MCQ on Surface Tension

MCQ on Surface Tension. We covered all the MCQ on Surface Tension in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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Mock Test on Surface Tension for Students

What makes it difficult to separate two glass plates having a drop of water between them?

(A) Viscosity

(B) Gravity

(C) Surface tension

(D) Atmospheric pressure

Option c – Surface tension

A needle or a pin floats on the surface of the water because of :

(A) Surface tension

(B) Lighter weight

(C) Adhesive force

(D) Viscosity

Option a – Surface tension

SI unit of surface tension is :

(A) Nm

(B) N/m²

(C) N/m

(D) N/s

Option c – N/m

When kerosene is sprinkled on the surface of a pond, mosquitoes can no longer remain sitting over it because :

(A) Kerosene reduces the surface tension so the liquid membrane is no longer able to support them

(B) Mosquitoes are repelled by the smell of the kerosene

(C) Swimming is no longer pleasant to the mosquitoes

(D) Kerosene increases the surface tension

Option a – Kerosene reduces the surface tension so the liquid membrane is no longer able to support them

Kerosene oil rises in the wick of a lantern because of

(A) The diffusion of oil through the wick

(B) The buoyant force of air

(C) The surface tension

(D) The gravitational pull of the wick

Option c – The surface tension

At the critical temperature, the surface tension of a liquid :

(A) Is zero

(B) Is infinity

(C) Is the same as that at other temperatures

(D) Can not be determined

Option a – Is zero

As the temperature of a liquid rises, its surface tension :

(A) Remains the same

(B) Increases

(C) Decreases

(D) Increases or decreases depending on the liquid

Option c – Decreases

Raindrops are spherical in shape because of :

(A) Surface tension

(B) Capillarity

(C) Downward motion

(D) Acceleration due to gravity

Option a – Surface tension

The intermolecular force of attraction between molecules of the same substance is called :

(A) Cohesive force

(B) Adhesive force

(C) Gravitational force

(D) Nuclear force

Option a – Cohesive force

The intermolecular force of attraction between molecules of different substances is called :

(A) Cohesive force

(B) Adhesive force

(C) Gravitational force

(D) Nuclear force

Option b – Adhesive force

Small drops of liquid acquire a spherical shape because

(A) Of the gravitational force acting on the drop

(B) Of the atmospheric pressure

(C) the Volume of a spherical drop is minimum

(D) The liquid surface tends to have a minimum surface area

Option d – The liquid surface tends to have a minimum surface area

The surface tension of the liquid is due to

(A) Cohesive force

(B) Adhesive force

(C) Tension in the liquid

(D) Atmospheric pressure

Option a – Cohesive force

A brush is dipped in water and removed. The hair of the brush clings together due to the:

(A) The force of attraction between the hair

(B) The characteristic property of the hair

(C) the Viscosity of water

(D) the Surface tension of water

Option d – the Surface tension of water

The molecular range of a molecule is :

(A) The maximum distance traveled by the molecule

(B) The maximum distance upto which adhesive force is effective

(C) The maximum distance upto which cohesive force is effective

(D) The distance of separation between two molecules

Option c – The maximum distance upto which cohesive force is effective

We covered all the mcq on surface tension above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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