Living Organisms MCQ General Science

Living Organisms MCQ General Science. We covered all the Living Organisms MCQ General Science content in this post. This general science MCQ content will help you to crack all the competitive exams for sure.

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01 Ethology tells us about

  1. about the behaviour of animals
  2. about the species evolution
  3. about the bird kinds depending on species
  4. about the races of humans
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Option 1 – about the behaviour of animals

02 Micro-organism present in curd or butter milk

  1. fungi
  2. algae
  3. bacteria
  4. virus

Option 3 – bacteria

03 Bacteria present in curd

  1. lactobacillus
  2. yeast
  3. penicillium
  4. all

Option 1 – lactobacillus

04 Form fermentation is due to presence of

  1. lactobacillus
  2. yeast
  3. pencillium
  4. all

Option 2 – yeast

05 The gas releases in fermentation is

  1. o2
  2. co2
  3. co
  4. h2

Option 2 – co2

06 Antibiotics are produced from

  1. bacteria
  2. fungi
  3. virus
  4. algae

Option 2 – fungi

07 Bacterial diseases are

  1. typhoid
  2. gonorrhoea
  3. t.b
  4. all

Option 4 – all

08 Antibiotics are used to control

  1. bacterial diseases
  2. viral diseases
  3. fungal diseases
  4. all diseases

Option 1 – bacterial diseases

09 Pencillium notatum is a

  1. bacteria
  2. virus
  3. fungi
  4. algae

Option 3 – fungi

10 ‘Pencillin’ antibiotic is discovered by

  1. yellapraggada subba rao
  2. alexandar flemming
  3. louis pasteur
  4. edwaard jenner

Option 2 – alexandar flemming

11 This protect us from getting the diseases over a long period of time

  1. antibiotic
  2. injection
  3. vaccine
  4. tablets

Option 3 – vaccine

12 When a vaccine is given, that contains

  1. weak micro organisms
  2. killed micro organisms
  3. 1 and 2
  4. living micro organisms

Option 3 – 1 and 2

13 The word vaccine comes from ‘vaca’ which means

  1. cow
  2. ox
  3. hen
  4. calf

Option 1 – cow

14 Nitrogen gas is present in the air around

  1. 21%
  2. 58%
  3. 68%
  4. 78%

Option 4 – 78%

15 These micro organisms fixes atmospheric nitrogen in the soil

  1. rhizobium
  2. nostoc, anabina
  3. azatobactor
  4. all

Option 4 – all

16 Micro organisms present in root nodules of leguminous plants

  1. rhizobium
  2. bacillus
  3. azatobactor
  4. nostoc

Option 1 – rhizobium

17 Small pox vaccine is invented by

  1. edward jenner
  2. ronald ross
  3. louis pasteur
  4. albert sabin

Option 1 – edward jenner

18 The milkmaids who developed cowpox develop immunity to

  1. typhoid
  2. smallpox
  3. t.b
  4. all

Option 2 – smallpox

19 Disease causing micro organisms are

  1. vectors
  2. pathgen
  3. microbes
  4. all

Option 2 – pathgen

20 The micro organism “plasmodium” causes

  1. t.b
  2. typhoid
  3. malaria
  4. polio

Option 3 – malaria

21 Vector for ‘Plasmodium’ is

  1. female anopheles mosquito
  2. male anopheles mosquito
  3. female culex mosquito
  4. male culex mosquito

Option 1 – female anopheles mosquito

22 Invention of pasteurisation

  1. edward jenner
  2. louis pasteur
  3. flemming
  4. ronald ross

Option 2 – louis pasteur

23 In pasteurisation milk is heated up to

  1. 50C
  2. 60C
  3. 70C
  4. 80C

Option 3 – 70C

24 This disease also affects human along with cattle

  1. foot & mouth disease
  2. anthrax
  3. malaria
  4. viral disease

Option 2 – anthrax

25 When you see the structure of the cell through compound microscope, which of the following is unseen

  1. cell wall
  2. cytoplasm
  3. nucleus
  4. electron

Option 4 – electron

26 Plasma membrane can be termed as which of the following?

  1. cytoplasm
  2. cell membrane
  3. nucleus
  4. endoplasmic reticulum

Option 2 – cell membrane

27 Genetic material of the body is found in

  1. cytoplasm
  2. mitochondria
  3. nucleus
  4. endoplasmic reticulum

Option 3 – nucleus

28 Fluid content founded by the plasma membrane is

  1. cytoplasm
  2. mitochondria
  3. nucleus
  4. phloem

Option 1 – cytoplasm

We covered all the Living Organisms MCQ General Science content above. You can now prepare for any competitive exam that has general science topics using the above MCQ’s.

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