Organisation of Life MCQ NEET

Organisation of Life MCQ NEET. We covered all the Organisation of Life MCQ NEET in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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MCQ on Organisation of Life for NEET Students

Which is the major type of cancer in men?

1. Cancer of intestine

2. Lung cancer

3. Breast cancer

4. Bone cancer

Option 2 – Lung cancer

The centromere splits during this stage.

1. Metaphase

2. Anaphase

3. Telophase

4. Cyto Kinesis

Option 2 – Anaphase

This is not a phase of karyokinesis

1. Prophase

2. Metaphase

3. Telophase

4. Inter phase

Option 3 – Telophase

These are responsible for the inheritance of parental features.

1. Genes

2. Nucleolus

3. Cytoplasm

4. Mitochondria

Option 1 – Genes

Chromosomes are in this part of the cell

1. Cytoplasm

2. Ribosome

3. Nucleus

4. Reticulum

Option 3 – Nucleus

How many sets of chromosomes are passed on to the daughter cells during meiosis?

1. One set

2. Two sets

3. Four sets

4. Nil

Option 1 – One set

How many times do karyokinesis and cytokinesis occur in meiosis?

1. One

2. Two

3. Three

4. Four

Option 2 – Two

During this, the gametes fuse to form zygote.

1. Reduction

2. Oxidation

3. Fertilization

4. Meiosis

Option 3 – Fertilization

During meiosis, this divides twice

1. Nucleus

2. Cytoplasm

3. Plastids

4. Cell wall

Option 1 – Nucleus

The life of the red blood cells is only

1. 100 days

2. 110 days

3. 120 days

4.130 days

Option 3 – 120 days

In this organ, cells are peeled off everyday.

1. Skin

2. Heart

3. Liver

4. Stomach

Option 1 – Skin

This is important for wound healing.

1. Meiosis

2. Mitosis

3. Photosynthesis

4. Excretion

Option 2 – Mitosis

Cells present at this place of wound divide repeatedly by mitosis.

1. Inside parts

2. Heart

3. Margins

4. Kidneys

Option 1 – Inside parts

This helps in the growth of organs and organism by increasing the cell number.

1. Meiosis

2. Mitosis

3. Fertilization

4. Cell division

Option 2 – Mitosis

This helps in the replacement of worn-out and old cells by the existing cells.

1. Mitosis

2. Meiosis

3. Cell division

4. Photosynthesis

Option 1 – Mitosis

This is important for the reproduction and propagation of the species.

1. Mitosis

2. Meiosis

3. Fertilization

4. Cell division

Option 2 – Meiosis

This occurs due to the mitotic cell division.

1. Cancer

2. Bruises

3. Wound healing

4. Destruction of red cells

Option 3 – Wound healing

This is one of the conditions of cancer patient.

1. Activeness

2. Sleepiness

3. Becoming weak

4. Great appetite

Option 3 – Becoming weak

This is not an example of carcinoma.

1. Lung cancer

2. Breast cancer

3. Stomach cancer

4. Muscle cancer

Option 4 – Muscle cancer

In which of the following differentiation is not seen?

1. Amoeba

2. Maize plant

3. Snail

4. Lizard

Option 1 – Amoeba

We covered all the organisation of life mcq neet above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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