Inter First Year Physics 2 Marks Questions

Inter First Year Physics 2 Marks Questions. We covered all the Inter First Year Physics 2 Marks Questions in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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Inter First Year Physics 2 Marks Mock Test for Students

In Young’s experiment, slits are separated by 0.28 mm and a screen is placed at 48 cm away from the slits. The apparatus is now immersed in oil of refractive index 4/3 and slits are illuminated by wavelength 0.7μ m (in the air), then the distance of the 2nd bright band will be :

(A) 900 μm

(B) 90 μm

(C) 1800 μm

(D) 180 μm

Option c – 1800 μm

In Young’s experiment, keeping the distance of the slit from the screen constant and if the distance between slits is reduced to half then the fringe width will be :

(A) doubled

(B) half

(C) remains the same

(D) four times

Option a – doubled

The distance between any two successive dark bands is :

(A) amplitude

(B) mean free path

(C) wavelength

(D) fringe width

Option d – fringe width

In interference of light, bandwidth is :

(A) directly proportional to wavelength

(B) directly proportional to the distance between the slit and the screen

(C) inversely proportional to the distance between the slits

(D) all of these

Option d – all of these

Using a monochromatic source of light, Young’s double-slit interference fringes have been obtained for a certain separation of the slits. As the slit separation increases the fringes will become :

(A) narrower

(B) wider

(C) circular in shape

(D) unchanged in width

Option a – narrower

In Young’s experiment slits are separated by 0.13 mm and illuminated by the light of wavelength 6500 A°. The interference pattern is obtained on a screen placed at a suitable distance and the fringe width is measured. How far should the screen be moved so that the fringe width increases by 2mm?

(A) 30 cm

(B) 40 cm

(C) 60 cm

(D) 50 cm

Option b – 40 cm

Young’s double slit experiment was carried out with wavelength 5000 A°, the distance between the light of the slits is 0.2 mm and the screen is 2m from the slit. The central maximum is at x=0. The fourth maximum will be at x equal to :

(A) 1.5 cm

(B) 2 mm

(C) 2 cm

(D) 0.2 mm

Option c – 2 cm

Yellow light emitted by sodium lamp in Young’s experiment is replaced by the monochromatic blue light of the same intensity :

(A) fringe width will increases

(B) fringe width will decrease

(C) fringe width remains the same

(D) fring will become less intense

Option b – fringe width will decrease

In Young’s experiment, the wavelength of light used is 632 nm, and the first interference minima will occur at a path difference of :

(A) 1264 nm

(B) 632 nm

(C) 316 nm

(D) 158 nm

Option c – 316 nm

In two separate setups of Young’s experiment fringes of equal width are observed when lights of wavelengths in the ratio 1 : 2 are used. If the ratio of slit separation in the two cases is 2 : 1. Then the ratio of the distances between the plane of the slits and the screen in the two setups is :

(A) 1 : 1

(B) 1 : 2

(C) 4 : 1

(D) 1 : 4

Option c – 4 : 1

In Young’s experiment, the slits are 0.5 mm apart and interference is observed on a screen placed at a distance of 1m from the slits. It is found that the 9th bright fringe is at a distance of 9mm from the second dark fringe from the center of the fringe pattern. The wavelength of light used is :

(A) 5000 A°

(B) 6000 A°

(C) 5500 A°

(D) 7000 Aº

Option b – 6000 A°

In Young’s double slit experiment, 12 fringes are observed to be formed in a certain segment of the screen, when the light of wavelength 6000 A° is used. If the wavelength of light decreases by 2000A, the number of fringes observed in the same segment of the screen is :

(A) 18

(B) 12

(C) 16

(D) 24

Option a – 18

We covered all the inter first year physics 2 marks questions above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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