Lasers MCQ

Lasers MCQ. We covered all the Lasers MCQ in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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MCQ on Lasers for Students

In single-mode fibre, it has

1. Small core diameter

2. High core diameter

3. High cladding diameter

4. (1) and (3)

Option 4 – (1) and (3)

Dispersion in single-mode fibre is

1. High

2. Less

3. No dispersion

4. None

Option 3 – No dispersion

Single-mode fibres are more suitable for

1. Long-distance communications

2. Small-distance communications

3. (1) and (3)

4. Not for communications

Option 1 – Long-distance communications

Multi-mode fibre has

1. Large core diameter than single-mode fibre

2. Small core diameter than single-mode fibre

3. Equal core diameter as single-mode fibre

4. None

Option 1 – Large core diameter than single-mode fibre

The light ray is entered into the multi-mode fibre using

1. Laser diode

2. P-N junction diode

3. LED source

4. None

Option 3 – LED source

The light rays propagate through step-index optical fibre are

1. Meridional rays

2. Skew rays

3. Helical rays

4. None

Option 1 – Meridional rays

The diameter of cladding in step-index optical fibre is

1. 50 μm

2. 200 µm

3. 110 µm

4. 150 μm

Option 3 – 110 µm

The cladding in the Graded-index optical fibre has

1. Uniform refractive index

2. Non-uniform refractive index

3. (1) and (2)

4. None

Option 1 – Uniform refractive index

The wrong statement about Graded index optical fibre was

1. Greater bandwidth

2. Easy to couple with an optical source

3. Expensive

4. High dispersion

Option 4 – High dispersion

The Ruby-laser output is

1. Continuous

2. Not continuous

3. Less intense

4. None

Option 2 – Not continuous

The active media in gas lasers are

1. A helical xenon flash tube

2. Fused quartz tube

3. R.F generator

4. Vapours of metals

Option 4 – Vapours of metals

The optical fibres are based on the principle of

1. Interference

2. Diffraction

3. Total internal reflection

4. Polarisation

Option 3 – Total internal reflection

Optical pumping used in

1. He-Ne laser

2. CO₂ laser

3. Semiconductor laser

4. Ruby laser

Option 4 – Ruby laser

Electric discharge pumping method used in

1. He-Ne laser

2. CO₂ laser

3. Semiconductor laser

4. Ruby laser

Option 1 – He-Ne laser

The basic requirement for the laser action is

1. Population inversion of metastable state should be high

2. Population inversion of ground state should be high

3. (1) and (2)

4. None

Option 1 – Population inversion of metastable state should be high

Active medium in lasers maybe

1. Solid

2. Liquid

3. Gas

4. All the above

Option 4 – All the above

The exciting system in Ruby laser was

1. Ruby crystal

2. A helical xenon flash tube

3. Glass tube

4. None

Option 2 – A helical xenon flash tube

The wavelength of the Ruby laser

1. 6943 A

2. 6493 A

3. 6394 A

4. 6934 A

Option 1 – 6943 A

lasers are

1. Coherent sources

2. incoherent sources

3. (1) and (2)

4. None

Option 1 – Coherent sources

The first laser was developed by

1. Einstein

2. C.H. Townes

3. T.H. Maiman

4. A.Javan

Option 2 – C.H. Townes

The number of photons emitted in stimulated emission is

1. 1

2. 2

3. 3

4. 4

Option 2 – 2

In stimulated emission, the amplitude

1. increases

2. decreases

3. increases then decreases

4. None

Option 1 – increases

We covered all the lasers mcq above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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