MCQ on X Ray Diffraction

MCQ on X Ray Diffraction. We covered all the MCQ on X Ray Diffraction in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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MCQ on X-Ray Diffraction for Students

In an achromatic doublet slit, following which statements are correct a. The outpower of the doublet can only be positive b. The focal lengths and powers of the component lenses differ c. Lenses are in inverse proportion to their power of statements

1. b&c are correct statements

2. a&b are correct statements

3. a&c are correct statements

4. None of above

Option 2 – a&b are correct statements

A lens or optical system is said to be aplamatic if it is free from

1. Spherical aberration

2. Coma

3. Neither Spherical nor coma

4. Both (1) & (2)

Option 4 – Both (1) & (2)

Huygen’s eye-piece is free from spherical and chromatic aberrations

1. true

2. false

3. we can’t say

4. none of above

Option 1 – true

In Huygens eye-piece, focal lengths of lenses are 3f and f and the distance between them is

1. f

2. 2f

3. f/2

4. 4f

Option 2 – 2f

A compound achromatic lens with a focal length of 40 cm is to be made from different glasses, find the focal length of the component lens if the dispersive power of crown glass is 0.21 and flint glass is 0.46

1. for the crown is 21.71

2. for flint -47.62

3. crown -21.71, flint -47.62

4. crown -21.71, flint = 47.62

Option 4 – crown -21.71, flint = 47.62

A concave lens of focal length 20cm is kept in contact with a convex lens of focal length 10cm. The combination will have a focal length of

1. – 20 cm

2. – 10 cm

3. 20 cm

4. 2 cm

Option 3 – 20 cm

In any medium light travels between two points along the path such that

1. Time of transit is the least

2. Energy loss in transit is the least

3. Dispersion is minimum

4. None of above

Option 1 – Time of transit is the least

Two lenses of focal lengths 10cm and 20 cm and dispersive power 0.015 and 0.027 respectively will act as an achromatic doublet if they are separated by

1. 18.5 mm

2. 10.5 cm

3. 13.5 cm

4. 5.5 cm

Option 3 – 13.5 cm

Soap bubbles appear to be colored due to the phenomenon of

1. polarization

2. interference

3. dispersion

4. diffraction

Option 3 – dispersion

The shadows are not clear but dispersed due to the phenomenon of

1. Interference

2. Diffraction

3. Polarisation

4. Resolution

Option 2 – Diffraction

The diffraction bands that appear at the thin edge of a diffraction pattern are

1. At equal distances

2. Not at equal distances

3. Maybe at an equal distance or may not be

4. None of these

Option 2 – Not at equal distances

The reason for the appearance of light traveling in straight lines is

1. Due to the presence of particles

2. The velocity of light is very high

3. The wavelength of light is very less

4. Reflection of light from surroundings

Option 3 – The wavelength of light is very less

The area of second-half period zone Sz and that of first-half period zone S₁ are related as

1. S₂ = 2S₁

2. S₂ = -S₁

3. S₂ = S₁

4. S₂ = S1/2

Option 3 – S₂ = S₁

Which of the following is essential for observing diffraction

1. a narrow slit

2. of screen

3. monochromatic light

4. white light

Option 1 – a narrow slit

A very narrow vertical slit illuminated with light of wavelength 6000 Å casts a shadow of vertical wire of diameter 2 mm and 1m away on a screen 3 m away from the wire. Calculate the distance apart of bands inside the shadow and the total number of bands that can be

1. 0.009 cm

2. 0.09 cm

3. 0.1 cm

4. None of above

Option 2 – 0.09 cm

A parallel monochromatic beam of light is incident normally on a narrow slit. A diffraction pattern is formed on a screen placed perpendicular to the direction of the incident beam. At the first minimum of the diffraction pattern, the phase difference between the rays coming from the two edges of the slit is

1. 3π

2. 2π

3. π/2

4. 0

Option 2 – 2π

Yellow light is used in a single slit diffraction experiment with a slit width of 0.6 mm. If the yellow light is replaced by X-rays, then the observed pattern will reveal

1. a number of fringes

2. no diffraction pattern

3. less number of fringes

4. None of above

Option 2 – no diffraction pattern

As a wave propagates:

1. The wave intensity decreases as the inverse square of the distance from the source for a spherical wave

2. The wave intensity decreases as the inverse of the distance from the source for spherical wave

3. The total intensity of the spherical wave over the spherical surface centered at the source remains constant at all times

4. (1) and (3)

Option 4 – (1) and (3)

The relativistic mass increases with …….. velocity

1. decreasing

2. increasing

3. constant

4. None of above

Option 2 – increasing

Very energetic atomic particles are capable of moving faster in a material medium than the velocity of light in free space. This phenomenon gives rise to a light wave known as

1. Cosmic radiation

2. X-ray radiation

3. Electromagnetic radiation

4. UV rays radiation

Option 1 – Cosmic radiation

What is the radius of the first zone plate of focal length 0.2 m for a light of wavelength 5000 A?

1. 0.0316 m

2. 0.0316 cm

3. 0.021 m

4. 1 cm

Option 2 – 0.0316 cm

When a diffraction pattern is formed due to white light, the angle of diffraction is maximum for …….. color.

1. Violet

2. Blue

3. Yellow

4. Red

Option 4 – Red

The resolving power of a microscope increases with

1. Wavelength

2. Refractive index of the medium

3. Magnitude of body

4. Length of microscope

Option 2 – Refractive index of the medium

The resolving power of a prism increases with

1. The base width of the prism

2. The angle of the prism

3. The base of the prism

4. Height of prism

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Option 1 – The base width of the prism

The resolving power of a grating increases with

1. Lines per unit area

2. Total lines

3. Width

4. Source

Option 2 – Total lines

When sunlight passes through the leaves of the tree, some circular spots are observed on the ground. This is because of

1. Interference

2. Diffraction

3. Polarisation

4. None

Option 2 – Diffraction

In which of the following phenomenon, do the measurements of the instrument has no relation with the wavelength of light?

1. Interference

2. Diffraction

3. Polarisation

4. Straight line propagation.

Option 3 – Polarisation

The property exhibited by both sound waves and light waves is

1. Only interference

2. Only diffraction

3. Only polarization

4. Interference and diffraction

Option 4 – Interference and diffraction

The width of the diffraction bands is observed by the diffraction plan with red light. If blue color is used instead of red,

1. No change in diffraction bands will occur

2. Diffraction bands will disappear

3. Diffraction bands come closer and their width decreases

4. None of these

Option 3 – Diffraction bands come closer and their width decreases

The shape of the half-period strip in the cylindrical wavefront is

1. Irregular

2. Spherical

3. Rectangular

4. Circular

Option 3 – Rectangular

The radii of circles drawn on the strips are proportional to

1. Natural numbers

2. Roots of natural numbers

3. Squares of natural numbers

4. Cubes of natural numbers

Option 2 – Roots of natural numbers

In the spectrum of white light, the first focal length of the strip is the maximum for the wavelength of …………… color.

1. Red

2. Green

3. Yellow

4. Violet

Option 4 – Violet

The intensity of light at Fraunhofer dif fraction minima is

1. Zero

2. Equal

3. Increases

4. Decreases

Option 1 – Zero

When Fresnel’s diffraction occurs at a circular hole, an odd number of time period strips are formed on the screen with respect to a point, calculating the intensity of light at that point.

1. Zero

2. Minimum

3. Maximum

4. None

Option 3 – Maximum

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