GRE Quantitative Full Length Practice Test

GRE Quantitative Full Length Practice Test. We covered all the GRE Quantitative Full Length Practice Test in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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GRE Quantitative Practice Test for Students

Seventy% of the 800 students in Jharmari school are male. At least 10% of the female students participate in a sport. Lesser than 30% of male students do not participate in a sport. What is the maximum possible number of students in the school, who do not participate in a sport?

a) 216

b) 383

c) 384

d) 416

e) 417

Option b – 383

75% of the guestrooms at Parwana Guest house have a queen-sized bed and each of the remaining rooms has a king-sized bed. Of the non-smoking rooms, 60% have a queen-sized bed. If 10% of the rooms at the Guest house are non-smoking rooms with king-sized beds, what% of the rooms permit smoking?

a) 25

b) 30

c) 50

d) 55

e) 75

Option e – 75

Of the films Studios released this year, all were horror films except 60% which were comedies. 75% of the comedies were profitable, but 75% of the horror moves could not fetch a profit. If 40 films were made in all (none of these was at break-even), how many of the films were profitable?

a) 18

b) 19

c) 20

d) 21

e) 22

Option e – 22

In PARAS hospital, 75% of the interns receive fewer than 6 hours of sleep and report being tired during shifts. However, 75% of the interns report no feelings of tiredness and receive 6 or more hours of sleep. If 80% of the interns receive lesser than 6 hours of sleep, what% reports no feelings of tiredness during shifts?

a) 6

b) 14

c) 19

d) 20

e) 81

Option c – 19

All the students of Neha Musical School are in the band, the orchestra, or both. 80% of these are in only one group. There are 119 students in the band. If 50% of the students are in the band only, how many students are in the orchestra only?

a) 30

b) 51

c) 60

d) 85

e) 119

Option b – 51

How many students of Bal Vidya Mandir, Suchan are at a convention if 150 of these are neither female nor students, One-sixth are female students, two-thirds are female and one-third of these are students?

a) 300

b) 450

c) 600

d) 800

e) 900

Option e – 900

If 80% of the lights at Hotel Taj are on at 20.00 hrs on a certain evening. 40% of the lights are supposed to be off but are actually on and Ten% of the lights are supposed to be on but are actually off. What% of the lights that are ON is supposed to be OFF?

a) 22

b) 16

c) 11

d) 10

e) 5

Option d – 10

The number of subsets of an empty set is

(a) 0

(b) 1

(c) 2

(d) -3

(e) None of these

Option b – 1

Every rational number is also a (?) number

(a) natural

(b) whole

(c) integer

(d) real

(e) None of these

Option d – real

There are 60 students in a class. Each student is either to offer Art or Sanskrit or both. 35 offered Sanskrit, 20 offered Art and Sanskrit, and how many students offered Art only?

(a) 25

(b) 20

(c) 30

(d) 40

(e) None of these

Option a – 25

How many elements are there in the power set of a set having 5 objects

(a) 32

(b) 16

(c) 8

(d) 64

(e) None of these

Option a – 32

“RAJA TUTORIALS” has a group of 68 students, each student registered for at least one of the three classes -History, Maths, and English. 25 students are registered for History, twenty-five for Maths, and 34 for English. If only three students are registered for all three classes, how many students are registered for exactly two classes?

a) 13

b) 10

c) 9

d) 8

e) 7

Option b – 10

NAVANSH has 435 bags that contain at least one of the three items viz. Raisins, Almonds, and Peanuts. The number of bags containing Raisins is 10 times those containing only Peanuts. The number of bags with only Almonds is 20 times those of only Raisins and Peanuts. The number of bags containing only Peanuts is one-fifth the number of bags that contain only Almonds. 210 bags contain Almonds. How many bags contain only one kind of item.?

a) 256

b) 260

c) 316

d) 320

e) 350

Option d – 320

Sihag Farms has an apple orchard consisting of Fuji and Gala apple trees. Unfortunately, 10% of these trees cross-pollinated. The number of his trees that are pure Fuji plus the cross-pollinated ones totals 187, while 75% of all his trees are pure Fuji. How many of the trees are pure Gala?

a) 22

b) 33

c) 55

d) 77

e) 88

Option b – 33

We covered all the gre quantitative full length practice test above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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