NCERT Class 8 History Chapter 9 MCQ

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NCERT Class 8 History Chapter 9 MCQ Objective for Students

Which Muslim general conquered Bengal in the thirteenth century?

(a) Timur

(b) Iqtiaruddin Bin Bakhtiar Khalji

(c) Chengiz Khan

(d) Abdur Rahim Khan i Khanan

Option b – Iqtiaruddin Bin Bakhtiar Khalji

The painted illustration of the moving of the Ashoka Pillar at Topra is found in ( NCERT Class 8 History MCQ )

(a) Tarikh-i-Firuz Shahi

(b) Tarikh-i-Shahi

(c) Sirat-i-Firuz Shahi

(d) Akbar Nama

Option b – Tarikh-i-Shahi

Ibn Batuta went to China as the envoy of which one of the following Delhi Sultans?

(a) Alauddin Khalji

(b) Muhammad bin Tughluq

(c) Iltutmish

(d) Firoz Shah Tughluq

Option b – Muhammad bin Tughluq

Which Sultan was not a slave before he ascended the throne? ( NCERT Class 8 History MCQ )

(a) Qutub-ud-din Aibak

(b) Iltutmish

(c) Alauddin Khilji

(d) Balban

Option c – Alauddin Khilji

Al-Biruni’s Kitab-ul-Hind was written in which language?

(a) Arabic

(b) Persian

(c) Urdu

(d) Turkish

Option a – Arabic

Who was the author of Tarikh i Daudi? ( NCERT Class 8 History MCQ )

(a) Niamatullah

(b) Abdullah

(c) Ahmad Yadgar

(d) Abul Fazl

Option b – Abdullah

Which one of the following is NOT the characteristic of the ‘Iqta System’?

(a) Iqta was a revenue collection system

(b) Siyasatnama was the source of information for the Iqta System

(c) Revenue from Iqta was directly deposited in Sultan’s account

(d) Muqti was supported to maintain troops out of the revenue collected from Iqta

Option c – Revenue from Iqta was directly deposited in Sultan’s account

Alberuni came to India with: ( NCERT Class 8 History MCQ )

(a) Mahmud of Ghazni

(b) Alexander

(c) Babur

(d) Timur

Option a – Mahmud of Ghazni

Mahmud of Ghazni attacked India mainly:

(a) to plunder the wealth of India

(b) to establish his empire in India

(c) to spread Islam in India

(d) to take the famous artisans of India to his court

Option a – to plunder the wealth of India

Which of the following battles was fought in 1192 A.D.? ( NCERT Class 8 History MCQ )

(a) First Battle of Tarain

(b) Second Battle of Tarain

(c) Battle of Talikota

(d) Battle of Kanwah

Option b – Second Battle of Tarain

Who was the first Sultan of Delhi to introduce the practice of ‘Sijda’?

(a) Firoz Tughlaq

(b) Alauddin Khilji

(c) Balban

(d) Muhammad Tughlaq

Option c – Balban

In whose rule was Islam, as the state religion, abolished? ( NCERT Class 8 History MCQ )

(a) Akbar

(b) Balban

(c) Ibrahim Lodhi

(d) Ghiyas-ud-din Tughlaq

Option a – Akbar

Which Muslim emperor was attracted by the beauty of Queen Padmini?

(a) Babar

(b) Humayun

(c) Akbar

(d) Alauddin Khilji

Option d – Alauddin Khilji

The city of Agra was founded in 1504 by: ( NCERT Class 8 History MCQ )

(a) Rana Sanga

(b) Ibrahim Lodhi

(c) Firuz Tughlaq

(d) Sikandar Lodhi

Option d – Sikandar Lodhi

Which of the following rulers ordered the translation of a large number of Hindu religious works from Sanskrit to Persian?

(a) Firoz Shah Tughlaq

(b) Alauddin Khilji

(c) Ghiasuddin Tughlaq

(d) Muhammad bin Tughlaq

Option a – Firoz Shah Tughlaq

The ‘Shahnama’ was written by: ( NCERT Class 8 History MCQ )

(a) Alberuni

(b) Firdausi

(c) Amir Khusrau

(d) Abul Fazal

Option b – Firdausi

‘Tahqiq-i-Hind’, a famous literary work, was written by:

(a) Badauni

(b) Nizam-ud-din Ahmad

(c) Alberuni

(d) Minhaj-us-Siraj

Option c – Alberuni

Who among the following introduced the famous Persian festival of Nauroz in India? ( NCERT Class 8 History MCQ )

(a) Balban

(b) Firuz Tughlaq

(c) Iltutmish

(d) Alauddin Khalji

Option a – Balban

Who amongst the following was the ruler of Chittor, when Alauddin Khilji attacked and conquered it in 1303 A.D.?

(a) Rana Sanga

(b) Rana Kumbha

(c) Rana Ratan Singh

(d) Rana Hammir

Option c – Rana Ratan Singh

The founder of the first Afghan dynasty in India was:

(a) Ibrahim Lodhi

(b) Bahlol Lodhi

(c) Sikandar Lodhi

(d) Sher Shah Suri

Option b – Bahlol Lodhi

Which of the following statements is false? ( NCERT Class 8 History MCQ )

(a) First to adopt the title of Sultan-Balban

(b) Tried to make monarchy hereditary Iltutmish First Sultan to be born of a Hindu

(c) mother-Nasir-ud-din Khusrau First Sultan to invade South India

(d) Ala-ud-din Khalji

Option a – First to adopt the title of Sultan-Balban

During whose reign did the Mongols first invade India?

(a) Ala-ud-din Khilji

(b) Ghiyas-ud-din Balban

(c) Iltutmish

(d) Jalal-ud-din Khilji

Option c – Iltutmish

Who among the following rulers is most famous for building a large number of canals for irrigation?

(a) Qutbuddin Aibak

(b) Firoz Shah Tughlaq

(c) Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq

(d) None of these

Option b – Firoz Shah Tughlaq

Which king of the slave dynasty was an expert calligraphist and spent his leisure time copying the Quran?

(a) Balban

(b) Iltutmish

(c) Nasir-ud-din

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(d) Bahram Shah

Option a – Balban

The most important feature in the economic measures pursued by Alauddin Khalji was:

(a) foreign trade

(b) market control

(c) minting of new coins

(d) development of agriculture

Option b – market control

Which of the following was not included in the Eight Fold Path prescribed by Buddha?

(a) Right belief

(b) Right speech

(c) Right meditation

(d) Right knowledge

Option d – Right knowledge

In which of the following countries was Buddhism first propagated outside India?

(a) Sri Lanka

(b) Cambodia

(c) Thailand

(d) China

Option a – Sri Lanka

Which one of the following is not included in the ‘eight-fold path’ of Buddhism?

(a) Right speech

(b) Right contemplation

(c) Right desire

(d) Right conduct

Option c – Right desire

The concept of the Eight-fold path forms the theme of:

(a) Dipavamsa

(b) Divyavadana

(c) Mahaparinibban Sutta

(d) Dharma Chakara Pravartana Sutra

Option d – Dharma Chakara Pravartana Sutra

Who wrote the Kalpasutra?

(a) Bhadrabahu

(b) Sthulabhadra

(c) Gopala

(d) Gosala

Option a – Bhadrabahu

The original teachings of Mahavira are contained in which of the following texts?

(a) 12 Angas

(b) 14 Purvas

(c) Tripitakas

(d) Jatakas

Option b – 14 Purvas

In which of the following languages were the original Buddhist religious texts written?

(a) Brahmi

(b) Sanskrit

(c) Magadhi

(d) Pali

Option d – Pali

The famous ruler of ancient India who, towards the end of his life, is said to have converted to Jainism, was:

(a) Samudragupta

(b) Bindusara

(c) Chandragupta Maurya

(d) Ashoka

Option c – Chandragupta Maurya

Which of the following Buddhist texts lays down the regulations for the management of the Sangha and the rule of conduct for the monks?

(a) Vinaya Pitaka

(b) Sutta Pitaka

(c) Abhidhamma Pitaka

(d) None of these

Option a – Vinaya Pitaka

The extreme form of Ahimsa or non-violence is practiced in:

(a) Buddhism

(b) Hinduism

(c) Jainism

(d) None of these

Option c – Jainism

A famine took place in Magadha 200 years after Mahavira’s death. During that period who among the following left Magadha for South India and is given the credit for carrying Jainism to the south?

(a) Sudharmana

(b) Indrabhuti

(c) Sthulabhadra

(d) Bhadrabahu

Option d – Bhadrabahu

A well-known patron of the Mahayana form of Buddhism was:

(a) Ajatashatru

(b) Bimbisara

(c) Ashoka

(d) Kanishka

Option d – Kanishka

Dalai Lamas are considered reincarnations of which of the following?

(a) Avalokiteshwara

(b) Buddha

(c) Maitreya

(d) Ksitigarbha

Option a – Avalokiteshwara

Which among the following best suits Vajrasana?

(a) The place where Buddha got enlightenment

(b) The place where the First Buddhist Council was held

(c) The capital of one of the clans of Athakula

(d) The site where a Mauryan Palace has been excavated

Option a – The place where Buddha got enlightenment

Of the following features of Buddhism, which is not true?

(a) It believes that the world is full of sorrow.

(b) It strongly believes in the power of human action.

(c) It believes that it is the duty of the righteous ruler to ensure a means of subsistence for everyone.

(d) It is pessimistic as it believes that man is caught in the cycle of misery.

Option d – It is pessimistic as it believes that man is caught in the cycle of misery

With reference to medieval India, consider the following statements:

  1. The internal weakness of the Delhi Sultanate during the reign of Firoze Shah Tughlaq resulted in the establishment of new independent states of Awadh, Hyderabad, and Mysore.
  2. The newly established independent kingdoms during the reign of Firoze Shah Tughlaq had a regional history that pre-dated the Sultanate period.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 only

(c) Both 1 and 2

(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Option b – 2 only

One of the important characteristics of the Vijayanagar administration was the ‘amara-nayaka’ system. With reference to it, consider the following statements:

  1. The ‘nayakas’ were special troops/soldiers responsible for expanding Vijayanagar territory in neighboring states by engaging themselves in continuous military warfare.
  2. Under this system, the Nayaks were granted land called ‘amaram’ in lieu of their services while other soldiers were usually paid in cash.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 only

(c) Both 1 and 2

(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Option b – 2 only

With reference to the Sharqi dynasty of Medieval India, consider the following statements:

  1. Malik Sarwar, the governor of Jaunpur, was the founder of the Sharqi Dynasty.
  2. Hussain Shah Sharqi contributed significantly to the development of the khayal music.
  3. The dynasty was founded during the Delhi Sultanate period and continued up to the Mughal period.

How many of the statements given above are correct?

(a) Only one

(b) Only two

(c) All three

(d) None

Option b – Only two

With reference to the Bahmani administrative system, consider the following statements:

  1. The Sultanate was divided into a number of provinces called tarafs.
  2. To strengthen the empire, the system of land grant was abolished and Nobles used to get their salary in cash.
  3. “Deccanis” and “Afaqis” were groups of nobles who always had tension to appropriate better administrative positions.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

(a) 1 only

(b) 1 and 2 only

(c) 2 only

(d) 1 and 3 only

Option d – 1 and 3 only

With reference to the economic history of India under the Mughal rule between 1600-1800, consider the following statements:

  1. ‘Asami’ and ‘Muzarian’ were the terms used to denote rich merchants during this period.
  2. During this period, India’s population increased by almost one-third, despite periodic famines and epidemics.
  3. While the ‘Khud-kashta’ peasants cultivated the land in the village they lived in, the ‘Pahi-kashta’ were non-resident cultivators.
  4. Jahangir promoted tobacco cultivation to increase the state revenue.

Which of the statements given above are correct?
a) 1, 3 and 4 only

b) 2 and 3 only

c) 1 and 4 only

d) 1, 2 and 3 only

Option b – 2 and 3 only

Consider the following statements with respect to revenue administration in medieval India:

  1. In the Jagirdari System, it was not the land that was assigned, but the revenue from the land was given to the Jagirdars.
  2. The Iqtedars first deposited all the revenues they collected from their iqtas in the central treasury and then from there they received payment for their salaries and other expenditures.
  3. The rise of Independent States during the later Mughal period witnessed the rise of the Ijaradari system.

How many of the statements given above are correct?
a) Only one

b) Only two

c) All three

d) None

Option b – Only two

With reference to the Mughal Empire, consider the following statements:

  1. The Ain-i-Akbari written by Abul Fazl forms part of Akbar Nama.
  2. A pupil of Abul Fazl was commissioned by Shah Jahan to write a history of his reign that was modeled after the Akbar Nama.
  3. Gulbadan Begum wrote Humayun Nama in the form of a eulogy, praising the achievements of Mughal emperors, especially Humayun.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
a) 1 and 2 only

b) 2 and 3 only

c) 1 and 3 only

d) 3 only

Option a – 1 and 2 only

Arrange the following personalities in the correct chronology:

  1. Sahu
  2. Shahji Bhonsle
  3. Sambhaji
  4. Rajaram
  5. Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj

Select the correct answer using the code given below:

(a) 1-2-3-4-5

(b) 2-5-1-3-4

(c) 2-5-1-4-3

(d) 2-5-3-4-1

Option d – 2-5-3-4-1

With reference to King Martanda Varma of the state of Travancore during the 18th century, consider the following statements:

  1. He consolidated his authority with the help of military leaders known as Nayars.
  2. He extended patronage to the Syrian Christian trading community living within his domains to restrict European involvement in trade.
  3. He constructed a network of roads called the “Travancore Line,” to boost trade with the neighboring states.

Which of the statements given above is/are not correct?

(a) 1 and 2 only

(b) 2 only

(c) 1 and 3 only

(d) 1, 2 and 3

Option c – 1 and 3 only

Which one of the following Muslim rulers was hailed as the Jagadguru by his Muslim subjects because of his belief in secularism?

(a) Husain Shah

(b) Zain-ul-Abidin

(c) Ibrahim Adil Shah

(d) Mahmud II

Option c – Ibrahim Adil Shah

With reference to the Maratha confederacy, consider the following statements:

  1. Under the confederacy system, each Maratha chief assigned a territory that could be administered autonomously.
  2. The system of confederacy among Maratha chiefs was started by Shivaji.
  3. The Holkars were a prominent Maratha family who established their authority in Gwalior.

How many of the statements given above are correct?

(a) Only one

(b) Only two

(c) All three

(d) None

Option a – Only one

Consider the following statements about States formed by former Mughal Nobles in the 18th Century:

  1. The founders of Awadh, Bengal and Hyderabad states were former governors of these provinces and powerful members of the Mughal nobility.
  2. The revenue reforms undertaken by them led to the development of the Ijardari system in their states.
  3. One of the common features in all these regional states was their emerging relationship with rich bankers and merchants.

How many of the statements given above are correct?

(a) Only one

(b) Only two

(c) All three

(d) None

Option c – All three

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