Kashmir University Previous Papers

Kashmir University Previous Papers. We covered all the Kashmir University Previous Papers MCQs in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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These types of competitive MCQs appear in the exams like Steno, Constable GD, SSC CGL, SSC CPO, SSC CHSL, SSC MTS, DRDO, UPSC, BANK, CET, TET, Polie Exam, RRB NTPC, Group D, and other Competitive Examinations, etc. We created all the competitive exam MCQs into several small posts on our website for your convenience.

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Kashmir University Objective Previous Papers for Students

The memory of the computer is measured by the?

A) Bits

B) Ohms

C) Amperes

D) Volts

Option a – Bits

Binary numbers are?

A) 0 and 1

B) 0 and 10

C) 1 and 10

D) 1 and 100

Option a – 0 and 1

In a Binary Code, 7 is written as?

A) 110

B) 111

C) 101

D) 100

Option b – 111

Binary language consists of how many digits?

A) 2

B) 3

C) 4

D) 16

Option a – 2

Which of the following is a self-complimenting code?

A) 8421 code

B) 5211 code

C) Gray code

D) Binary code

Option b – 5211 code

A firewall is used in Communication Network/System for protection from?

A) Unauthorized attack

B) Data-driven attack

C) Fire attack

D) Virus attack

Option a – Unauthorized attack

American television and Telegraph has developed such computer procedure which gives a multi-user environment, it is called?

A) V.G.A.

B) Unix

C) V.L.S.I.

D) U.T.A.

Option b – Unix

Windows-3, a popular windowing environment, was released by Microsoft in the year.

A) 1985

B) 2000

C) 1995

D) 1990

Option d – 1990

Windows operating system was developed by?

A) Microsoft

B) I.B.M.

C) A.T.&T.

D) H.P.

Option a – Microsoft

Windows Software has been developed by?

A) I.B.M.

B) Apple Corporation


D) Microsoft

Option d – Microsoft

Which of the following is an Operating System?




D) MS-Office

Option a – UNIX

In a microwave oven, the microwave tube used is?

A) A combination of klystron and magnetron tubes

B) Klystron tube

C) Magnetron tube

D) Travelling wave tube

Option c – Magnetron tube

We covered all the Kashmir University previous papers mcqs above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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