Indian Constitution MCQ Class 8

Indian Constitution MCQ Class 8. We covered all the Indian Constitution MCQ Class 8 in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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MCQ on Indian Constitution for Students

Chairman of Constituent Assembly is

1. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

2. Nehru

3. Rajendra Prasad

4. Gandhiji

Option 3 – Rajendra Prasad

Chairman of drafting committee is

1. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

2. Rajendra Prasad

3. Gandhiji

4. Nehru

Option 1 – Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

The drafting committee was constituted on

1. 28th July 1947

2. 29th August 1947

3. 26th January 1950

4. 5th Sep. 1947

Option 2 – 29th August 1947

At last the revised Constitution was approved in the Constituent Assembly on

1. 26th Nov. 1949

2. 26th Dec. 1949

3. 26th Oct. 1949

4. 26th Jan. 1949

Option 1 – 26th Nov. 1949

How many days were taken to prepare our constitution

1. 3 years 11 months

2. 2 years 11 months 18 days

3. 2 years 10 months 15 days

4. 1 year 11 months 15 days

Option 2 – 2 years 11 months 18 days

Lengthiest written Constitution in the world is

1. America

2. England

3. Pakistan

4. India

Option 4 – India

Our Consitution came into force on ?

1. 26th Nov. 1950

2. 26th Feb. 1950

3. 26th Jan. 1950

4. 26th March 1950

Option 3 – 26th Jan. 1950

Indian Constitution starts with?

1. Directive Principles

2. Fundamental Rights

3. The Preamble

4. Fundamental Duties

Option 3 – The Preamble

Which of the following is related to sovereign state

1. The country which yields to foreign powers

2. Behaves independently in internal & external affairs

3. Taking not self-decisions

4. Depending upon other countries in external affairs.

Option 2 – Behaves independently in internal & external affairs

The word “Socialist State” has been added in premble to the Constitution in

1. 1956


3. 1976

4. 1986

Option 3 – 1976

The word “Socialist State” has been added to the constitution by

1. 44th Amendment

2. 42nd Amendment

3. 43rd Amendment

4. 45th Amendment

Option 2 – 42nd Amendment

Which of the following is not a fundamental right

1. The Right to equality

2. The Right to property

3. The Right to freedom

4. The Right to Consititutional remedies

Option 2 – The Right to property

The word “Secular” has been added to the preamble through

1. 42nd Amendment

2. 44th Amendment

3. 43rd Amendment

4. 46th Amendment

Option 1 – 42nd Amendment

If the head of the state is not a hereditary king or queen but an elected representative it is

1. Republic

2. Equality

3. Fraternity

4. Liberty

Option 1 – Republic

Which of the following is promoted by socialistic pattern of society?

1. Republic

2. Social Justice

3. Fraternity

4. None of these

Option 4 – None of these

…….. without equality is useless

1. Justice

2. Liberty

3. Equality

4. Fraternity

Option 2 – Liberty

Which of the following is essential for any country?

1. Constitution

2. Governor

3. Speaker

4. None of these

Option 1 – Constitution

India became Independent on

1. 16th August 1947

2. 17th August 1947

3. 26th January 1947

4. 15th August 1947

Option 4 – 15th August 1947

Elections were held to the Constituent Assembly in

1. July 1946

2. March 1947

3. July 1947

4. June 1947

Option 1 – July 1946

Who is not a member of Constituent Assembly

1. Nehru

2. Vallahbhai Patel

3. Sri Raja Gopala Chari

4. Gandhiji

Option 4 – Gandhiji

The Constituent Assembly met for the first time on

1. Dec 1946

2. Dec 1948

3. Jan 1946

4. Feb 1947

Option 1 – Dec 1946

We covered all the Indian constitution MCQ class 8 above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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