Mediaeval Time

Mediaeval Time. We covered all the Mediaeval Time in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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MCQ on Mediaeval Time for UPSC Students

Who was the ‘Mandala Mudali’ in the Chola administration set-up?

(a) Provincial Governor

(b) District Head

(c) Head of Judiciary

(d) Intelligence Head

Option a – Provincial Governor

The South Indian state which was famous for it naval power was

(a) Chalukyas

(b) Cholas

(c) Hoyasals

(d) Pandyas

Option b – Cholas

What is the correct ascending order of the following units of administration in the Chola period?

(a) Valanadas, Nadas, Mandalams, Kurrams

(b) Nadas, Mandalas, Kurrams, Valanadas

(c) Kurrams, Nadas, Valanadas, Mandalams

(d) Mandalams, Valanadas, Nadas Kurrams

Option c – Kurrams, Nadas, Valanadas, Mandalams

The king was virtually a deity in the Chola administration. Which of the following was not one of the ways in which the cult of the God-King (Devaraja) was encouraged?

(a) The chief icon installed by the king in the temple was called after him.

(b) Images of the deceased rulers were worshispped.

(c) Temples were also built as monuments of dead kings.

(d) Sometimes images of living kings were also installed in temples alongside other deities.

Option d – Sometimes images of living kings were also installed in temples alongside other deities.

‘Uttaramerur Inscription’ gives us information about

(a) diplomatic relations between the Cholas and the Sailendra.

(b) autonomous village administration of the Cholas.

(c) origin of the Cholas.

(d) military achievements of Rajaraja I.

Option b – autonomous village administration of the Cholas.

What was the administrative innovation introduced by Rajaraja?

(a) He abolished tolls, control and local taxes on merchandise.

(b) He made it a practice to send only the members of the royal household as viceroys of the provinces.

(c) He introduced the system of associating the yuvaraja with the administration of the country.

(d) He abolished the Council of Ministers and replaced it with a body consisting of representatives of village assemblies.

Option c – He introduced the system of associating the yuvaraja with the administration of the country.

Consider the following statements about Chola kings. I. King Adhirajendra was murdered by the rebellious mobs. II. King Kulottunga II, completely freed Sri Lanka and married his daughter with the Sinhalese prince. III. King Rajaraja assumed the title of Mummadi Chola. Which of the statements given above are correct?

(a) I and II

(b) II and III

(c) I and III

(d) All of the above

Option d – All of the above

Consider the following statements. I. The Cholas defeated Pandya and Chera rulers and established their domination over Penisular India in the early medieval times. II. The Cholas sent an expedition against Sailendra Empire of South East Asia and conquered some of the areas. Which of these statements is/are correct?

(a) Only I

(b) Only II

(c) Both I and II

(d) Neither I nor II

Option c – Both I and II

Consider the following statements about Rajaraja. I. The economic motive behind his conquest of Cheras, Pandyas and Sri Lanka was to bring the trade with South-East Asian countries under his control and open the sea routes to China. II. His greatest historical contribution was that he introduced the tradition of beginning the Chola epigraphs with historical introductions. III. In the field of agrarian and fiscal administration, he introduced the system of auditing of the accounts of the village assemblies and other local bodies. Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

(a) I and II

(b) II and III

(c) I and III

(d) All of these

Option d – All of these

Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion A and the other as Reason R. Assertion (A) We have much more information about Cholas than their predecessors. Reason (R) The Chola rulers adopted the practice of having inscriptions written on the walls of temples giving a historical narrative of their victories. Select the correct answer from the codes given below.

(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A

(b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A

(c) A is true, but R is false

(d) A is false, but R is true

Option a – Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A

The Pala, Pratiharas and the Rashtrakutas fought for control over which city?

(a) Ujjain

(b) Patliputra

(c) Kannauj

(d) Kaushambi

Option c – Kannauj

Tripartite struggle lasted for how many years?

(a) 100 years

(b) 200 years

(c) 300 years

(d) 400 years

Option b – 200 years

Consider the following statements about the Tripartite struggle of the AD 8th century. I. It was struggle between Palas in the East, Gurjar-Pratihara in the North and Rashtrakutas in the Deccan. II. The main cause for this struggle was the desire to possess the city of Kannauj (UP) which was a symbol of sovereignty at that time. Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?

(a) Only I

(b) Only II

(c) Both I and II

(d) Neither I nor II

Option c – Both I and II

The most important feature of Chola administration was

(a) absolute despotism of the monarch.

(b) mandala mudalis at the provincial level.

(c) autonomous assembly in a district.

(d) autonomous village assemblies in agraharas.

Option d – autonomous village assemblies in agraharas.

Which one of the following is a special feature of the Chola Polity?

(a) Autonomous village panchayats.

(b) Division of kingdom into the mandalas.

(c) Monarchical system.

(d) Enlightened Council of Ministers.

Option a – Autonomous village panchayats.

An enormous Nandi; the second largest in India is a feature of which Chola temple? ( Mediaeval Time Period MCQ )

(a) Natarajan temple at Chitambaram

(b) Gangaikonda Cholapuram temple

(c) Lepakshi temple

(d) Raja Rajeswara temple at Tanjore

Option d – Raja Rajeswara temple at Tanjore

Bronze icons of Nataraja cast during the Chola period invariably show the deity with

(a) eight hands

(b) six hands

(c) four hands

(d) two hands

Option c – four hands

Which one of the following statements about Brihadeswara Temple Tanjavur is not correct? ( Mediaeval Time Period MCQ )

(a) The temple is a splendid example of Chola architecture.

(b) It was built by Emperor Rajaraja I.

(c) The temple is constructed of granite

(d) The temple is monument a dedicated to Lord Vishnu.

Option d – The temple is monument a dedicated to Lord Vishnu.

What was the occasion for the building of a new capital near the mouth of the Cauveri called Gangaikonda Cholapuram by Rajendra I?

(a) His victory over the Western Gangas

(b) Successful conclusion of his campaign against the Eastem Gangas of Odisha.

(c) The performance of an Ashvamedha yajna after his all round victories

(d) The successful campaign of his armies in North India

Option d – The successful campaign of his armies in North India

During the Rajput period, the expression ‘Vinay-Stithi-Sthapak’ was used in administration for

(a) Chief of the Army

(b) Chief of the Treasury

(c) Manager of the Palace

(d) Chief of the Court

Option b – Chief of the Treasury

Which of the following was not one of the feudal obligations of the feudatories to the overlord?

(a) Attendance at court and payment of tribute to the overlord.

(b) For smaller feudatories, permission from the king for any changes in the administration of their property.

(c) Maintenance of a specified number of troops and payment of tribute of the king.

(d) Permission of the king for matrimonial alliances.

Option d – Permission of the king for matrimonial alliances.

Which of the following was not one of the effects of the growth of a feudal society in India?

(a) It weakened the position of the ruler.

(b) The law and order situation uniformly deteriorated.

(c) The growing social gaps between the upper and the lower social structure.

(d) Growing rigidity regarding marriage, touch taboos and food taboos.

Option b – The law and order situation uniformly deteriorated.

Which of the following is not correctly matched? ( Mediaeval Time Period MCQ )

(a) Bhandagarika – Treasurer

(b) Mahadandanay aka – Commander-in Chief

(c) Vishyapati – Head of Bhuktis

(d) Kumaramatyas – Minister

Option c – Vishyapati – Head of Bhuktis

Consider the following statements : I. Bhukti was one of the administrative unit during early medieval period. II. Vishyas were the topmost administrative unit in hierarchy. Select the correct answer using the codes given below.

(a) Only I

(b) Only II

(c) Both I and II

(d) Neither I nor II

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Option a – Only I

It is said that the “real cause for the defeat of the Rajputs against the Turks lay in the prevalent social system”, because

(a) in the caste-ridden society the defence of the country was the sole concern of the Rajputs

(b) it rendered all other people psychologically unfit for military service.

(c) it killed the national will to put a common front against the Turks.

(d) All of the above

Option d – All of the above

We covered all the mediaeval time above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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