Spipa Entrance Exam Syllabus

Spipa Entrance Exam Syllabus. We covered all the Spipa Entrance Exam Syllabus MCQs in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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Spipa Entrance Exam Syllabus for Students

For which one of the following does the center of mass lie outside the body?

(A) A fountain pen

(B) A cricket ball

(C) A ring

(D) A book

Option c – A ring

A photovoltaic cell is related to

(A) Solar Energy

(B) Nuclear Energy

(C) Wind Energy

(D) Geo Thermal Energy

Option a – Solar Energy

Which one of the following is not a semiconductor?

(A) Silicon

(B) Germanium

(C) Quartz

(D) Gallium arsenide

Option c – Quartz

Suppose voltage V is applied across a resistance R. The power dissipated in the resistance is P. Now the same voltage V is applied across a parallel combination of three equal resistors each of resistance R. Then, the power dissipated in the second case will be

(A) P

(B) 3P

(C) P/3

(D) 2P/3

Option b – 3P

The waves used in common TV remote control are

(A) X-rays

(B) Ultra-violet rays

(C) Infra Red rays

(D) Gamma rays

Option c – Infra Red rays

When a piece of pure silicon is doped with aluminum, then

(A) the conductivity of the doped silicon piece will remain the same

(B) the doped silicon piece will become an N-type

(C) the doped silicon piece will become a P-type

(D) the resistivity of the doped silicon piece will increase

Option c – the doped silicon piece will become a P-type

In which of the following phenomena, do the heat waves travel along straight lines with the speed of light?

(A) Thermal conduction

(B) Forced convection

(C) Natural convection

(D) Thermal radiation

Option d – Thermal radiation

The statement that heat cannot flow by itself from a body at a lower temperature to a body at a higher temperature, is known as

(A) Zeroth law of thermodynamics

(B) the First law of thermodynamics

(C) the Second law of thermodynamics

(D) Third law of thermodynamics

Option c – the Second law of thermodynamics

Which one of the following statements is not correct?

(A) The cathode rays originate from the cathode and proceed toward the anode in a cathode ray discharge tube

(B) The television picture tubes are nothing but cathode ray tubes

(C) The cathode rays themselves are not visible

(D) The characteristics of cathode rays depend upon the nature of the gas present in the cathode ray tube

Option d – The characteristics of cathode rays depend upon the nature of the gas present in the cathode ray tube

When a ray of light enters a glass slab, then

(A) only the frequency changes

(B) frequency and velocity change

(C) frequency does not change

(D) frequency and wavelength change

Option c – frequency does not change

A rainbow is produced due to which one of the following phenomena?

(A) Dispersion of light

(B) Interference of light

(C) Diffraction of light

(D) Scattering of light by atmospheric dust

Option a – Dispersion of light

A ball is thrown vertically upward from the ground with a speed of 25.2 m/s. The ball will reach the highest point of its journey in

(A) 5.14 s

(B) 3.57 s

(C) 2.57 s

(D) 1.29 s

Option c – 2.57 s

Pressure is a scalar quantity because

(A) it is the ratio of force to area, and both force and area are vectors

(B) it is the ratio of the magnitude of force to area

(C) it is the ratio of the compound of force (normal to the area) to the area

(D) None of the above

Option c – it is the ratio of the compound of force (normal to the area) to the area

Which one among the following waves carries the maximum energy per photon?

(A) X-rays

(B) Radio waves

(C) Light waves

(D) Microwaves

Option a – X-rays

Faraday constant is:

(A) depends on the amount of the electrolyte

(B) depends on the current passed in the electrolyte

(C) depends on the volume of the solvent in which the electrolyte is dissolved

(D) is a universal constant

Option d – is a universal constant

The noise level during plane takeoff is around:

(A) 100 dB

(B) 150 dB

(C) 200 dB

(D) 250 dB

Option b – 150 dB

On heating, the resistance of a semiconductor:

(A) increases

(B) decreases

(C) remains the same

(D) first increases and then decreases

Option b – decreases

The highest viscosity among the following is:

(A) water

(B) air

(C) blood

(D) honey

Option d – honey

Which of the following is used in a fire alarm?

(A) Photocell

(B) Water

(C) Solar cell

(D) None of the above

Option a – Photocell

Myopia is also known as:

(A) Far-sightedness

(B) Poor-sightedness

(C) Extreme-sightedness

(D) Near-sightedness

Option d – Near-sightedness

The audible range for adult human beings is:

(A) Less than 20 Hz

(B) 20 to 20000 Hz

(C) 21000 to 50000 Hz

(D) 100 to 120 kHz

Option b – 20 to 20000 Hz

When a body falls freely towards the earth, then its total energy:

(A) Increases

(B) Remains the same

(C) Decreases

(D) First increases and then decreases

Option b – Remains the same

The instrument used to observe changes in the solar system is:

(A) Hubble telescope

(B) Electron telescope

(C) Microscope

(D) Both (B) and (C)

Option a – Hubble telescope

Two wires are made having the same length I and area of cross-section A. Wire 1 is made of copper and wire 2 is made of aluminum. It is given that the electrical conductivity of copper is more than that of aluminum. In this context, which one of the following statements is correct?

(A) The resistance of wire 1 will be higher than that of wire 2

(B) The resistance of wire 2 will be higher than that of wire 1

(C) The resistance of both wires will be the same

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(D) If the same current is flown through both wires, the power dissipated in both wires will be the same

Option b – The resistance of wire 2 will be higher than that of wire 1

The poorest conductor of heat among the following is:

(A) Copper

(B) Lead

(C) Mercury

(D) Zinc

Option c – Mercury

Light from the sun reaches us in nearly:

(A) 2 minutes

(B) 8 minutes

(C) 4 minutes

(D) 16 minutes

Option b – 8 minutes

Superconductors substances are:

(A) Conduct electricity at a lower temperature

(B) Offer high resistance to the flow of current

(C) Offer no resistance to the flow of current

(D) Conduct electricity at high temperature

Option c – Offer no resistance to the flow of current

What will be the nature of the image formed by a convex mirror when the position of the object is between infinity and pole P of the mirror?

(A) Virtual and erect

(B) Real and erect

(C) Real and inverted

(D) Virtual and inverted

Option a – Virtual and erect

TV remote control uses:

(A) Infrared frequency

(B) Radio frequency

(C) Visible frequency

(D) Ultraviolet frequency

Option a – Infrared frequency

Identify the vector quantity from the following:

(A) Heat

(B) Angular momentum

(C) Time

(D) Work

Option b – Angular momentum

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