History Chapter 1 Class 9 MCQ Online Test

History Chapter 1 Class 9 MCQ Online Test. We covered all the History Chapter 1 Class 9 MCQ Online Test in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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History Chapter 1 Class 9 Objective MCQ Online Test for Students

Which of the following is the biggest Harappan civilization site?

A) Ropar

B) Lothal

C) Kalibangan

D) Rakhigarhi

Option d – Rakhigarhi

The river most mentioned in the Rigveda is

A) Sindhu

B) Shutudri

C) Saraswati

D) Gandaki

Option a – Sindhu

“The most unique feature of this site is its dockyard; the world’s first tidal port, which served as the main seaport for the Indus people.” The above statement holds true for which site?

A) Ropar

B) Lothal

C) Rakhigarhi

D) Banawali

Option b – Lothal

The word ‘Veda’, derived from ‘Vid’ refers to

A) Knowledge

B) Energy

C) Truth

D) Karma

Option a – Knowledge

Which dynasty ruled over Magadha after the Mauryan dynasty?

A) Satavahana

B) Sunga

C) Nanda

D) Kanva

Option b – Sunga

Which particular city became the nodal point for trade routes running from North to South and East to West in the pre-Gupta and Gupta periods?

A) Taxila

B) Mathura

C) Ujjain

D) Vidisa

Option c – Ujjain

Vedic literature is also known as

A) Shruti

B) Smriti

C) Sanhita

D) Vedanga

Option a – Shruti

The Indian who was involved in the excavations of Harappa and Mohenjodaro is

A) S.D. Rathore

B) K.K. Menon

C) R.D. Banerjee

D) R.D. Sharma

Option c – R.D. Banerjee

Kalibangan is located in

A) Gujarat

B) Rajasthan

C) Himachal Pradesh

D) Punjab

Option b – Rajasthan

Who was the most important God in the Rigveda?

A) Agni

B) Indra

C) Varun

D) Vishnu

Option b – Indra

Who among the following scholars declared that the ‘Saptsindhava’ region was the homeland of the Aryans?

A) Dr. A. C. Das

B) Prof. Max Muller

C) Prof. Karl Penta

D) Dr. K. K. Sharma

Option a – Dr. A. C. Das

The Nayanar group of saints in North India were devotees of the Lord

A) Vishnu

B) Shiva

C) Krishna

D) Buddha

Option b – Shiva

We covered all the history chapter 1 class 9 mcq online test above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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