Hindi mcq for competitive exams

Hindi mcq for competitive exams. We covered all the Hindi mcq for competitive exams in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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Hindi Objective mcq for competitive exams for Students

A pen drive is

A) A fixed secondary storage unit

B) A magnetic secondary storage unit

C) A removable secondary storage unit

D) None of the above

Option c - A removable secondary storage unit

Mouse is

A) Memory

B) C.P.U.

C) Input Device

D) Output Device

Option c - Input Device

Which of the following is not an output device?

A) Monitor

B) Printer

C) Mouse

D) Plotters

Option c - Mouse

Which of the following is not an output device?

A) Touch screen

B) Monitor

C) Printer

D) Plotter

Option a - Touch screen

Who invented the electronic computer?

A) Dr. Alan M. Turing

B) Karl Benz

C) Thomas Alva Edison

D) Edward Teller

Option a - Dr. Alan M. Turing

The digital computer was developed in

A) Russia

B) Britain

C) U.S.A.

D) Japan

Option b - Britain

The first computer was made by

A) Bill Gates

B) Bill Clinton

C) Charles Babbage

D) Marconi

Option c - Charles Babbage

Who is considered to be the 'Father of Computers'?

A) Bill Gates

B) Charles Babbage

C) Narayan Murthy

D) Tim Berners Lee

Option b - Charles Babbage

For which word, the letter 'G' has been used in '2G Spectrum'?

A) Global

B) Government

C) Generation

D) Google

Option c - Generation

We covered all the Hindi mcq for competitive exams above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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