Life Process Question and Answer MCQ

Life Process Question and Answer MCQ. We covered all the Life Process Question and Answer MCQ below in this post for free.

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01 Gaseous exchange takes place within lungs from alveoli to blood capillaries takes by process called …..

  1. osmosis
  2. diffusion
  3. fitration
  4. none of the above
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Option 2 – diffusion

02 In exhaled air percentage of CO2 is ……

  1. 0.03%
  2. 0.04%
  3. 1%
  4. 4%

Option 4 – 4 percent

03 Power house of cell is ……..

  1. chloroplast
  2. mitochondria
  3. nucleus
  4. ribosome

Option 2 – mitochondria

04 Percentage of Oxygen in exhaled air is …….

  1. 16%
  2. 20%
  3. 21%
  4. 79%

Option 1 – 16 percent

05 Ion present in chloroplast is …….

  1. magnesium
  2. iron
  3. manganese
  4. chloride

Option 1 – magnesium

06 On doing strenuous exercise, blood sample shows more percent of …….. in blood

  1. citric acid
  2. lactic acid
  3. acetic acid
  4. oxygen

Option 2 – lactic acid

07 Reason for muscle fatigue is presence of ……… in blood

  1. oxygen
  2. carbondioxide
  3. acetic acid
  4. lactic acid

Option 4 – lactic acid

08 End products of fermentation

  1. ethyl alcohol, CO2
  2. lactic acid, CO2
  3. oxygen, lactic acid
  4. ethyl alcohol, O2

Option 1 – ethyl alcohol, CO2

09 The term cardiac refers to which organ in the body?

  1. heart
  2. vein
  3. lymph
  4. capillary

Option 1 – heart

10 On which side of the human heart is low in oxygen?

  1. left ventricle
  2. right ventricle
  3. left atrium
  4. right atrium

Option 4 – right atrium

11 Which structures of the heart control the flow of blood?

  1. arteries
  2. veins
  3. valves
  4. capillaries

Option 3 – valves

12 Which of the following opinion are correct?

  1. ravi said, xylem and phloem cells are arranged one upon the other to form a tube like structure
  2. john said, xylem and phloem are not separate tube like structures
  3. salma said, xylem and phloem cells connect together to form a tube like structure
  4. hari said, because of its shape they said to be tube like structures

Option 3 – salma said, xylem and phloem cells connect together to form a tube like structure

13 An aphid pierces its proboscis into the …….. to get plant juices

  1. xylem
  2. phloem
  3. cambium
  4. vascular bundle

Option 2 – phloem

14 Lymph is a part of

  1. digestive system
  2. excretory system
  3. nervous system
  4. transport system

Option 4 – transport system

15 Incompletely divided ventricle occurs in

  1. fish
  2. frog
  3. reptile
  4. bird

Option 3 – reptile

16 Example for open type of circulatory system

  1. frog
  2. earth worm
  3. man
  4. butterfly

Option 4 – butterfly

17 Double circulation is precent in

  1. earth worm
  2. cockroach
  3. fish
  4. monkey

Option 4 – monkey

18 Valve present between right atrium and right ventricle

  1. tricupid value
  2. bicypsid value
  3. pulmonary value
  4. aortic valve

Option 1 – tricupid value

19 Pericardium is associated with

  1. lung
  2. kidney
  3. brain
  4. heart

Option 4 – heart

20 Four chambered heart occurs in

  1. fishes, birds
  2. amphibian, reptiles
  3. reptiles, mammals
  4. birds, mammals

Option 4 – birds, mammals

21 Incomplete divided ventricle is occurs in

  1. fish
  2. frog
  3. reptiles
  4. birds

Option 3 – reptiles

22 Blood vessel that takes oxygenated blood to heart

  1. pulmonary heart
  2. post caval vein
  3. coronary vein
  4. pulmonary vein

Option 4 – pulmonary vein

23 Vena cava in man open into

  1. right auricle
  2. left auricle
  3. right ventricle
  4. left ventricle

Option 1 – right auricle

24 Heart attack is caused by the blocking of

  1. pulmonary artery
  2. coronary artery
  3. conorary vein
  4. pulmonary vein

Option 2 – coronary artery

25 Pulmonary artery starts from

  1. right ventricle
  2. left ventricle
  3. right auricle
  4. left auricle

Option 1 – right ventricle

26 Deoxygenated blood from heart is taken to

  1. kidney
  2. lung
  3. neck
  4. stomach

Option 2 – lung

27 Right auricle receives

  1. oxygenated blood
  2. lymph
  3. mixed blood
  4. deoxygenated blood

Option 4 – deoxygenated blood

28 Blood pressure of a person is measured by

  1. galvanometer
  2. sphygnomanometer
  3. barometer
  4. thermometer

Option 2 – sphygnomanometer

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