Industrial Chemistry MCQs with Answers

Industrial Chemistry MCQs with Answers. We covered all the Industrial Chemistry MCQs with Answers in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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MCQ on Industrial Chemistry for Students

Natural adhesive obtained from milk protein

1. casein

2. albumin

3. dextrin

4. starch

Option 1 – casein

Synthetic adhesives are

1. Resins

2. Esters

3. Aldehydes

4. Amino acids

Option 1 – Resins

Water soluble adhesive used for paper

1. Epoxy resins

2. Urea formaldehyde

3. Gum-Arabica

4. Cellulose acetate

Option 3 – Gum-Arabica

The adhesive used for ply-wood and lamination is

1. Gum-arabic

2. Urea formaldehyde

3. Animal glue

4. Shellac

Option 2 – Urea formaldehyde

Which of the following is not natural fibre

1. cotton

2. cellulose acetate

3. jute

4. wool

Option 2 – cellulose acetate

Main constituent in the natural fibers

1. cellulose acetate

2. cellulose Nitrate

3. cellulose butyrate

4. cellulose

Option 4 – cellulose

The requirement for a polymer to be used as fibre

1. high tensile strength

2. resist hydrolysis

3. resist to sunlight

4. all the above

Option 4 – all the above

Cement consists

1. Calcium silicates

2. Calcium aluminates

3. Iron oxide, sodium oxide, potasium oxide etc..

4. All the above

Option 4 – all the above

The raw material required for cement manufacture is

1. Lime stone

2. Clay

3. Both (1) and (2)

4. None of these

Option 3 – Both (1) and (2)

Which raw material provides calcium in cement

1. lime stone

2. clay

3. silica

4. none of these

Option 1 – lime stone

Manufacture of cement in the wet process “raw slurry” is a mixture of

1. lime stone and water

2. lime stone and clay

3. lime stone and clay and water

4. lime stone and silica

Option 3 – lime stone and clay and water

Cement was invented by

1. J. Aspdin

2. Rutherford

3. Wurtz

4. Nesler

Option 1 – J. Aspdin

Fibres of Nylon is made by

1. melt spinning method

2. dry spinning method

3. wet spinning method

4. core spinning method

Option 1 – melt spinning method

Fibres of orlon is made by

1. melt spinning method

2. dry spinning method

3. wet spinning method

4. core spinning method

Option 2 – dry spinning method

Fibres of Dacron is made by

1. wet spinning method

2. core spinning method

3. melt spinning method

4. dry spinning method

Option 3 – melt spinning method

Which of the following fibres is made by dry spinning method

1. Nylon

2. Dacron

3. Cellulose acetate

4. None of these

Option 3 – Cellulose acetate

Emulsion of oil and water

1. nail polish

2. cold-cream

3. petroleum jelly

4. beeswax

Option 2 – cold-cream

Cold creams mainly contain

1. almond-oil

2. beeswax

3. rose water

4. all the above

Option 4 – all the above

Butter may be used in

1. Fibres

2. Cold cream

3. Nail polish

4. Face powder

Option 2 – Cold cream

Which of the following is called pyroxylin

1. Nitro cellulose

2. Dinitro cellulose

3. (1) and (2)

4. None of these

Option 3 – (1) and (2)

We covered all the industrial chemistry mcqs with answers above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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