GRE Mock Test Scores. We covered all the GRE Mock Test Scores in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.
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These types of competitive MCQs appear in the exams like GRE, CAT, CSAT, CLAT, Banking, Defence, G.I.C, GMAT, IBPS, L.I.C, MAT, Railway, SSC, UPSC, UGC, XAT, CDS, CPO, ICET, IMA, Income Tax, Insurance, KPSC, NDA, SNAP Test, Sub Inspector of Police, TNPSC, all Government Exams, and other Competitive Examinations, etc. We created all the competitive exam MCQs into several small posts on our website for your convenience.
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The sum of the interior angles of a regular polygon is twice the sum of its exterior angles. The polygon is a/an :
(a) Octagon
(b) Nonagon
(c) Decagon
(d) Hexagon
(e) None of these
Option d – Hexagon
Each exterior angle of a regular polygon is 40°. The number of sides of the polygon is?
(a) 8
(b) 9
(c) 6
(d) 7
(e) None of these
Option b – 9
The difference between any interior and exterior angle of a regular polygon is 60°. The number of sides of the polygon is :
(a) 5
(b) 6
(c) 8
(d) 10
(e) None of these
Option b – 6
Two parallel straight lines lying in the same planes shall meet at?
(a) one point
(b) two points
(c) never meet
(d) infinite points
(e) None of these
Option c – never meet
The locus of the middle point of equal chords of a circle is?
(a) Circle
(b) Square
(c) Pentagon
(d) Hexagon
(e) None of these
Option a – Circle
A straight line can cut the circle in how many points?
(a) two
(b) three
(c) one
(d) infinite
(e) None of these
Option a – two
The number of circles that can be drawn through 5 noncollinear points
(a) 2
(b) 10
(c) 5
(d) 6
(e) None of these
Option b – 10
Two chords of a circle are equal only if
(a) the arcs are equal
(b) chords have one point common
(c) perpendicular distances are equal
(d) ‘a’ and/or ‘c’
(e) None of these
Option c – perpendicular distances are equal
Do the circles described on the four sides of a rhombus as diameters pass through a fixed point?
(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) May/may not
(d) Depends on circle/ rhombus
(e) None of these
Option a – Yes
If the opposite sides of a cyclic quadrilateral are equal then the quadrilateral is
(a) Rectangle
(b) Square
(c) Rhombus
(d) parallelogram
(e) None of these
Option a – Rectangle
A six-sided figure ABCDEF is inscribed in a circle, the sum of its alternate angles B, D, and F is equal to?
(a) 180°
(b) 360°
(c) 270°
(d) 90°
(e) None of these
Option a – 180°
The locus of a point that is at a constant distance from a given point is?
(a) straight line
(b) a circle
(c) an arc
(d) a square
(e) None of these
Option b – a circle
The locus of a point that is at a given distance (= a) from a given straight line is
(a) a line parallel to a given line at a distance a unit
(b) a line perpendicular
(c) a pair of lines parallel drawn on either side a unit away
(d) an angle through ‘a’
(e) None of these
Option c – a pair of lines parallel drawn on either side a unit away
The locus of a point equidistant from two parallel straight lines is
(a) a line parallel to it
(b) a line at an angle of 45 deg
(c) a straight line parallel to the running midway
(d) a line through this point cutting parallel lines
(e) None of these
Option c – a straight line parallel to the running midway
In the figure, ABCD is a trapezium with segment AD, segment PQ and segment BC parallel to each other. The length of segment QC is …….
(a) 8
(b) 18
(c) 12.5
(d) 16.2
(e) None of these
Option b – 18
An arc subtends an angle of 45 degrees at any point of the circumference, then the angle subtended by it at the center is ……. degree
(a) 135
(b) 90
(c) 45
(d) 18
(e) None of these
Option b – 90
Is the angle in a segment greater than a semi-circle?
(a) > 90°
(b) < 90°
(c) = 90°
(d) any value
(e) None of these
Option b – < 90°
If four points of a quadrilateral lie on a circle, then the sum of opposite angles is?
(a) 180
(b) > 180
(c) < 180
(d) = 360
(e) None of these
Option a – 180
In a pentagon ABCDE, if the quadrilaterals ABCD and BCDE are cyclic, then the pentagon is
(a) cyclic
(b) non-cyclic
(c) concave
(d) Can’t say
(e) None of these
Option a – cyclic
We covered all the gre mock test scores above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.
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