Lucknow University Previous Year Question Papers

Lucknow University Previous Year Question Papers. We covered all the Lucknow University Previous Year Question Papers MCQs in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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These types of competitive MCQs appear in the exams like Steno, Constable GD, SSC CGL, SSC CPO, SSC CHSL, SSC MTS, DRDO, UPSC, BANK, CET, TET, Polie Exam, RRB NTPC, Group D, and other Competitive Examinations, etc. We created all the competitive exam MCQs into several small posts on our website for your convenience.

You will get their respective links in the related posts section provided below.

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Lucknow University Previous Year Objective Question Papers for Students

How many bits are there in a kilobyte?

A) 1024

B) 1000

C) 8024

D) 8192

Option d – 8192

1024 kilobytes are equal to?

A) 1 megabyte

B) 1 gigabyte

C) 10 kilobytes

D) 1024 bytes

Option a – 1 megabyte

One kilobyte is equal to?

A) 1000 bytes

B) 1000 bits

C) 1024 bytes

D) 1000 words

Option c – 1024 bytes

Choose the smallest memory size unit.





Option a – KB

In computer language, how many bytes are there in one megabyte?

A) 1,00,000

B) 10,00,000

C) 10,24,000

D) 10,48,576

Option d – 10,48,576

The binary addition 1 + 1 will result in a?

A) 0

B) 0 with carry 1

C) 0 with no carry

D) 1

Option b – 0 with carry 1

The memory of a computer is commonly expressed in terms of kilobytes or megabytes. A byte is made up of?

A) Eight binary digits

B) Eight decimal digits

C) Two binary digits

D) Two decimal digits

Option a – Eight binary digits

A collection of 8 bits is called?

A) Nibble

B) Byte

C) Word

D) Kilobyte

Option b – Byte

One Byte equals how many Bits?

A) 8

B) 16

C) 24

D) 32

Option a – 8

The term bit is the short form of?

A) Megabyte

B) Binary Language

C) Binary Digit

D) Binary Number

Option c – Binary Digit

The length of a word in computers is measured by?

A) Bits

B) Byte

C) Millimetre

D) Metre

Option a – Bits

We covered all the Lucknow University previous year question papers mcqs above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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