History Question and Answer Bengali

History Question and Answer Bengali. We covered all the History Question and Answer Bengali in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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History Objective Question and Answer Bengali for Students

With reference to the Indian Freedom Struggle, which one of the following statements is not correct?

(a) Hakim Ajmal Khan was one of the leaders to start a Nationalist and Militant Ahrar Movement.

(b) When the Indian National Congress was formed, Syed Ahmed Khan opposed it.

(c) The All India Muslim League which was formed in 1906, opposed the Partition of Bengal and separate electorates.

(d) Maulana Barkatullah and Maulana Obaidullah Sindhi were among those who formed a Provisional Government of India in Kabul.

Option c - The All India Muslim League which was formed in 1906, opposed the Partition of Bengal and separate electorates

Which movement started after the Partition of Bengal?

(a) Civil Disobedience Movement

(b) Swadeshi Movement

(c) Quit India Movement

(d) Non-Cooperation Movement

Option b - Swadeshi Movement

Who among the following were the critics of the Swadeshi Movement and pleaded for a better understanding between the East and the West?

(a) WC Bonerjee

(b) SN Banerjee

(c) RN Tagore

(d) BG Tilak

Option c - RN Tagore

Boycott of British goods was adopted as a National Policy in

(a) 1899

(b) 1901

(c) 1903

(d) 1905

Option d - 1905

What was the immediate cause for the launch of the Swadeshi Movement?

(a) The Partition of Bengal was done by Lord Curzon.

(b) A sentence of 18 months rigorous imprisonment was imposed on Lokmanya Tilak.

(c) The arrest and deportation of Lala Lajpat Rai and Ajit Singh; and the passing of the Punjab Colonisation Bills.

(d) Death sentence pronounced on the Chapkar brother.

Option a - The Partition of Bengal was done by Lord Curzon

Which one of the following movements has contributed to a split in the Indian National Congress resulting in the emergence of moderates and extremists?

(a) Swadeshi Movement

(b) Quit India Movement

(c) Non-Cooperation Movement

(d) Civil Disobedience Movement

Option a - Swadeshi Movement

The partition of Bengal was in reality

(a) an attempt to weaken nationalism in Bengal.

(b) a step was taken for administrative convenience.

(c) an attempt to split Congress.

(d) an Act to appease Muslim sentiments.

Option a - an attempt to weaken nationalism in Bengal

The anti-partition Movement of Bengal was initiated on

(a) 20th July 1905

(b) 7th August 1905

(c) 16th October 1905

(d) 7th November 1905

Option b - 7th August 1905

Which of the following statements on the Anti-partition Movement of 1905 is correct?

(a) The moderates did not support it.

(b) It led to the revival of some traditional artisan crafts.

(c) It did not involve the masses.

(d) All the above are correct.

Option b - It led to the revival of some traditional artisan crafts.

In which of the following movements Vande Mataram has adopted a slogan for agitation?

(a) Revolt of 1857

(b) Partition of Bengal in 1905

(c) Non-Cooperation Movement in 1922

(d) Quit India Movement in 1942

Option b - Partition of Bengal in 1905

Name the Viceroy of India/Concerned with Bengal Partition.

(a) Lord Harding

(b) Lord Curzon

(c) Lord Lytton

(d) Lord Minto

Option b - Lord Curzon

The Lieutenant Governor of Bengal at the time of the Partition of Bengal was

(a) Sir Andrew Fraser

(b) HH Risley

(c) Brodrick

(d) AT Arundel

Option a - Sir Andrew Fraser

Who among the following annulled the Partition of Bengal?

(a) Lord Chelmsford

(b) Lord Curzon

(c) Lord Minto

(d) Lord Hardinge II

Option d - Lord Hardinge II

The Partition of Bengal made in 1905

(a) was annulled by the king's proclamation at the Delhi Durbar in 1911.

(b) continued till India got independence.

(c) was annulled as a result of the Minto-Morley reforms.

(d) was revoked in 1908 because of Swadeshi Movement.

Option a - was annulled by the king's proclamation at the Delhi Durbar in 1911

We covered all the history question and answer Bengali above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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