MCQ on Centre State Relations. We covered all the MCQ on Centre State Relations in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.
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MCQ on Center State Relations for Students
The tenure of the Judges of High Court Is
1. till completion of 55 years
2. till completion of 60 years
3. till completion of 62 years
4. till completion of 64 years
Option 3 – till completion of 62 years
Which one of the following courts has got the power to award rigorous Imprisonment for not more than six months and fine up to Rs. 500 ?
1. Sessions court
2. First class magistrate court
3. Second class magistrate court
4. Third class magistrate court
Option 3 – Second class magistrate court
The Governor of a State is appointed by
1. President
2. Prime minister
3. Speaker
4. Legislative Assembly
Option 1 – President
A person to be appointed as Governor of a State should have completed
1. 25 years of age
2. 30 years of age
3. 35 years of age
4. 28 years of age
Option 3 – 35 years of age
The main function of State legislature is
1. To enact laws on the subjects in State list
2. To enact laws on the subjects in concurrent list
3. To enact laws on the subjects of both State and concurrent list
4. To execute the laws of all
Option 3 – To enact laws on the subjects of both State and concurrent list
The strength of members of Legislative Council of a State is
1. One third, of the strength of Legislative Assembly
2. One half of the strength of Legislative Assembly
3. Equal to that of Legislative Assembly
4. None of the above
Option 1 – One third, of the strength of Legislative Assembly
The age of a person to participate to elect members to legislature is
1. 18 years
2. 21 years
3. 25 years
4. 24 years
Option 1 – 18 years
The State in India which is exempted to have less than the prescribe strength in Legislative Assembly is
1. Assam
2. Haryana
3. Sikkim
4. Kerala
Option 3 – Sikkim
The State having less than the minimum strength of forty in its Legislative Council is
1. Assam
2. Sikkim
3. Jammu and Kashmir
4. Mizoram
Option 3 – Jammu and Kashmir
Governor nominates this strength of members to the Legislative Council
1. One third
2. One sixth
3. One fifth
4. One fourth
Option 2 – One sixth
This Judge at district level who has the power to Impose death sentence Is called the
1. District Judge
2. District Magistrate
3. Sessions Judge
4. First class magistrate
Option 3 – Sessions Judge
This State has the highest strength of members In Its Legislative Assembly In India
1. Andhra Pradesh
2. Madhya Pradesh
3. Himachal Pradesh
4. Uttar Pradesh
Option 4 – Uttar Pradesh
The power to promulgate ordinances In a State lies In the hands of
1. Parliament
2. Chief Minister
3. Governor
4. Legislative Assembly
Option 3 – Governor
The person who becomes the real ruler in the State during the State of emergency is the
1. Speaker
2. Prime Minister
3. Governor
4. President
Option 3 – Governor
The person who exercises the real executive power is the
1. Governor
2. Chief Minister
3. Speaker
4. Chief Secretary
Option 2 – Chief Minister
The power to take policy decisions at the State level is with
1. The Speaker
2. The Governor
3. Chief Secretary
4. The Chief Minister
Option 4 – Chief Minister
The State which has got two houses of legislature is
1. Assom
2. Kerala
3. Karataka
4. Gujarat
Option 3 – Karataka
The speaker of the Legislative Assembly
1. has got one vote
2. has got two votes
3. has no power to vote
4. exercises casting vote in case of a tie
Option 4 – exercises casting vote in case of a tie
The number of member’s of Legislative Council elected by the members of the Local Self-Governing Institutions is :
1. One third
2. One sixth
3. One twelfth
4. One fourth
Option 1 – One third
We covered all the MCQ on centre state relations above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.
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