IAS Question Paper in Tamil

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IAS Question Paper in Tamil. We covered all the IAS Question Paper in Tamil MCQs in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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Who started the Ryotwari system?

(A) Thomas Munro

(B) Martin Burda

(C) Cornwallis

(D) Lord Dalhousie

Option a - Thomas Munro

The Ryotwari settlement was introduced by the British in the

(A) Bengal Presidency

(B) Madras Presidency

(C) Bombay Presidency

(D) Madras & Bombay Presidency

Option d - Madras & Bombay Presidency

In the British System Ryotwari land revenue collection was prevalent in

(A) North India

(B) East India

(C) West India

(D) South India

Option d - South India

When was the first tea company established in Assam?

(A) 1835

(B) 1837

(C) 1839

(D) 1841

Option c - 1839

Who is the exponent of the Theory of the Economic Drain' of India during British Rule?

(A) M.N. Roy

(B) Jai Prakash Narayan

(C) Rammanohar Lohiya

(D) Dadabhai Naoroji

Option d - Dadabhai Naoroji

Who among the following leaders did not believe in the drain theory of Dadabhai Naoroji?

(A) B.G. Tilak

(B) R.C. Dutt

(C) M.G. Ranade

(D) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

Option d - Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

Who authored the book 'Poverty and the Unbritish Rule in India'?

(A) Amartya Kumar Sen

(B) Ramesh Chandra Dutt

(C) Gopal Krishna Gokhale

(D) Dadabhai Naoroji

Option d - Dadabhai Naoroji

Who considered that 'British Economic Policy is disgusting in India'?

(A) B.G. Tilak

(B) Dadabhai Naoroji

(C) Karl Marx

(D) Adam Smith

Option c - Karl Marx

The rights of the tenants on land in Bengal and Bihar were given to the Bengal Tenency Act.

(A) 1885

(B) 1886

(C) 1889

(D) 1900

Option a - 1885

Sir Thomas Munro has been associated with the land revenue settlement

(A) Permanent Settlement

(B) Mahalwari Settlement

(C) Ryotwari Settlement

(D) None of the above

Option c - Ryotwari Settlement

We covered all the ias question paper in tamil mcqs above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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