Heredity and Evolution in Hindi

Heredity and Evolution in Hindi. We covered all the Heredity and Evolution in Hindi in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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Heredity and Evolution in Hindi Objective for Students

Hereditary symptoms are moved in the descendant of creatures by

(A) Ribosome

(B) Chromosome

(C) Plasma

(D) Lysosome

Option b - Chromosome

Which of the following is responsible for controlling hereditary characteristics of the living cells?

(A) Enzyme

(B) Hormone


(D) None of the above

Option d - None of the above

The unit of heredity in our body is called

(A) Chromosome


(C) Gene

(D) Nucleus

Option c - Gene

Gene is

(A) A segment of DNA

(B) A segment of DNA and histone

(C) A segment of DNA, RNA, and histone

(D) All of the above

Option a - A segment of DNA

Who delivered the principle of jumping gene"?

(A) Gregor Johann Mendel

(B) Tomas Hunt Morgan

(C) Barbara Mc Clintock

(D) Watson and Crick

Option c - Barbara Mc Clintock

Which compound present in D.N.A. does not form amino acid?

(A) Adenine

(B) Tyrosine

(C) Guanine

(D) Cytosine

Option b - Tyrosine

Which of the following professional (s) are more likely to run the risk of a permanent change in their cell's DNA? 1. Researchers using carbon 14 isotopes 2. X-ray technician 3. Coal miner 4. Dyer and painter Select the correct answer by using the codes given below. Code

(A) Only 2

(B) Only 1, 2 and 3

(C) Only 1, 2 and 4

(D) Only 1, 3 and 4

Option a - Only 2

Mendel's principle of inheritance is based on

(A) Vegetative reproduction

(B) Asexual reproduction

(C) Sexual reproduction

(D) All of the above

Option c - Sexual reproduction

Genome mapping relates to

(A) Blood grouping

(B) Mapping of genes

(C) Mapping of nerve centers

(D) Mapping of brain

Option b - Mapping of genes

Who is the father of modern genetics?

(A) Gregor Johann Mendel

(B) Hugo De Vries

(C) Charles Darwin

(D) Thomas Hunt Morgan

Option a - Gregor Johann Mendel

The classical Mendel's work on his laws of inheritance' was performed on the organism

(A) Drosophila

(B) Snapdragon

(C) Garden pea

(D) Sweet pea

Option c - Garden pea

The sugar present in DNA is

(A) Glucose

(B) Fructose

(C) Deoxyribose

(D) Ribose

Option c - Deoxyribose

We covered all the heredity and evolution in Hindi above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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