MCQ on Structure of Atom Class 10

MCQ on Structure of Atom Class 10. We covered all the MCQ on Structure of Atom Class 10 in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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MCQ on Structure of Atom for Students

Which of the following elements have the same number of protons and neutrons in their atom?

1) Hydrogen

2) Beryllium

3) Carbon-12

4) Argon

Option 3 – Carbon-12

An electron is known as universal particle because

1) Its charge and mass ratio does not depend on the source of its emission

2) It has a fixed charge

3) It is found in all atoms

4) It is always present in cathode rays

Option 1 – Its charge and mass ratio does not depend on the source of its emission

Which of the following statements contradicts the characteristics of cathode rays

1) Cathode rays are common constituents of all matter

2) Cathode rays are not deflected by electrical and magnetic fields

3) Cathode rays ionize gases through which they pass

4) Cathode rays are material particles and can thus rotate a light paddle wheel placed in their path

Option 2 – Cathode rays are not deflected by electrical and magnetic fields

Which of the following particles and can thus rotate a light paddle wheel placed in their path

1) Electrons

2) Protons

3) Neutrons

4) Positrons

Option 2 – Protons

Who carried out the discharge tube experiment for the first time

1) Crookes

2) Goldstein

3) Chadwick

4) Thomson

Option 1 – Crookes

The charge to mass ratio on cathode rays in the discharge tube is constant because ………… are common constituents of all matter.

1) electrons

2) protons

3) neutrons

4) positrons

Option 3 – neutrons

When one neutron disintegrates, it produces

1) One proton and one electron

2) One proton only

3) One proton and one neutron

4) One electron and one neutron

Option 1 – One proton and one electron

Outermost shell of an atom cannot accommodate more electrons than

1) 2

2) 8

3) 18

4) 16

Option 2 – 8

E. Rutherford discovered

1) proton

2) neutron

3) nucleus

4) orbits

Option 3 – nucleus

The idea of fixed energy levels in an atom was given by

1) E Rutherford

2) R.A Mullikan

3) schrodinger

4) Neils Bohr

Option 4 – Neils Bohr

The nucleus of hydrogen atom is called

1) Positron

2) Neutron

3) Proton

4) Electron

Option 3 – Proton

The fundatmental particles present in a neutral atom which are equal is number are

1) Positron and electrons

2) Proton and electron

3) Neutrino and electron

4) Proton and neutron

Option 2 – Proton and electron

What determines the number of positive charge in the nucleus

1) No. of electrons removed

2) Ratio of protons to neutrons

3) The number of protons

4) The electropositive character of the atom

Option 4 – The electropositive character of the atom

There are four atoms A,B, C and D with atomic numbers 9,11,13 and 15 respectively. The atom containing less than 8 electrons in the second or L – shell is

1) A

2) B

3) C

4) D

Option 1 – A

We covered all the MCQ on structure of atom class 10 above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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