Habitat and Adaptation Class 6 MCQ

Habitat and Adaptation Class 6 MCQ. We covered all the Habitat and Adaptation Class 6 MCQ in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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MCQ on Habitat and Adaptation for Class 6th Students

Which of the following changes occur in pond water during summer?

1. Decrease in oxygen content

2. Increase in oxygen content

3. Decrease in salt content

4. Increase in the number of diatoms

Option 1 – Decrease in oxygen content

Which of the following is a zooplankton?

1. Hydrilla

2. Nitella

3. Rotifers

4. Frogs

Option 3 – Rotifers

One of the following is a free floating plant.

1. Valisneria

2. Hydrilla

3. Spirogyra

4. Pistia

Option 4 – Pistia

Volvox and euglena constitute

1. Submerged vegetation

2. Free floating plants

3. Phytoplankton

4. Filamentous algae

Option 3 – Phytoplankton

Lakes and ponds constitute

1. Still water bodies

2. Flowing water bodies

3. Marine water bodies

4. None

Option 1 – Still water bodies

One of the following does not dry of freeze totally.

1. Ponds

2. Lakes

3. Streams

4. All

Option 2 – Lakes

To prevent water loss from the body fluids marine organisms store

1. Uric acid

2. Ammonia

3. Urea

4. Glucose In

Option 3 – Urea

In the deep layers of the sea, it is

1. Dark

2. Cold

3. Dark and cold

4. Dark and warm

Option 3 – Dark and cold

Weak skeleton is the characteristic feature in

1. Plankton

2. Nekton

3. Deep sea animals

4. None

Option 3 – Deep sea animals

Rapidly changing environmental conditions is the feature of

1. Oceanic region

2. Benthic region

3. Seashore

4. All

Option 3 – Seashore

Penetration of light is very weak in

1. Euphotic zone

2. Aphotic zone

3. Abyssal zone

4. None

Option 3 – Abyssal zone

This is the place where river joins the sea

1. Delta

2. Estuary

3. Bay

4. Slope

Option 2 – Estuary

Pressure in the sea increases by this for every 10 metres of depth.

1. 1 atmosphere

2. 15 atmospheres

3. 20 atmospheres

4. 25 atmospheres

Option 1 – 1 atmosphere

Which of the following represent a para biosphere?

1. Open sea

2. River

3. Forest

4. Polar ice caps

Option 4 – Polar ice caps

Which one of the following is a physical conponent in a terrestrial ecosystem?

1. Type of soil

2. Types of salts in soil

3. Total salt content in the soil

4. Total content of organic matter in the soil

Option 1 – Type of soil

Which one of the following acts as a primary as well as a secondary consumer in the forest ecosystem?

1. Rabbit

2. Deer

3. Lion

4. Man

Option 4 – Man

Trophic level in an ecosystem represents the

1. Water level

2. Energy level

3. Salt level

4. Oxygen level

Option 2 – Energy level

In a pond ecosystem, diatoms are

1. Decomposers

2. Primary producers

3. Primary consumers

4. Secondary consumers

Option 2 – Primary producers

Zooplankton comes under

1. Producers

2. Primary consumers

3. Secondary consumers

4. Tertiary consumers

Option 2 – Primary consumers

The pollutant present in coal mine exhaust is

1. Carbon monoxide

2. Carbon dioxide

3. Water vapour

4. Ash

Option 1 – Carbon monoxide

Trimethyl lead is formed by burning

1. Wood

2. Kerosene

3. Petrol

4. Coal

Option 3 – Petrol

Oceans act as sinks for

1. Carbon monoxide

2. Carbon dioxide

3. Nitrogen

4. Oxygen

Option 2 – Carbon dioxide

Catalytic converters are used in

1. Automobiles

2. Windmills

3. Poultry farms

4. Dairy farms

Option 1 – Automobiles

The gas used for killing bacteria in water is

1. Nitrogen

2. Carbon dioxide

3. Chlorine

4. Helium

Option 3 – Chlorine

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We covered all the habitat and adaptation class 6 MCQ above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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