Mechanical Vibration MCQ

Mechanical Vibration MCQ. We covered all the Mechanical Vibration MCQ in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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MCQ on Mechanical Vibration for Students

Which of the following is not among the uses of Lissajous figures.

1. Frequency observation of two system

2. Simple intervals between two forks

3. Vibration of length of a rod fixed at one end

4. None of the above

Option 4 – None of the above

A particle decreases simple harmonic motion in a line 4 cm long. Its velocity when passing through the centre of the line is 12 cm/see. What is the period.

1. 1.047 sec

2. 0.1047 sec

3. 104.7 sec

4. None of above

Option 1 – 1.047 sec

A body executes simple harmonic motion of amplitude 1.0cm and frequency 12 cycles per second. What is its velocity when the displacement is 0.5 cm?

1. 65.3 cm/sec

2. 0.653 cm/sec

3. 68.5 cm/sec

4. 653 cm/sec

Option 1 – 65.3 cm/sec

Two identical sonometer wires have a fundamental frequency of 500 vibra tions/sec, when kept under the same ten sion. What fractional increase in the ten sion of one wire would be cause an occurence of 5 beats/sec. When both wires vibrate together.

1. 4%

2. 2%

3. 5%

4. 3%

Option 2 – 2%

In the electrical method for producing Lissajous figure a ………. is used.

1. Cathode ray oscilloscope

2. Black burn’s pendulum

3. Vibrations microscope

4. None of above

Option 1 – Cathode ray oscilloscope

The various methods of compounding two simple harmonic motions include.

1.Optical method

2. Electrical method

3. Black burn’s pendulum

4. Above all

Option 4 – Above all

For small amplitude oscillations the potential energy is

1. circular

2. parabolic

3. elliptical

4. hyperbolic

Option 2 – parabolic

In simple harmonic motion the amplitude 5 cm and time period is 31.4 sec. The max imum velocity is

1. 1.4

2. 2

3. 2.4

4. 1

Option 4 – 1

The potential energy of a simple harmon- ic oscillator is maximum when its dis placement is equal to.

1. Amplitude

2. Amplitude/2

3. Zero

4. None of the above

Option 1 – Amplitude

Which of the following is not essential for simple harmonic motion.

1. Restoring forces

2. Elasticity

3. Inertia

4. Gravity

Option 4 – Gravity

The Lissajous figures make a figure of eight, if the frequency ratio is

1. 2 : 1

2. 1 : 2

3. 1 : 3

4. 1 : 4

Option 2 – 1 : 2

We covered all the mechanical vibration mcq above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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