Number System MCQ

Number System Questions for CTET MCQ

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01 The number 49532 rounded off to the nearest thousand is

  1. 41000
  2. 50000
  3. 49000
  4. 49500
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Option 2 – 50000

02 The diffrence between the number 5671 and the number obtained by reversing the digits is

  1. 4906
  2. 3916
  3. 7436
  4. 3906

Option 3 – 3906

03 Sum of place values of 6 in 63606 is

  1. 60606
  2. 6606
  3. 6066
  4. 18

Option 1 – 60606

04 19 thousand + 19 hundred + 19 ones is equal to

  1. 21090
  2. 20919
  3. 19919
  4. 191919

Option 2 – 20919

05 Which of the following is correct?

  1. Predecessor of successor of 1000 is 1000
  2. Predecessor of predecessor of 1000 is 999
  3. Successor of predecessor of 1000 is 1001
  4. Successor of predecessor of 1000 is 1002

Option 1 – Predecessor of successor of 1000 is 1000

06 In a shop, there are 239 toys. 70 more toys were bought. Out of the total, 152 toys were sold. What is the number of remaining toys?

  1. 239+70+152
  2. 239-70+152
  3. 239+70-152
  4. 239-70-152

Option 3 – 239+70-152

07 In the product 3759 x 9573, the sum of ten’s digit and unit’s digit is

  1. 7
  2. 9
  3. 16
  4. 0

Option 1 – 7

08 If 567567567 is divided by 567, then the quotient is

  1. 111
  2. 10101
  3. 1001001
  4. 3

Option 3 – 1001001

09 The sum of place values of 2 in 2424 is

  1. 4
  2. 220
  3. 2002
  4. 2020

Option 4 – 2020

10 What should be added to the product = 140 x 101 to get 14414?

  1. 264
  2. 274
  3. 278
  4. 364

Option 2 – 274

11 When 121012 is divided by 12, the remainder is

  1. 0
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4

Option 4 – 4

12 The difference of the place value and the face value of the number 3 in 12345 is

  1. 305
  2. 0
  3. 295
  4. 297

Option 4 – 297

13 11 ones + 11 tens + 11 hundred equals

  1. 111111
  2. 144
  3. 1221
  4. 12321

Option 3 – 1221

14 The sum of five hundred nine and three thousand twenty eight is

  1. 387
  2. 3537
  3. 3087
  4. 837

Option 2 – 3537

15 When 90707 is divided by 9, the remainder is

  1. 7
  2. 3
  3. 5
  4. 6

Option 3 – 5

16 The product of the place values of 5 and 6 in 70560 is

  1. 300
  2. 3000
  3. 30000
  4. 30

Option 3 – 30000

17 ( 10 tens + 11 hundred + 12 ones ) equals

  1. 1213
  2. 111012
  3. 101112
  4. 1212

Option 4 – 1212

18 What should be subtracted from the product 3001 x 101 to get 300311?

  1. 2790
  2. 2090
  3. 2970
  4. 270

Option 1 – 2790

19 When 3010301 is divided by 43, the quotient is

  1. 70707
  2. 70007
  3. 7077
  4. 7007

Option 2 – 70007

20 When 3488 is divided by 12 and 2478 is divided by 11, the difference between the remainders in both cases is

  1. 5
  2. 6
  3. 7
  4. 3

Option 1 – 5

21 The difference of the place value and the face value of 5 in 35362 is

  1. 0
  2. 495
  3. 4995
  4. 5005

Option 3 – 4995

22 The sum of the greatest 4-digit number and the smallest 3-digit number is

  1. 7000
  2. 9899
  3. 10099
  4. 10999

Option 3 – 10099

23 10 ones + 10 tens + 10 thousand equal to

  1. 11100
  2. 101010
  3. 10110
  4. 11011

Option 3 – 10110

24 Twenty-six and twenty-six hundredths is written as

  1. 2626
  2. 26.26
  3. 262.6
  4. 2.626

Option 2 – 26.26

25 What number should be subtracted from the product 1109 x 505, so as to get 505050?

  1. 49495
  2. 55005
  3. 54995
  4. 59495

Option 3 – 54995

26 The sum of place values of 5 in 6251, 6521 and 5621 is

  1. 550
  2. 15
  3. 5550
  4. 5050

Option 3 – 5550

27 Which one of the following statement is true?

  1. The product of three odd numbers is an even number
  2. The difference of an even number and an odd number can be an even number
  3. The sum of two odd numbers and one even number is an even number
  4. The sum of three odd numbers is an even number

Option 3 – The sum of two odd numbers and one even number is an even number

28 What should be subtracted from the product 102 x 201 to get 19999 ?

  1. 503
  2. 602
  3. 103
  4. 401

Option 1 – 503

29 On dividing 110111 by 11, the sum of the quotient and the remainder is

  1. 11011
  2. 11001
  3. 10101
  4. 10011

Option 4 – 10011

30 Ravi has three dozen chocolates. He gave one-third of them to his neighbour, one-sixth to Rehana, and one-fourth to his sister. How many chocolates are left with him?

  1. 9
  2. 10
  3. 6
  4. 8

Option 1 – 9

31 The difference between the place value of 6 and face value of 4 in 56431 is ( Number System MCQ )

  1. 999
  2. 5600
  3. 5996
  4. 2

Option 3 – 5996

32 10 thousand + 10 hundred + 10 tens equals to

  1. 11110
  2. 11100
  3. 11010
  4. 101010

Option 2 – 11100

33 The sum of remainders obtained by dividing 12112 by 11 and 13223 by 13 is

  1. 3
  2. 4
  3. 5
  4. 2

Option 1 – 3

34 There are 660 students in a school. Two-thirds of them are boys. Three-fourths of the number of boys are players and one-fourth of the girls are players. Total number of players in the school is

  1. 370
  2. 385
  3. 395
  4. 330

Option 2 – 385

35 If (the place value of 5 in 15201) + (the place value of 6 in 2659) =7 x ……, then the number in the blank space is

  1. 90
  2. 900
  3. 80
  4. 800

Option 4 – 800

36 If 112 ones + 12 thousand = 11012 + ….. tens, then the number in the blank space is ( Number System MCQ )

  1. 111
  2. 112
  3. 101
  4. 110

Option 4 – 110

37 If 1001 x 111 = 110000 + 11 x ….., then the number in, the blank space is

  1. 121
  2. 101
  3. 211
  4. 111

Option 2 – 101

38 If the difference of remainders obtained on dividing 26679 by 39 and 29405 by 34, is divided by 18, then the remainder will be

  1. 8
  2. 9
  3. 3
  4. 5

Option 1 – 8

39 The difference between the place value of 5 in 29503 and the face value of 7 in 32071 is

  1. 493
  2. 2
  3. 43
  4. 430

Option 1 – 493

40 If 30028 = 28 Ones + 28 Thousand + ……. Tens, then the number in the blank space is ( Number System MCQ )

  1. 280
  2. 28
  3. 128
  4. 200

Option 4 – 200

41 If 603 x 28 = 63 x 4 x ……, then the number in the blank space is

  1. 67
  2. 21
  3. 28
  4. 63

Option 1 – 67

42 A number is smaller than half of one hundred and lies between 4 tens and 5 tens. Ones digit is one less than tens digit. If the sum of digits is 7, then the product of the digits in the number is

  1. 24
  2. 12
  3. 16
  4. 20

Option 2 – 12

43 When the remainder obtained on dividing 80808 by 108 is divided by the remainder obtained on dividing 90909 by 109, then the quotient is

  1. 12
  2. 3
  3. 6
  4. 8

Option 4 – 8

44 In a school, there are 360 students out of which two-thirds are girls and the rest are boys. Three-fourths of the number of boys are players. The number of boys who are not players is

  1. 75
  2. 25
  3. 30
  4. 60

Option 3 – 30

We will add a few more Number System MCQ on our MCQ TUBE website. Check our website daily for more CTET Maths MCQ’S.

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