NEET Bio MCQ. We covered all the NEET Bio MCQ in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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MCQ on Living World for NEET Students

The lac operon consists of

(A) four regulatory genes only

(B) one regulatory gene and three structural genes

(C) two regulatory genes and two structural genes

(D) three regulatory genes and three structural genes

Option b – one regulatory gene and three structural genes

In the plant breeding program, the entire collection of plants/seeds) having all the diverse alleles for (all genes in a given crop is called

(A) selection of superior recombinants

(B) cross-hybridization among the selected parents

(C) evaluation and selection of parents

(D) germplasm collection

Option d – germplasm collection

Select the correct statement from the following.

(A) Biogas is produced by the activity of aerobic bacteria on animal waste

(B) Methanobacterium is an aerobic bacterium found in the rumen of cattle.

(C) Biogas, commonly called gobar gas, is pure methane.

(D) Activated sludge-sediment in settlement tanks of sewage treatment plants is a rich source of aerobic bacteria.

Option d – Activated sludge-sediment in settlement tanks of sewage treatment plants is a rich source of aerobic bacteria.

Identify the WRONG statement regarding the process of sewage treatment.

(A) Primary treatment is a physical process.

(B) Secondary treatment is a biological process.

(C) The BOD of effluent increases after secondary treatment.

(D) The tanks used for tertiary treatment are anaerobic sludge digesters.

Option c – The BOD of effluent increases after secondary treatment.

Animal taxonomists have named the animals according to

(A) Indian Code for Zoology Nomenclature

(B) International Class for Zoology Nomenclature

(C) International Classification for Zoological Nomenclature

(D) International Code for Zoological Nomenclature

Option d – International Code for Zoological Nomenclature

The term ‘polyadelphous’ is related to

(A) calyx

(B) gynoecium

(C) androecium

(D) corolla

Option c – androecium

During which of the dissolution following stages of the synaptonemal complex occurs?

(A) Zygotene

(B) Diplotene

(C) Leptotene

(D) Pachytene

Option b – Diplotene

The organization Red List which publishes the species is





Option b – IUCN

The number of meiotic divisions required to produce 200/400 seeds of a pea would be

(A) 200/400

(B) 400/800

(C) 300/600

(D) 250/500

Option d – 250/500

Which one of the following is NOT a property of cancerous cells whereas, the remaining three are?

(A) They compete with normal cells for vital nutrients.

(B) They do not remain confined in the area of formation.

(C) They divide in an uncontrolled manner.

(D) They show contact inhibition.

Option d – They show contact inhibition.

What gases are produced in anaerobic sludge digesters?

(A) Methane and CO₂ only

(B) Methane, hydrogen sulphide, and CO₂

(C) Methane, hydrogen sulphide, and O₂

(D) Hydrogen sulphide and CO₂

Option b – Methane, hydrogen sulphide, and CO₂

Which of the following is not one of the prime health risks associated with greater UV radiation through the atmosphere due to the depletion of stratospheric ozone?

(A) Increased skin cancer

(B) Reduced immune system

(C) Damage to eyes

(D) Increased liver cancer

Option d – Increased liver cancer

Which of the following is not a substrate that promotes the growth of Spirulina?

(A) Sewage

(B) Animal manure

(C) Straw

(D) Soil

Option d – Soil

Amensalism is an association between two species where

(A) one species is harmed and the other is benefitted.

(B) one species is harmed and the other is unaffected.

(C) one species is benefitted and the other is unaffected.

(D) both species are harmed.

Option b – one species is harmed and the other is unaffected

A dioecious flowering plant prevents both :

(A) Autogamy and xenogamy

(B) Autogamy and geitonogamy

(C) Geitonogamy and xenogamy

(D) Cleistogamy and xenogamy

Option b – Autogamy and geitonogamy

Even in absence of pollinating agents seed setting is assured in

(A) Commelina

(B) Zostera

(C) Salvia

(D) fig

Option a – Commelina

In DNA fingerprinting technique, the radioactive intermediates formed during hybridization are ……… molecules.

(A) Double-stranded DNA

(B) Single-stranded DNA

(C) Single-stranded mRNA

(D) Double-stranded rRNA

Option a – Double-stranded DNA

We covered all the NEET Bio MCQ above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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