Life Process MCQ Ed.Cet

Life Process MCQ Ed.Cet. We covered all the Life Process MCQ Ed.Cet in this post for completely free that can be used to prepare for any competitive online exam.

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01 The valve present at the beginning of pulmonary aorta in right ventricle are

  1. tricuspid
  2. bicuspid
  3. mitral
  4. pulmonary valve
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Option 4 – pulmonary valve

02 Systematic aorta carries

  1. oxygenated blood
  2. lymph
  3. de oxygenated blood
  4. mixed blood

Option 1 – oxygenated blood

03 Normal blood pressure of human is

  1. 80/120
  2. 100/120
  3. 120/100
  4. 120/80

Option 4 – 120/80

04 The substance that prevents clotting of blood vessels is

  1. haemoglobin
  2. heparin
  3. thyroxin
  4. pepsin

Option 2 – heparin

05 Vitamin required for coagulation of blood

  1. vitamin A
  2. vitamin C
  3. vitamin D
  4. vitamin K

Option 4 – vitamin K

06 Hemophilia is a ……….

  1. contagious decease
  2. genetic disorder
  3. hereditary
  4. 2 and 3

Option 4 – 2 and 3

07 Which of the following is inherited disorder

  1. cancer
  2. leucamia
  3. thalessemia
  4. aids

Option 3 – thalessemia

08 Tissue associated with water transport

  1. mesophyll
  2. phloem
  3. xylem
  4. parenchyma

Option 3 – xylem

09 Soil water enter into root hair by process called ……

  1. diffusion
  2. filtration
  3. boot pressure
  4. osmosis

Option 4 – osmosis

10 How does the water reach 180 meters high to the top of a tree like eucalyptus

  1. transpiration
  2. root pressures
  3. continuous column of water is xylem
  4. all the above

Option 4 – all the above

11 Food transported through

  1. xylem
  2. phloem
  3. bark
  4. chlorenchyma

Option 2 – phloem

12 We will find vocal cords in

  1. larynx
  2. pharynx
  3. nasal cavity
  4. trachea

Option 1 – larynx

13 Cluster of air sacs in lungs are called

  1. alveolus
  2. bronchi
  3. bronchioles
  4. air spaces

Option 1 – alveolus

14 Which of the following is correct

  1. the diaphragm contracts – volume of chest cavity increased
  2. the diaphragm contracts – volume of chest cavity decreased
  3. the diaphragm expands – volume of chest cavity increased
  4. the diaphragm expands – volume of chest cavity decreased

Option 1 – the diaphragm contracts – volume of chest cavity increased

15 Respiration is a catabolic process because of

  1. breakdown of complex food molecules
  2. conversion of light energy
  3. synthesis of chemical energy
  4. energy storage

Option 1 – breakdown of complex food molecules

16 Energy is stored in

  1. nucleus
  2. mitochondria
  3. ribosome
  4. cell wall

Option 2 – mitochondria

17 Cutaneous respiration observed in …….

  1. cockroach
  2. amoeba
  3. earthworm
  4. butterfly

Option 3 – earthworm

18 Maximum rate of respiration takes place

  1. 0 degree celsius
  2. 45 degree celsius
  3. 100 degree celsius
  4. 160 degree celsius

Option 2 – 45 degree celsius

19 What are the energy producing centres in a cell

  1. mitochondria
  2. golgi complex
  3. vacuole
  4. ribosome

Option 1 – mitochondria

20 End product of glycolysis

  1. pyruvic acid
  2. acetic acid
  3. lactic acid
  4. abscisic acid

Option 1 – pyruvic acid

21 Conversion of glucose to pyruvic acid yields to net gain of

  1. 2 molecules of ATP
  2. 36 molecules of ATP
  3. 4 molecules of ATP
  4. 38 molecules of ATP

Option 1 – 2 molecules of ATP

22 Cellular respiration takes place in the

  1. cytoplasm and mitochondria
  2. nucleus and mitochondria
  3. chloroplast and mitochondria
  4. mitochondria and vacuole

Option 1 – cytoplasm and mitochondria

23 For the oxidation, carbohydrates should be in the form of

  1. starch
  2. cellulose
  3. glucose
  4. fats

Option 3 – glucose

24 In one of the following is observed only aerobic respiration

  1. muscles
  2. yeast
  3. tetanus bacteria
  4. germinating seeds

Option 4 – germinating seeds

25 Respiration differs from combustion in

  1. release of heat all at once
  2. release of heat at several stages
  3. initial burning of substance
  4. initial supply of oxygen

Option 2 – release of heat at several stages

26 Which of the following is known as the energy currency of cells in biology

  1. DTP
  2. ATP
  3. ADP
  4. DDT

Option 2 – ATP

27 Reason for muscular pain is accumulation of ……….

  1. citric acid
  2. ATP
  3. hydrochloric acid
  4. lactic acid

Option 4 – lactic acid

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