Living World MCQ for NEET

Living World MCQ for NEET. We covered all the Living World MCQ for NEET in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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MCQ on Living World for NEET Students

Holozoic type of nutrition is seen in

(A) fungi

(B) plants

(C) animals

(D) cyanobacteria

Option c – animals

The nuclear membrane is absent in members belonging to which kingdom?

(A) Protista

(B) Monera

(C) Fungi

(D) Animalia

Option b – Monera

Slime molds are ……. protists

(A) autotrophic

(B) parasitic

(C) saprophytic

(D) Marine

Option c – saprophytic

Which of the following group of fungi are known to decompose litter and help in mineral cycling?

(A) Phycomycetes

(B) Ascomycetes

(C) Basidiomycetes

(D) Deuteromycetes

Option d – Deuteromycetes

Aspergillus and Neurospora are examples of

(A) Basidiomycetes

(B) Deuteromycetes

(C) Phycomycetes

(D) Ascomycetes

Option d – Ascomycetes

Desmids and diatoms are classified as

(A) Chrysophytes

(B) Dinoflagellates

(C) Deutromycetes

(D) Euglenoids

Option a – Chrysophytes

Identify the filamentous blue-green algae belonging to the kingdom Monera.

(A) Euglena

(B) Paramoecium

(C) Nostoc

(D) Amoeba

Option c – Nostoc

Panthera pardus is the scientific name of

(A) tiger

(B) leopard

(C) lion

(D) fox

Option b – leopard

In fungi, the fusion of protoplasms between two gametes is called

(A) dikaryophase

(B) plasmogamy

(C) karyogamy

(D) aggregation

Option b – plasmogamy

Identify the correct Order of wheat.

(A) Sapindales

(B) Poales

(C) Poaceae

(D) Anacardiaceae

Option b – Poales

Reproduction is NOT considered a defining feature of life forms because

(A) reproduction is not synonymous with growth.

(B) some organisms like mules, sterile worker bees, etc., do not reproduce.

(C) non-living objects are not capable of reproducing.

(D) environmental cues affect the reproduction rate in the majority of organisms.

Option b – some organisms like mules, sterile worker bees, etc., do not reproduce.

Which of the following acts as a quick referral system in taxonomic studies, in which plant specimens are dried, pressed, and preserved on sheets?

(A) Flora

(B) Herbarium

(C) Botanical garden

(D) Monograph

Option b – Herbarium

Mushrooms, bracket fungi, or puffballs are forms of

(A) Deuteromycetes

(B) Basidiomycetes

(C) Phycomycetes

(D) Ascomycetes

Option b – Basidiomycetes

All protozoans are

(A) heterotrophic

(B) autotrophic

(C) parasitic

(D) either (A) or (C)

Option a – heterotrophic

Assertion: Archaebacteria can survive in habitats exhibiting extreme conditions. Reason: They differ from other bacteria as they have different cell wall structures.

(A) Both assertion and reason are true and the reason is the correct explanation of assertion.

(B) Both assertion and reason are true and the reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.

(C) The assertion is true and the reason is false.

(D) Both assertion and reason are false.

Option a – Both assertion and reason are true and the reason is the correct explanation of assertion.

Choose the INCORRECT statement about classification

(A) Aristotle classified animals into those with red blood and those without.

(B) Linnaeus classified organisms into prokaryotes and eukaryotes.

(C) Whittaker proposed the five-kingdom classification system.

(D) All of the above

Option b – Linnaeus classified organisms into prokaryotes and eukaryotes

Which of the following is NOT a type of heterotrophic mode of nutrition?

(A) Holozoic

(B) Saprophytic

(C) Photosynthetic

(D) Parasitic

Option c – Photosynthetic

Which of the following statements is INCORRECT with respect to mycoplasma?

(A) They are the smallest known bacteria

(B) They lack a cell wall

(C) They require oxygen for survival

(D) They are pathogenic in nature

Option c – They require oxygen for survival

Blue under which green algae are classified kingdom?

(A) Monera

(B) Protista

(C) Fungi

(D) Plantae

Option a – Monera

Complete the given analogy. Fungal association with algae: Fungal association with roots: Mycorrhiza

(A) Lichens

(B) Smuts

(C) Basidiocarps

(D) Heterocysts

Option a – Lichens

The saprophytic mode of nutrition is seen in organisms belonging to which kingdom(s)?

(A) Monera

(B) Protista

(C) Fungi

(D) All of the above

Option d – All of the above

Coprophilia fungi are

(A) found only in aquatic habitats

(B) parasitic fungi

(C) fungus growing on dung

(D) commonly known as imperfect fungi

Option c – fungus growing on dung

We covered all the living world MCQ for neet above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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