for

1. National Arts and Cultural Organisation

2. National AIDS Control Organisation

3. National Aeronautical Corporation

4. None of the above

Option 2 – National AIDS Control Organisation

CAS mean Conditional Access….

1. Syndrome

2. System

3. Service

4. Seva

Option 2 – System

www stands for

1. World Wide Web

2. Web Word Wide

3. World Web Wide

4. None of the above

Option 1 – World Wide Web

Which of the following is correctly matched

1. TRAI – Telecom Regulatory Authority of India

2. TAPS – Tarapur Atomic Power Station

3. POTA- Prevention of Terrorism Act

4. All of the above are correct

Option 4 – All of the above are correct

PAN means Permanent Account …

1. Number

2. Name

3. Nation

4. Numeral

Option 1 – Number

AAFI stands for

1. Athletics Amateur Federation of International

2. Amateur Athletics Federation of India

3. American AIDS Federation Institute

4. Athletics Amateur Federation of India

Option 2 – Amateur Athletics Federation of India

ABC is an acronym for Audit Bureau of

1. Circulation

2. Crime

3. Corporation

4. The Country

Option 1 – Circulation

AD means

1. After Death

2. After Date

3. Anno Domini

4. None of the above

Option 3 – Anno Domini

Which of the following are correctly matched

1. AIDS- Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

2. AIIMS – All India Institute of Medical Sciences

3. AWACS – Airborne Warning And Control System

4. All of the above are correct

Option 4 – All of the above are correct

ATM stands for ….

1. Any Time Money

2. Automated Teller Machine

3. All Time Money

4. Automated Turned Money

Option 2 – Automated Teller Machine

Assocham stands for Associated Chamber of Commerce And

1. India

2. Industrial

3. Management

4. Industry

Option 4 – Industry

BBC means

1. British Broadcasting Corporation

2. Bombay Board for Cricket

3. British Board for Cricket

4. Board for British Cinema

Option 1 – British Broadcasting Corporation

BCG refers to

1. Bharat Cotton Group

2. Bacillus Calmette-Guerin

3. Bar Council of Gulf

4. None of the above

Option 2 – Bacillus Calmette-Guerin

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We covered all the general knowledge MCQs with answers in English above so that you can practice for all your competitive exams.

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