Organisation of Life MCQ

Organisation of Life MCQ. We covered all the Organisation of Life MCQ in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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MCQ on Organization of Life for Students

The ribosomes are made up of

1. RNA and DNA

2. DNA and proteins

3. RNA and fats

4. RNA and proteins

Option 4 – RNA and proteins

This is a network of fibres present all over the cell.

1. Cytoskeleton

2. Mitochondria

3. Nucleus

4. Lysosomes

Option 1 – Cytoskeleton

Rough endoplasmic reticulum is connected to

1. Protein synthesis

2. Lipid synthesis

3. Sugar synthesis

4. Vitamin synthesis

Option 1 – Protein synthesis

Except ribosomes other cell organelles are absent in

1. Plant cell

2. Animal cell

3. Bacterial cell

4. Virus particle

Option 3 – Bacterial cell

Micrometres (um) for 1 millimetre

1. 10


3. 1000


Option 3 – 1000

Complex molecules are broken into simple molecules in

1. Lysosomes

2. Ribosomes

3. Chromosomes

4. All

Option 1 – Lysosomes

Groups of ribosomes are called?

1. Polysomes

2. Lysosomes

3. Both (1) and (2)

4. None

Option 1 – Polysomes

Leucoplasts are

1. Green

2. Blue

3. Red

4. White

Option 4 – White

In plant cells, DNA is present in the

1. Nucleus

2. Nucleus and chloroplasts

3. Nucleus, chloroplasts and mitochondria

4. Chloroplasts and mitochondria

Option 1 – Nucleus

Suberin is a component of

1. Cell wall

2. Plasma membrane

3. Mitochondria

4. Nucleus

Option 1 – Cell wall

Centroles participate in

1. Protein synthesis

2. Cell division

3. Cell movement

4. Cell death

Option 2 – Cell division

Chromoplasts are present in

1. Roots

2. Green leaves

3. Dried leaves

4. Flowers and fruits

Option 4 – Flowers and fruits

These are absent in plant cells.

1. Cell walls

2. Vacuoles

3. Plastids

4. Centrioles

Option 4 – Centrioles

Pectin consists of these salts.

1. Calcium and manganese

2. Calcium and Zinc

3. Calcium or magnesium

4. Zinc and magnesium

Option 3 – Calcium or magnesium

This gives mechanical strength to the cell.

1. Cell wall

2. Vacuole

3. Plastid

4. Centriole

Option 1 – Cell wall

These structures penetrate through the cell walls

1. Plasmalemma

2. Plasmodesmata

3. Plasma membrane

4. Plastids

Option 2 – Plasmodesmata

These organelles are responssible for the colour of the plant cell.

1. Vacuoles

2. Cell wall

3. Golgi bodies

4. Plastids

Option 4 – Plastids

Fluid in the vacuole is called

1. Cell sap

2. Vacuolar sap

3. Both 1 & 2

4. None

Option 2 – Vacuolar sap

Plastids with DNA and ribosomes are

1. Chloroplasts

2. Chromoplasts

3. Leucoplasts

4. All

Option 1 – Chloroplasts

Centrosome consists of

1. Nucleoli

2. Centrioles

3. Chromatin

4. Plastids

Option 2 – Centrioles

Karyokinesis is the division of

1. Nucleus

2. Mitochondria

3. Ribosomes

4. Lysosomes

Option 1 – Nucleus

We covered all the organisation of life mcq above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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