GRE Mock Test Papers Online

GRE Mock Test Papers Online. We covered all the GRE Mock Test Papers Online in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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GRE Mock Test Papers for Students

Triplets Noni, Moni and Joni enter a triathlon. If there are 9 competitors in the triathlon and medals are awarded for first, second, and third place, find the probability that the sum of these three numbers is odd.

a) 3/14

b) 19/84

c) 11/42

d) 15/28

e) ¾

Option b – 19/84

In a bag, there are 8 white balls and 10 green balls. 5 balls are drawn from the bag Find the probability that out of these five balls 2 are white and 3 green balls?

(a) 0.39

(b) 0.45

(c) 0.55

(d) 0.65

(e) None of these

Option a – 0.39

A fair coin is flipped 3 times. Find the probability that the coin lands on heads exactly twice.

a) 1/8

b) 3/8

c) ½

d) 5/8

e) 7/8

Option b – 3/8

There are 10 women & 3 men in room R. A person is picked at random from room R and moved to room S, where there are already 3 women and 5 men. If a single person is then to be picked from room S, find the probability that a woman will be picked.

a) 13/21

b) 49/117

c) 15/52

d) 5/18

e) 40/117

Option b – 49/117

If the probability of rain on any given day in Chandigarh during the summer is 50%, independent of what happens on any other day, find the probability of having exactly 3 rainy days from July 14 to July 18 inclusive. 075

a) 1/32

b) 2/25

c) 5/16

d) 8/25

e) ¾

Option c – 5/16

In a shipment of 20 cars, 3 are found to be defective. If four cars are selected at random, find the probability that exactly one of the four will be defective.

a) 170/1615

b) 3/20

c) 8/19

d) 3/5

e) 4/5

Option c – 8/19

A bag of stones with Mr. Navansh is composed of two-thirds diamonds and one-third rubies. If the probability of randomly selecting two diamonds from his bag, without replacement, is 5/12, find the probability that he selects two rubies from the bag.

a) 5/36

b) 5/24

c) 1/12

d) 1/6

e) ½

Option c – 1/12

In a purse, there are 5 two-rupee and 4 one-rupee coins. If they are drawn out one by one, what is the chance that they come out two-rupee and one-rupee alternately, beginning with a two-rupee coin?

(a) 1/126

(b) 1/2880

(c) 1/20

(d) ¾

(e) None of these

Option a – 1/126

A permutation is a sampling.

a) With replacement and with ordering

b) With replacement and without ordering.

c) Without replacement and with ordering

d). Without replacement and without ordering.

Option d – Without replacement and without ordering

We covered all the gre mock test papers online above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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