Laser Quiz Questions

Laser Quiz Questions. We covered all the Laser Quiz Questions in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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MCQ on Laser for School Students

The characteristic lack of which an ordinary light is an optical noise, is

1. Coherence

2. Directionality

3. Monochromecity

4. Intensity

Option 1 – Coherence

The incoherent nature of ordinary light makes it

1. Optical noise

2. Optical music

3. Visible

4. None of these

Option 1 – Optical noise

The property of a laser light which makes it optical music, is

1. Directionality

2. Monochromacity

3. Intensity

4. Coherence

Option 4 – Coherence

Emitting light in all directions is called

1. Directionality

2. Divergence

3. Convergence

4. None of these

Option 2 – Divergence

The source of light from which the light emitted is of single colour or of single wavelength, is

1. Sodium vapour lamp

2. Laser

3. Torch light

4. 1 and 2

Option 4 – 1 and 2

The spread of wavelength (or frequency) about the wavelength of maximum intensity is called….

1. Band width

2. Range

3. Band length

4. 1 and 2

Option 4 – 1 and 2

The sources of light, the light emitted by them has the property ‘divergence’, is

1. Torch light

2. Sodium lamp

3. Incandescent bulb

4. All of these

Option 4 – All of these

Emitting light only in one direction is called

1. Divergence

2. Directionality

3. Convergence

4. Interference

Option 2 – Directionality

The source of light, from which the light emitted has the property of ‘directionality’, is

1. Laser

2. Torch light

3. Incandiscent bulb

4. Lamp

Option 1 – Laser

If the beam from a powerful search light travels a distance of 1 km, it spreads to about in diameter

1. 1 metre

2. 1 kilometre

3. 1 centimetre

4. 10 centimetres

Option 2 – 1 kilometre

If the beam from a laser travels a distance of 1 km, it spreads to a diameter less than

1.1 m

2. 1 mm

3. 1 cm

4.1 km

Option 3 – 1 cm

The property/characteristic of laser light which enables us to focus the light to a point on a target at large distance

1. Directionality

2. Coherence

3. Monochromecity

4. Intensity

Option 1 – Directionality

We covered all the laser quiz questions above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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